My girlfriends dad caught me and my girlfriend sneaking around.?

I don't think the punishment is unreasonable. Everybody's a "good girl", or a "good boy"... until one day they decide not to be, and they can get arrested, pregnant, hurt, or into something bad that it's tough to get out of, like substance abuse. You tried to put one over on them and do something that they'd already said "no" to, and you got caught at it.

In fairness, teens do that kind of thing all the time, even "good" teens who have the common sense not to get themselves into any serious trouble - and your parents probably did similar things when they were teenagers. However, their reasoning is probably that if they let it go without punishing you, you might do something worse, and more risky or dangerous to yourself, next time. So from that perspective, yes, sneaking out really is that big of a deal.

However, I agree with other responses that taking off your bedroom door is somewhat over the top. If you'd been caught shooting up heroin in your room or something like that, then that might be a reasonable thing to do, but in response to this incident, it was overly harsh. Sure, you can change clothes in the bathroom, but it's still an unnecessary and unfair loss of privacy.

If I were you, I would accept the grounding and treat it as a learning experience (i.e. , learn to not get caught!), but would appeal to your parents to have your bedroom door reinstalled immediately, even if you have to agree not to lock it during your grounding period except when you're changing. (Tip: If you lock it at other times, such as to watch something inappropriate on your computer, have clothes ready to change into in case someone demands to know why the door is locked.

Tell them you're changing, then hurry up and change.).

No, he's being reasonable. My parents would of done worse. You should of known better.

Sneaking out IS a big deal. I think your punishments are very reasonable. If your a good girl, doing this could lead to other things, and you should stop because you could turn into a bad girl.

Sorry if I'm being rude or anything but you asked for my opinion and you got it :.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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