Meet Gno! The Mahaloian of the Week?

Wow @gno! Thanks for telling us more about you. It's great to have you as Mahaloian of the Week.

With the tidbits of information you gave, I was able to hack into a satellite and access a time machine. With confirmation through the CIA, the following additional information (I'm assuming...) is true! 1 - You were correct about reading so many books, by this picture, it looks like you're currently buried in them.

2 - With the help of a time machine, I was able to go back and find the cat you wanted. It's too bad you didn't get him... he's turned out to be very good at playing piano! (the two of you would have been a YouTube sensation!) 3 - YES, your pug does snore! I can only hope that you'll forgive my nosiness into your imaginative, quirky and eclectic life. You rock!

That was a great interview with very UNIQUE answers. Gno you are definitely one of a kind. I love your answers.

I think they are so funny - your puns are witty! You have a great sense of humor and writing style that makes your answers always stand out. Neat idea about the new mahalo feature too ;) Stand out!


You're a great person and a fantastic contributor here, and this is a wonderful interview. But... what is it with women and Jane Austen? :).

Nobody deserves it more than you @gno Congratulations and it was nice to get to know you a bit better. I love the sophisticated penguin, very debonair but I miss the "angry ready to charge" duck.

Great to hear more about @gno. She is one of the most interesting and well rounded mahaloans. Uh, oh.

I shouldn't have said well rounded, right?

Congratulations on being Mahaloian of the week @gno! A well deserved place in the spotlight, and a very informative interview (did I know you were a nerd? ).

Now, up to your next challenge, the brown belt! :).

Neat idea, I like this feature. Nice to meet you Gno.

Gno rocks! Congratulations on being the Mahaloian of the Week!

We have a lot of common interests! And at the same time we are totally different. I never got around to reading 'Pride and Prejudice" But right now I'm reading "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" Which I think it's way better a lot more killing!

:D I have to tell you, I never cared for the "Godfather". Nope! :D.

Fitzwilliam Darcy, my favorite too... Nice to learn more about you - Congrats on MOTW @gno!

I am glad to know more about @gno. I am always fascinated by her writing style and dreaming to improve mine! Thanks for the questions and the wonderful answers.

Yay, @Gno! You are an awesome writer and it's great to see that you made Mahaloan of the week! I enjoyed reading your interview--seems that you have a very full life.

Anyway, it's good to be on the how-to team with you, and I "gno" that some of your pages will end up doing very well.

Congratulations @gno! You really gave a lot of useful informations to everyone. Thanks for the Tips!


Geez, it took you long enough! I remember seeing you around when I started! Probably one of my favorite answerers... congrats!

Congratulations @gno . You are blazing a path and I am following. Glad to get to know more about you.

Gno it is great that you have been named Mahoian of the week. I believe you totally deserve it. Congrats :).

I smell a winner >> Hold on, that's GNO! Mahalo is a better place because you contribute here Gno.

Congrats! @gno. I'm not surprised to see you here.

You contribute so much to Mahalo and have been an uplifting and positive influence -- especially to our newer members. Nice interview.

Each week we enjoy featuring one great Mahaloian by bestowing upon them with the title of "Mahaloian of the Week" - This week we interviewed @gno, for past interviews visit the Mahaloian of the Week page. Q: Where are you from and where are you now? I'm from Michigan, not too far from Ann Arbor and Lansing (go Wings!).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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