This should outline things a little more clearly. 1. Memory = RAM, This is a hardware module/chip used to store data in a volatile state (if you power your computer/psp off the ram will be erased).
However, this allows for very-fast-access for read/write. 2. Storage/Disk/Etc = Hard Drives, SD Cards, etc.. This is "long term" or static storage.(you can power off but the data stays!).
You can increase your storage by as much as the system supports I have seen adapters for old-style psp's that allow them to store 100+ gigabytes. This would be where you store, Movies, Data files, Music...etc.In Summery. A system like a PSP is what we would consider embeded hardware.
Everything you get is put there by the company that built it.It is not designed to be upgraded/tinkered with accept in very specific ways (like adding a larger SD card for storage). It is possible you could remove the memory chip from the PSP motherboard and solder a new one on but this is well outside the grasp of most people as it requires a lot of very precise work and background knowledge. Short version, You cannot "upgrade" the memory on your psp.
However, most netbooks/small laptops ARE designed to be upgraded. In almost any case they will ship with only 256-512-1024 MB of memory (basically 1gb or less). You can purchase an after market memory module for your netbook/laptop to install (be careful!
You must make sure it is compatible with the motherboard! ) and you can increase the memory. In most netbooks I believe the "hard limit" that the motherboard would support is 2gb.
Hope this all helps! -E.
Welcome to Mahalo. Pandora Radio doesn't exactly run like other internet radios and currently doesn't have a PSP compatable version of it. Pandora Radio uses Flash Local Storage, which PSP doesn't currently support.
Even if rigging your external hardrive to your psp would up your memory, you still wouldn't be able to use Pandora Radio on your PSP. Plus, I don't really remember the PSP having a USB port to hook up and external to anyways. However, there is a forum on how to rig your PSP to use Pandora song by song, but may take a little work using your RSS Feed.
Here is the forum link on how to set it up: http://www.forums. Qjnet/psp-general-help/42931-pandora-streaming-music-psp. Html Until PSP comes up with an update to allow Flash Storage or Pandora comes out with a PSP compatable version of it, it may just be easier to use your cell phone network (if you have a smartphone).
If you do choose to go this route, remember that Pandora uses a lot of data downloading so get a plan that has either unlimited data download or a high amount while monitoring your data downloads closely so you don't go over your plan. Hope this helps.
No, you cannot enlarge your memory with an external hard drive, only your diskspace but thats something different. Enlarging the memory of your psp is next to impossible. Cheers, BadElvis.
You can increase your storage by as much as the system supports I have seen adapters for old-style psp's that allow them to store 100+ gigabytes. A system like a PSP is what we would consider embeded hardware. Everything you get is put there by the company that built it.
It is not designed to be upgraded/tinkered with accept in very specific ways (like adding a larger SD card for storage). It is possible you could remove the memory chip from the PSP motherboard and solder a new one on but this is well outside the grasp of most people as it requires a lot of very precise work and background knowledge. Short version, You cannot "upgrade" the memory on your psp.
However, most netbooks/small laptops ARE designed to be upgraded. In almost any case they will ship with only 256-512-1024 MB of memory (basically 1gb or less). You can purchase an after market memory module for your netbook/laptop to install (be careful!
You must make sure it is compatible with the motherboard!) and you can increase the memory. In most netbooks I believe the "hard limit" that the motherboard would support is 2gb. Hope this all helps!
This should outline things a little more clearly. 1. Memory = RAM, This is a hardware module/chip used to store data in a volatile state (if you power your computer/psp off the ram will be erased).
However, this allows for very-fast-access for read/write. 2. Storage/Disk/Etc = Hard Drives, SD Cards, etc.. This is "long term" or static storage.(you can power off but the data stays!
). You can increase your storage by as much as the system supports I have seen adapters for old-style psp's that allow them to store 100+ gigabytes. This would be where you store, Movies, Data files, Music...etc. In Summery.
A system like a PSP is what we would consider embeded hardware. Everything you get is put there by the company that built it. It is not designed to be upgraded/tinkered with accept in very specific ways (like adding a larger SD card for storage).
It is possible you could remove the memory chip from the PSP motherboard and solder a new one on but this is well outside the grasp of most people as it requires a lot of very precise work and background knowledge. Short version, You cannot "upgrade" the memory on your psp. However, most netbooks/small laptops ARE designed to be upgraded.
In almost any case they will ship with only 256-512-1024 MB of memory (basically 1gb or less). You can purchase an after market memory module for your netbook/laptop to install (be careful! You must make sure it is compatible with the motherboard!
) and you can increase the memory.In most netbooks I believe the "hard limit" that the motherboard would support is 2gb. Hope this all helps! -E.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.