My son has a laptop and changed the password and now we cannot log in. How do I get it or reinstall windows? Is he going to lose everything that he had on the computer?
Is there a way to save it? Any help would be great. Its an acer laptop with windows vista.
I put the windows disc in, but it still just goes to the password, it doesn't run. How do I run the windows disc to reinstall? I tried to load in safe mode, and load in safe mode with command prompt, but the command prompt doesn't come up.
Asked by MARMISTHEMAN 38 months ago Similar questions: son laptop changed password log reinstall windows Computers > Software.
Similar questions: son laptop changed password log reinstall windows.
Boot into SafeMode as Administrator, then in Ctrl panel Administrative Tools, WMI Users and Groups, you can remove or re Boot into SafeMode as Administrator, then in Ctrl panel Administrative Tools, WMI Users and Groups, you can remove or reset passwords. There are tools available on the webh to crack passwords, but BE CAREFUL what you download to do that. Many have you boot from a CD that is running Linux and has a cracker program.
Another good reason NOT to password protect Administrator user. Also, better to not have purchased VISTA in the first place.
3 My source (see above) says:Acer refuses to assist customers with BIOS password issues. The only option they will discuss involves sending them your laptop and paying a $100 fee. Here is a copy of an email from Acer Support:Thank you for contacting Acer America. I apologize for the delay in responding to your inquiry.In order to have the BIOS or hard disk password removed (This include any biometric security), the notebook will need to come in to our repair depot for password removal.
This service is not covered by warranty and unfortunately there is no other recourse to remove a BIOS or HDD password from the notebook. The flat fee for BIOS password removal is $100.00 US dollars plus tax. If it is a BIOS or HDD password and you would like us to service it for you, please contact our telephone technical support line at 1-800-816-2237.
Hours of operation are 7am-9pm CST Monday-Friday and 8am-5pm CST Saturday and Sunday, excluding holidays.
My source (see above) says:Acer refuses to assist customers with BIOS password issues. The only option they will discuss involves sending them your laptop and paying a $100 fee. Here is a copy of an email from Acer Support:Thank you for contacting Acer America. I apologize for the delay in responding to your inquiry.In order to have the BIOS or hard disk password removed (This include any biometric security), the notebook will need to come in to our repair depot for password removal.
This service is not covered by warranty and unfortunately there is no other recourse to remove a BIOS or HDD password from the notebook. The flat fee for BIOS password removal is $100.00 US dollars plus tax. If it is a BIOS or HDD password and you would like us to service it for you, please contact our telephone technical support line at 1-800-816-2237.
Hours of operation are 7am-9pm CST Monday-Friday and 8am-5pm CST Saturday and Sunday, excluding holidays.
5 Basically, install a new HARD DRIVE.........Then install windows......The cheapest and easiest way to go. Blessings, Annlee .
Basically, install a new HARD DRIVE.........Then install windows......The cheapest and easiest way to go. Blessings, Annlee.
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I forgot my password and cant log into my dell laptop what can I do.
Had to reinstall windows and lost all my music.
I have time warner cable wireless internet and lost my password so I cant log on the internet with my new laptop.
I was able to log in and order something at about 3p Sunday now I cant log in and I have changed the password! HELP!?!?!
How can I reinstall Mac OS X leopard without all the languages and other software I won't need.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.