This came as quite a surprise to me. Thank you for naming me Mahaloian of the Week! As youmentioned, I have been with Mahalo since its infancy stages back in the summer of 2007.At the time I enjoyed creating the pages from the Greenhouse.
Then after nearly 400 pages and many great people that I worked with, the Greenhouse was gone, but that just mean new and different things to do on Mahalo. Next game the tasks, questions and answers and page management. Now I am part of the GuruTeam and very much enjoy contributing, helping others with questions and answers on a variety of topics.
I will continue to give my best effort in the forums for as long as Mahalo wishes to have me. I have worked with way too many people on here to mention names, but you all know who you are. A little bit more about myself.
I will be 41 years old next Wednesday. I graduated from Lehigh University in Behtlehem, Pennsylvania with a Bachelors of Science in Statistics. Besides working on Mahalo, I am a self employed math tutor.
I work with students of all ages both online and in person. Things I enjoy are sports, fitness, music, games and puzzles, television, dining out. I suppose I am just the average guy.
Thanks again!
A well deserved honor :-) Congrats @kerryk. You sure are a great addition to Mahalo. Well done
Congrats, Kerry! This is a well deserved honor!
Congrats, Kerryk. Thanks for all the good questions and answers.
Well done and congratulations @kerryk you can now add the MotW ambassadorship to your consistently helpful, way back to the Greenhouse lengthy, and widespread Mahalo resume..welcome to the Mahaloian of the Week club. :).
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.