I was looking for new anti-virus software to replace my expiring Norton account, which slows down my computer too much. A "geek" friend of mine recommended Kaspersky. There's a free version, but he said his mom has gotten three computer viruses while using it, while he's never had a problem with the paid version, and he's online a LOT more than she is.
I've read other good reviews of this software, so I'm going to go with it. I found Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011 on Amazon for $21.45, a savings of $18.50 (or 46%) off the regular price of $39.95. amazon.com/Kaspersky-Lab-KAV1101121-Anti... But there's shipping of $9.95 unless you have one of those Amazon Prime account and get free shipping.So, for me, it would be a savings of $19.95 or 36%.
On the Kaspersky website, the same software is $39.95 for one PC, $59.95 for three PCs (as a download). If you want the box version like the one on Amazon, you only have the option of the 3 PC/$59.95 version. Oo!
Wait (I'm typing this as I'm looking around Amazon. ) I just found the 3PC version on Amazon for $29.95, which is a savings of $39.95 (58%). Hm, it says it's eligible for free Super Saver shipping "on orders of $25 or more.
" Geez, and they had to take that one penny off the price! So my shipping on this one is $9.95, which brings my savings down to $29.95 (50%). Still, I'm happy with that.
I really don't need to buy anything else to make up for that penny--and not all items qualify anyway--so I'll just pay the shipping. Order placed. Thanks for keeping me company while I shopped.
I was looking for new anti-virus software to replace my expiring Norton account, which slows down my computer too much. A "geek" friend of mine recommended Kaspersky. There's a free version, but he said his mom has gotten three computer viruses while using it, while he's never had a problem with the paid version, and he's online a LOT more than she is.
I've read other good reviews of this software, so I'm going to go with it. I found Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011 on Amazon for $21.45, a savings of $18.50 (or 46%) off the regular price of $39.95. amazon.com/Kaspersky-Lab-KAV1101121-Anti... But there's shipping of $3.99 unless you have one of those Amazon Prime account and get free shipping.So, for me, it would be a savings of $14.51 or 36%.
On the Kaspersky website, the same software is $39.95 for one PC, $59.95 for three PCs (as a download). If you want the box version like the one on Amazon, you only have the option of the 3 PC/$59.95 version. Oo!
Wait (I'm typing this as I'm looking around Amazon. ) I just found the 3PC version on Amazon for $24.99, which is a savings of $34.96 (58%). Hm, it says it's eligible for free Super Saver shipping "on orders of $25 or more.
" Geez, and they had to take that one penny off the price! So my shipping on this one is $4.98, which brings my savings down to $29.98 (50%). Still, I'm happy with that.
I really don't need to buy anything else to make up for that penny--and not all items qualify anyway--so I'll just pay the shipping. Order placed. Thanks for keeping me company while I shopped.
tigerdirect.com/applications/category/ca... An amazing 2TB External Hard Drive, capable of holding nearly 2000GB of data; which is around 6 times the capacity of the average laptop, or 4 times the average desktop computer! It costs 99.99USD, at 10GB for under a dollar! Comparable to 500GB and 750GB harddrives, which can cost you the same amount for a third of the memory!
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For all of you lucky iPad owners looking for a great leather cover/stand for your iPad (any model), try this great cover on for size! Leather Carrying Case Cover/Folio With Built-in Stand for Apple iPad 3G tablet / Wifi model 16GB, 32GB, 64GB (BLACK) This starts at $3.85 (normally $39.95) for a NEW ONE!
If you are looking for some nice little gifts, I found some real good deals on Amazon Jewelery. There is a terrific discount on this watch: 1. Invicta Womans 0734 Angel Collection White Polyurethane Watch, was $395 now $52.99.
You save ($342.01) This would make a great birthday present! ) 2. A boxed set of 5 pairs of gemstone sterling silver earring studs, all presented in seperate boxes) Was $105 now $40, eligible for super saver shipping.( you can keep these lovely earrings for yourself, or make them as gifts.
That is a great deal) 3. A 10K White Gold March Birthstone (Aquamarine) Journey Pendant 18", Was $429, now $96 What a lovely birthday gift, for next month!(Free super saving shipping) 4. A Sterling Silver Honey Amber Pendant, 18" Save 55% Was $97.50, now $44 Amber is a lovely warm stone) also available for super saving shipping 5.
And there are up to 60% savings on pearl jewelery, Here is a great deal, 14K White Gold and Natural Diamond 18" necklace (includes certificate of Authenticity) was $485, now $199.99 ( a great gift for that special someone) So, those are some of the great Deals I found, and decided it would be for the Ladies this time:)) As it has been a long Cold Winter, and these are great gifts for the Spring Months up ahead!
A big mahalo to all of you (especially you Rolling Stone)! Things sure have changed over that time, yet Headline has remained the same. As a result, some of the documentation and features have become outdated.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.