My 3 month old kittens won't eat anything other than milk. how do I get them to eat dry food?

My 3 month old kittens won't eat anything other than milk. How do I get them to eat dry food? They are trying to nurse from their mother and when they do, they vomit.

They will drink milk, but won't eat any kind of regular kitten food, whether its dry or wet. Asked by mollie7982 33 months ago Similar questions: month kittens won't eat milk dry food Health.

Similar questions: month kittens won't eat milk dry food.

Try baby food but don't give him/her MILK I've had many cats/kittens and they have all eventually progressed to semi-soft kitten food and then to dry after several weeks. But DON't give him/her milk. Cats/kittens are unable to process milk adequately and may lead to gastro-intestinal complaints.Do try plain water or lightly sugared water in the beginning.

All of my felines drank/drink water..maybe lightly sugared water to start and all have grown to a healthy adulthood .

1 I suggest you call a vet and explain the situation, and get professional advice. Have they been to the vet yet? If they are 3 months old they should be seen by a vet.

I suggest you call a vet and explain the situation, and get professional advice. Have they been to the vet yet? If they are 3 months old they should be seen by a vet.

2 Yes you need to get to a vet, they should have been eating kitten food a month ago and cows milk is not good for kittens it can give them diarrhea and make them sick. You can get mother's milk replacer at a pet store. However when kittens are 8 weeks or older, they no longer need the milk.

Yes you need to get to a vet, they should have been eating kitten food a month ago and cows milk is not good for kittens it can give them diarrhea and make them sick. You can get mother's milk replacer at a pet store. However when kittens are 8 weeks or older, they no longer need the milk.

3 Have you tried soaking the kitten food in breakfast cereal.

Have you tried soaking the kitten food in breakfast cereal.

4 soaking food good idea.... try cottage cheese too with little kibble mixed in.

Soaking food good idea.... try cottage cheese too with little kibble mixed in.

Mine eats a 5.5 oz. Can and dry food daily. He would like more.

" "How long does it take for the food you eat while nursing to enter your breast milk? " "I have a dog and two kittens, their foods are separated but the kittens eat the dog food instead of theirs. Please help!

" "Do you think the food we eat has any impact on our health? That is if you eat a normal well balanced diet." "hi my baby is one year and 3 month old she is very weak not like other milk and any other food when she was eating food" "my 12 week old boxer won't eat his food" "My puppy won't eat. " "is it o.

K for my 16 month old to still eat jared baby food?" "how old is it that your baby won't food to eat.

Can I give kittens that are a month old kitten milk thats from the supermarket.

Mine eats a 5.5 oz. Can and dry food daily. He would like more.

I have a dog and two kittens, their foods are separated but the kittens eat the dog food instead of theirs. Please help!

That is if you eat a normal well balanced diet.

My baby is one year and 3 month old she is very weak not like other milk and any other food when she was eating food.

Is it o. K for my 16 month old to still eat jared baby food?

How old is it that your baby won't food to eat.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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