Meet the Mahaloian of the Week: CJD?

Nice to meet you and learn more about you @cjd.

I look forward to seeing more of your questions and answers here.

I quite like your questions, and the suggestions on how to improve the site - if Mahalo puts any of it up for vote, you'll have mine, that's for sure! Hope you like this video. It makes me think of some of the questions you asked lately.

Your Weemee looks like Alex Albrecht :) Nice to meet you, CJD.

Good to know some more facts about you! Let the blackmail begin!


CJD is A-OK in my book!

Welcome! I've enjoyed your input a great deal - you're a good Mahalo fit. It's great that you're from London - one of my 3 favorite cities in the world!

Mahalo would be a lesser community if we were all from only the U.S. I'm no help with the $1000 tip, either, but you've given me an idea. Maybe I'll wait till I've earned that much and apply it to a new Mac for myself! What do you figure - maybe a seventh degree black will do it?

Welcome again!

London is a cool town... almost as cool as @cjd!

It's great to know more about you. Unfortunately, I don't have M$1000 to tip you ;) Here is something that can motivate you to get that M$1000 quicker :).

Oy... Oy, Mate! Limey! I now 'ave this programe that lets me type wif a British Accent!

I'm gobsmacked that you're 'ere! (end programe) 796.68952 hp45 WELCOME CJD, I knew you'd make it! (cheer, applause, head butt)


Congratulations CJD! I'm new to the site, but I'm really enjoying myself. Maybe soon I'll have a brown stripe :).

No offense to @cjd... I'm unclear about the purpose of "Mahaloian of the Week". Maybe I'm being a stick in the mud, but, this doesn't seem very professional to me. There would be better ways to get to know people in the community... Sorry... this seems kinds of... strange and uncomfortable to me.It must be flashbacks of when I didn't get the award for best camper at summer camp.

"When will they pick ME? Aren't I worthy?" Ah... the narcissistic wound...

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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