Calling all aspiring exterminators: September is Mahalo's Official Bug Month - Post your favorite (aka most hated) Mahalo bug?

Big bug on this question itself. Calling all aspiring exterminators: September is Mahalo's Official Bug Month - Post your favorite (aka most hated) Mahalo bug Click this link, for a second it would show the actual time this question was posted and then change to minutes.

When it shows the actual date, it is in future! September 26, 2009! Is this intentional or a bug, or an issue with @mike 's system?

Just so you all know -- we (the dev team) are watching this thread closely. For those of you who don't know me, I'm the CTO of Mahalo, and I'll be in here often from now until bug squashification is complete (and probably after that even) ... so, be verbose, post early and often. We're listening.

The more you can tell us about exactly what caused your bug and what browser / OS you're on, the better. Once we can reproduce a bug on our end, it's easy for us to figure out the root issue and fix -- so your help in helping us understand exactly what you saw is ... well, very helpful. Help us help you :) Thanks!

- Mark.

One thing that really gets under my skin is when a question shows it has no answers and you click on it only to find there is answers there. Here is the perfect example, claims there isn't any answers, but there is one

Disappearing content. I waste more time editing/creating things over and over and over again. This isn't a bug per se-- but I'd really really like to be able to re-order fact facts that have been input with the fact template.

My favorite Mahalo Bug is Stats not being updated EVERY DAY. I know it's on the list, just trying to emphasize. I recently had a small problem.

I answered a questioned and after I submitted, I got the points and everything. Except, I did not see my answer on the question. It was a one time thing.

Not sure if it happened to others.

Last time we had a bug thread I provided a bucket load of bugs, happy to report most were taken care of or are on Mike's list above. Today I only have one that I don't think has ever been reported but has irked me on multiple occasions. Inlinking and code do not work in answer approval boxes. -- I also just noticed Categories are not expanding when you click on them in the sidebar.

I don't see these two related bugs... fast facts: when adding fast facts if a field was already filled but is not needed, like "Maker" you can't type over it with the info you want... it will not change. It always says "Maker". You have to instead add a new fact and delete the "Maker" field then save and edit to add more.

And frequently when you save it shows no ff at all... you have to edit again, add a new fact (i just fill it with a "space") then save and edit again and remove the new fact you added to get it to show up correctly. And very similar to that... sections: if you have a section that was put there by the template, like "uses" or "background" and it is not necessary for the page, you cannot just edit and change it to what you need, it will not show the change. Instead you have to delete the section and add a new one for what you need.

Added detail for mark: I use firefox 3.0.13 on Windows XP with service pack 3 and it comes up daily, almost every time I do the ff the first time, not so much when going back and adding later, but sometimes still does it then. I always have to delete the sections I won't be using. Never found a workaround for that one.

Mahalo Answers - Voting - Undecided - Navigation - Please allow me to next through the entire list of undecided, right now it goes to next question in category instead of next in the undecided list. Mahalo Answers - Voting - Counters - Votes register and confirm, points not delivered. This seems to happen when voting through a long list.

Mahalo Tasks - Search - Please have it search Mahalo Tasks, and not Mahalo Answers. Hard to find Rush Week and Barn Raising Tasks right now because they got buried in all the PreApproved and Team Tasks. Maybe create separate tabs for major groupings of tasks.

Mahalo Answers on Mahalo Pages - List newest first, so page managers can see new activity and respond to unanswered questions without having to navigate Mahalo Answers. Mahalo - Home Page - Categories - Please embed a link in this section header to go to a list of top level Mahalo Categories pages or list top level categories on the home page and highlight the most active some how. Right now the home page does not reflect the full value of Mahalo to people taking a quick peak at the home page.

Navigation doesn't allow them to easily dig deeper into the topic pages or even know that they exist. I agree with many of the other observations above too.

I would love to see Mahalo fix the IE8 bugs. Team tipping doesn't work in IE8, Pages Managed don't show up in IE8, and I'm sure there are more. Internet Explorer is the most widely used web browser, so it would be nice for these features to be available for all those Internet Explorer users.

There no longer seems to be a way to change specialized areas and minimum tips from the "Ask me a question" box. I did some search, found that that a site update removed the option to add these things. I consider it a bug that they cannot be edited, or at the least, removed from a profile.(I want to be able to change the content, but if Mahalo no longer wishes that to be a feature, I want that information to be removed from my profile page.).

I see only one bug or imperfection: I don't get notified by e-mail when new comments appear on answers that I have commented. I start interesting discussions with people and I must check manually if they have commented back or not. And another annoying thing is that I always have to uncheck Email me when people answer this question.

I rarely need this one checked.

Related Pages Links is the link generated by Mahalo and worked a month ago but now you get "problem loading page" us healthcare reform. Com/. So one must go back and put in the real URL I originally put in URL but these were converted over to the double bracket format so perhaps I created the related pages in middle of a build cycle.

The error makes the page manager look incompetent. Also pages that used to exist but no longer (e.g. , healthcare costs) give you an error.It would be nice if the page manager were notified of such changes. Update: I just noticed that Mahalo this morning now converts that URL back into an mhlo.

Me/xxxxxx designation so this suggests that the indexing has changed (yesterday the URL displayed). Update2: (related pages section on the right) uses URL so there is inconsistency.

Sounds great! Just a few comments: #10: is that an issue for everyone, or just some users? I've been getting *all* of my Mahalo notification emails.

#15: having an auto-complete feature would be really, really awesome. But I suppose that's something that's pretty far out. #16: Have you guys already started to address this?

Mahalo Answers seems extremely speedy right now. #19: Yes, please! Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention… there's another bug: Tip black hole on answered questions.

I wanted to make a small tip to someone who did not get the best answer, but it was informative nonetheless. Many people answer my questions and sometimes it's hard to select the best one. Sometimes there are two good ones.

The best answer may get the $.25 cent tip. But I would like to give the second best one $.25 too. This, in my mind, is a major flaw in the system!

For example, I would like to give psionandy $.25 for also answering my question at: but it says the minimum tip is $1.00 See the image below I asked a related question on tipping recently here: To ask the original question, I had to fund the question with a $1.00 tip because I was over my quota for the day. In the past, I have tried to increase the tip to $1 on an earlier Mahalo question, but it would not increase the number of questions I could ask by one. I would have preferred to increase the tip on a more difficult question, and leave this one at $.25 jeffhoard suggested I post the bug here.

And here is another bug I found earlier today and I posted What does API keys are invalid mean. I cannot edit my response! Help!

This is a bug, and I cannot add to my comment. Need to go now, but just reporting. Since I am over my limit for questions today, I'd appreciate a tip back for reporting this bug.

Thanks! See second image below: Question located at:

First of all, I think end of September will be great! I expect this site to become way better! I see many of my 'perks' listed, thanks for that.

But here is another one: How about using the same wikitext codes all over mahalo? I keep mixing up one or two brackets around inlinks, trying to incorporate pictures where this appears to not be possible, etc. It would be nice if answers tasks and pages all used the same format... Thanks in advance...

Squashed bug..

Very frustrated with pinning. I can start a page with a zillion sections, start at the top and pin everything going down. And BAM!

Everything is out of order again. Has taken up to 5 tries on some pages to get the order right. Would like an unpin all button during times like these.

For a start it says this question was asked less than a minute ago with answers that are dated 6 days ago. Another bug that I notice frequently is when it says that a question has no answers but when you click on it you find that it infact has answers.

Mike and @markjeffrey. Let's tawk. No big whoop!

First, regarding your bug list above: Bug #5 - "Fixing the 'pinning' system to on pages to make it more manageable (this may be related to how lower belt levels cannot adjust the placement of their ad sections)" I beg to differ with your Bug List theory about why this is happening. Granted, I may not be able to manipulate the ad placements very well, but I KNOW that my pinning issues do not in anyway *appear* to be related to the ads. BUG #5 EXAMPLE A: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (sorry, no screencap available) I reorganize a Mahalo Page, completely shuffling all of my sections.

I pin a few of the top priority boxes in place. But the ones that haven't been pinned down sometimes will shuffle themselves upon refreshing the page. And some days, there's no unshuffling them.

They get stuck in the wrong order. Bug #5 EXAMPLE B: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pictures! Garrrrrrr, the pictures!

I try to reorganize the photos section to move only relevant pics in view. (This can take 15-20 minutes in some cases). Then....I refresh, and it's all gone.

Even if I pinned every frackin' photo before the refresh. Photos also tend to get "stuck" and won't move (again especially after they've shuffled themselves once against my will). I usually have to wait a day or two, come back, and take my chances that the changes will stick.

Thanks for doing whatever you can!


I would really really REALLY love to see mahalo setup a mantis bug trap site where we can all post bugs and see how the progression of them are.

That being said I would like to re-iterate yet again my nomination to fix ALL the statistics bugs. Allot of the pages I manage STILL are not displaying their stats correctly.

I don't know what the issue is. But I would gladly donate part of my balance to see this was killed once and for all. And further RealTime adaptation on any scale for stats was adopted.

Kind Regards, XDS.

I have a quick one. When I check my profile, my points for the day usually change. IE, today at one point I had gained 50+ and now it shows I have 30+...even though my total is accurate.

Just sharing what I am seeing.

Page sections seem to move around by themselves even if they are pinned and no one has moved them manually. The friends section in the profile does does not work correctly. The numbers on the left do not match up with the avatars on the right.

Somehow it keeps adding me as my own friend. Clicking add for someone who has added me as a friend does not do anything. The avatar stays in the fans section.

I use Fire Fox 3.5 and Windows XP SP3.

1 On Firefox (using Vista) I am unable to see the pages that I manage. When the tab is clicked, the page is blank. Even changing the rendering engine and using IE or Opera, the same thing happens.

All of a sudden this week, they appeared for the first time in a month. #2 The number of page views is not correct. I shared my page links through bit.Ly and Posterous, and the number of hits on those pages, do not come close to the total.

One page was viewed 67 times, but the total on my page said it was viewed 8 times. Another page was viewed 37 times and zero views show on my page as of August 31, 2009.Is there a delay?

OK, i'm far from a computer genius... but here are a couple I've noticed. On the front "mahalo. Com" page, where you can click on pages that are apparently available to claim, some of the pages that it says are available to claim are actually taken my profile page says I am managing two pages, but it refuses to show me what they are and I don't think I actually am.

This just in. This just in. My profile shows that I have gained 8 points for September 30.

And some of you thought that I was kidding when I said that I was an inter-dimensional, inter-planetary time traveler.

On my profile page is says pages viewed is 1 but this can't be correct because under my pages managed page it shows 50 views on one page and 47 on another and so on. Someone suggested that the tracking system for my page may not be working. So I thought I would add this as a bug.

Don't Worry About Bugs just do your work! One day they all were finished! So keep earning.

Here's a bug! Your question says it was posted September 26th at 6:47 PM. It also says that it was less than a minute ago and this question has been here for two days...

Disappearing content. I have only encountered it once. Also random photos in articles at random.(how random.).

This Bug Needs to Be Fixed! I answer a question, have typed my answer in the answer box, then add a tip, and the answer in the box is gone! You don't know how annoying this is, until it happens to you!

I spent 10 minutes answering a question once, and half way through I thought it was interesting enough to add a tip, and then my answer was gone!

I don't know if it's a bug, but I just started and noticed a lot of "test" and similar type selections when you're claiming a page and identifying the type of page it is. Kind of weird.

I've noticed when I go to the Mahalo answers then the undecided tab, if I am looking through the answers and voting then click on the link for next article it often loads the same page. It is happening about 50% of the time and I need to keep going back to answers then back into the tab even if I refresh the page can you investigate this? Not noticed anything else yet though keep up the good work I love this site.

On the upper right hand of the page, next to my user name, it randomly says "1 direct question" but I haven't got a direct question recently. Why does this keep popping up, can I delete direct questions?

I'm still new here.. (just join yesterday :-) ) Many are not actually bugs but my ideas of "desired features". 1. At my profile page, I cannot put more than one website.

I hope I can put more than one websites. 2. Ways for users to put "questions", "task" etc.. that he/she wishes to write on into a "KIV" list.

Sometimes users saw questions, tasks that he/she is interested to write in but need to find some time to search or write later. 3. Multiple replies to the same questions seem to be not allowed.

Though editing is still allowed but there is a time limit. After the time limit, even if the person has new ideas to add on, he cannot answer.

I don't like when answered questions indefinitely appear as unanswered. IT DRIVES ME CRAZY.

On my profile, it states that I have two websites that I have claimed, which is correct. However, when I try to view them, only this comes up: "Data collection begins when the page was claimed and was last updated at 11 pm Pacific Time on August 26, 2009. " A black belt member helped me, and reported and sent my profile to (I think) the Mahalo centre somewhere for bugs or stuff, but I just thought you guys needed to know too.

While logged onto Mahalo using my public libraries computer which uses IE6 as a browser I was unable to participate in the team tipping. The buttons were there to see and the cursor even changed to the "pointing hand" as I passed over them but absolutely nothing happened when I tried to use that feature. Otherwise since switching to Firefox here at home everything is cool or has been addressed in the thread above.

I'm not sure if this one has already been reported above. If I sort by unanswered questions, I get 10 answered questions offering tips before the unanswered questions offering more than the default tips. Then after the tipped questions I get unanswered questions from May.

If nobody has answered them since May they probably aren't going to get answered today. This behavior is not particularly usefull, I really want to see the most recent unanswered questions.

I find that when editing the page, it will not show my corrections in the editing box. The text is corrrected but the editing box still shows the past information. I am using Mozilla Firefox OS.

Increasing text size breaks layout. This is true in both Firefox and Safari on Mac OS 10.5.8. Example, the text from the "How tips and payments work" area above the answer box flows down over the "Your Answer" text and under the actual answer box where I am typing this answer.


Really happy to hear this! And as a Doctor Who fan, I doubly rejoice in the cry: "EX-TER-MINATE! EXTER-MINATE!

EXTERMINATE! " That's all I have to say for now. :).

20. I couldn't claim my account from my question's page, so I tried to log in from a different link. That worked, but I was unable to "link my account" to my questions because I don't have a Mahalo password.

Favorite bugs: Trying to answer or submit a question and it gets stuck with the spinning wheel of death. Been happening to me this morning more often than normally. Adding content or rearranging sections of my pages and pinning them, only to have all my work reverse itself in the user View or after I finish.

Voting on answers and not receiving the points or recognition for voting on them until hours later.

Something I would like to bring attention to isn't quite a bug but a desired improvement. I would like to see more questions per page. Instead of having to page through questions, it would be awesome to get a real good glance at all the recent questions.

They seem to flow off to subsequent pages too quickly. If all goes well with the white label questions, there should be a big flood of questions coming in. Keeping tabs on them will become a challenge at that point.

I would say 50 questions per page would be good. Perhaps adding a featured questions tab would be appropriate for all questions that have a $1.00 bounty or more. Mahalo is doing a great job with the community and I appreciate the effort and personal touch that I find here.

Thanks a million.

I have a screenshot for you. I tried submitting a report for a test question, but the submit button hung. I'm running Opera 9.62.

I consider this a "bug" but it's probably more of a feature request: When I'm browsing the Tasks section, I type a term in the search box and expect it to search the tasks but it only currently searches Answers.

I reported one yesterday I thought was funny. When you search for "javascript" in Mahalo, you get an 404 error.

The bugs I faced in september on mohalo are following! 1. Direct Questions and Answers and making sure they work every time 2.

Approving Tasks and making sure it goes through every time 3. The system thinks a user has claimed more tasks than he or she has, and they need to be manually "unstuck" 4. Redirects can't be removed...Once they are in place, they remain there forever until a developer manually removes them 5.

Fixing the "pinning" system to on pages to make it more manageable (this may be related to how lower belt levels cannot adjust the placement of their ad sections) 6. Making stats work correctly on managed pages 7. Either make adding a news story or blog possible or remove the "Add a Link" button from these sections 8. Many issues with putting images on pages have been reported 9. Clicking on "Submit" buttons, and the site responds, but it doesn't LOOK like it responds.

So you get a lot of duplicate posts on Answers, or duplicate comments, or templates that are built 10 times over 10. E-mail notifications aren't sending still 11. Log-in slowness or failure 12.

Removed images in Image sections on Topic Pages don't disappear forever and sometimes come back.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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