My right arm goes and somestimes my left arm goes numb too and now my right side of my neck hurts bad, is this serious?

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He says he is not going to see a doctor so I don't know what to do now but thanks muncie 7 months ago .

Well, better make sure his life insurance is paid up.

Honestly, nobody on here is a doctor so nobody can tell you for sure. You need to get examined by a doctor to be able to tell that.

Could be pinched nerves from cervical/ thorasic vertabre, get x rays, from dr or chiropractor. I am LMT .

I have a problem with my arms going numb, and it was caused from my sleep position. When I lie flat on my back,with a tiny pillow under my neck,it does not happen.

Try a maybe pinched nerves.

If you're under age 25, it's probably a stress reaction from last week when your girlfriend told you to buzz off, forevermore. It will go away in a day, month, or year. If you're over 40, it could be a serious problem with your circulation or nervous system.

If you haven't recently been in a stressful situation, I'd go see a doc, toute-suite. ( fast ).

If he won't go to the doctor then call 911 and let the paramedics come to him and check him out. Or put it off, and possibly die, it's all up to you.

Left side of head, arm, knee, and foot hurt and numb. Head is killing me really bad. " "what does it mean when my left arm goes numb and my throat hurts when I breathe" "why when I drink sometimes does my left arm and neck hurt" "Left side numb& weak, felt lost & dizzy" "well I want to know what can be the cause of these symtoms.

My left arm goes numb and I have neck and back pain? " "what does it mean when your left arm gets cold and numb.

What is it if my left arm goes numb and my thumb twitches.

My left side of my head hurts and my left arm gose numb.

Left side of head, arm, knee, and foot hurt and numb. Head is killing me really bad.

What does it mean when my left arm goes numb and my throat hurts when I breathe.

Why when I drink sometimes does my left arm and neck hurt.

Well I want to know what can be the cause of these symtoms. My left arm goes numb and I have neck and back pain?

What does it mean when your left arm gets cold and numb.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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