I found an article that compares American Express credit card versus MasterCard credit card and MasterCard is superior when it comes to flexibility and advantages. Here are the details of each card: American Express credit cards: * offers reasonably cash back rewards with low introductory fees *known as business card because it makes it easy to connect with other businesses because a small business network is associated with it. *offer revolving credit account *it does not offer credit card ideal for student and for those who have bad credits *only a few credit cards were issued that waived annual fees * it is not accepted in as many places compared to MasterCard MasterCard credit cards * It is accepted at more places compared to American Express * You will be able to find a MasterCard credit card that work well for students and for those whose credit is not very good *it has varied rewards program depending on the type of card you apply for.
These are Airline miles, Travel rewards, Cash back, Merchandise and gift cards. *has one or more generous cash back programs *it has interesting debit card reward program but this has you have to pay an annual pay for this.
I use MasterCard because of its flexibility, but the American Express card also has its advantages too. These are some of the features of both cards . So you can choose which one fits your financial goals and financial situation.
*Convenience: MasterCard is accepted in most places while American Express is only accepted in few places *Rewards: They both offer cash back reward program to their customers. MasterCard also has other rewards which varies according to the card issuer and also depends on the type of card you select. Their existing cards includes, Gift cards, Cash back, Airline miles, Merchandise and Travel rewards.
*Annual fee: Almost all credit cards offered by American Express has an annual fee while MasterCard does not place any cost on their credit cards, But only charge annual fees for its debit card reward program. *Clientele: MasterCard has a lot of issuers, making it possible to find a card that fits everyone’s need. But a student or a person with bad credit would not be able to use American Express card.
http://www.drdash. Ca/images/mastercard3. Gif
American express has no limit, MasterCard does.
I not only have both MasterCard and American Express, but I also carry both on a daily basis. To be honest, if I could only carry one card, it would have to be Visa, because I've found that it's accepted in almost all situations. That said, I prefer Amex.
I've been irritated with their customer service at some points in the past, but that's only because my expectations are so high. I once asked for something to be changed on my account and they told me it would take 20 minutes. At that particular time, 20 minutes wasn't good enough.
However, that's probably pretty good in general; I can see other companies taking 24-48 hours.
Without all of the specific details of your situation it is a bit hard to say which card will be better. That said, the biggest difference between American Express and MasterCard (or Visa for that matter) is that American Express is accepted at much fewer locations. American Express charges merchants higher transactions fees, so there are many retailers who refuse to accept it.
That said, I think that the rewards and features of specific American Express cards (Amex Blue Cash for example) are some of the best available. Amex Blue gives up to 5% cash back and Amex cards offer some great cardmember benefits – for example, Amex offers coverage on damaged rental cars, warranties for items purchased with the card and some cards even provide access to purchase tickets for events before they are available to the public. Finding one card that does everything I want was tough, so I carry both a Visa (for cases where Amex isn’t accepted – MasterCard would fit the same bill) and an American Express that I use for the cardmember benefits I get when I travel.
I would consider what is most important to you – APR, Acceptability, Rewards, Card Benefits, etc. – and compare cards based on those factors.
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