A fan page would be the way to go for unlimited sign-ups. The normal page is not intended for the type of usage you are going for. See if you can get a fan page started now and try to reach people that way while you wait for a reply.
The fan pages are not capped so this is the way you should have handled your buisiness page. Ask if you can have your friends from the tripped account directed to the fan page and hope for the best.
Good luck in getting access to your important pages. I use Facebook, but this sounds like a question you need to run by a legal advisor. I suspect Facebook is forcing you to become a fee-paying commercial user.
Meanwhile, if your use of the site doesn't comply with their rules, have you looked into sites that don't have limits on fans or followers? Do you have Twitter? Why not direct those who do contact you to your Twitter page, and link it to a dedicated web site or blog where you can catch people up on your activities and offerings?(You can set up an area for fans or friends to post remarks).
Either post a short URL in many of your tweets, or provide a clear link in the account information section on the upper right part of the page. I'll give you an excellent example. I follow the New York Times technology reviewer David Pogue.(twitter.com/Pogue).
As a very organized user of technology and social media, he has multiple sites. Twitter links to his home page http://davidpogue.com/ with his own name as his domain. Something you could do, whether you owned computer servers and did all of the work, or had a larger company host it.
I choose a different name liable to have lots of followers, and found Kirstie Alley fit the bill. I find a couple of pages for her with way more than 5,000, but they are undoubtedly commercial and businesses pay for the pages. One is for "Kirstie Alley's Big Life on A&E" and "Kirstie Alley public figure.
" It looks like you're a public figure or need a fan page with a "like" list. Good luck sorting it out!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.