Need help with my sigma 70 - 300mm lens to work on my Rebel XTI?

Need help with my sigma 70 - 300mm lens to work on my Rebel XTI. Asked by davephoto11 15 months ago Similar questions: help sigma 70 300mm lens work Rebel XTI Arts > Photography.

Similar questions: help sigma 70 300mm lens work Rebel XTI.

Those are the only two mounts that work on the Canons. The EF being the older mount style for older Canons and newer full frames and the EF-S for the newer crop bodies. The EF will mount on the crop bodies too with some loss width of field.

If it doesn't fit there may be an adapter you may be able to get from Sigma or other. If you know what camera the lens does fit you could get an adapter that would take the lens from (for example) Nikon to Canon. That increases the focal lenght of the lens though and diminishes your field of view (angle of view) some as it take the lens further from the film plane (ccd chip).

The Sigmas are not directly supported by Canon. If you buy one that has a EF-S style mount it should fit directly.No fuss... no muss. Sigma offers a "reverse engineered" mount so they will work with Canon.

Some of the Canon DSLRs automatically recognize the lens mounted and compensate for some of the negative characteristics of the lens during internal imaging processing such as removing vignetting from corners of wide angle shot but other settings may be tied directly to the lens as well. You won't be able to use that feature. Any features you may have that allow you to input the lens parameters by hand you can use and you would have to go to Sigma for those parameters.

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I have a Canon Rebel XTI that I love. I have a 75-300mm zooms lens. Any ideas about a good lens to take landscape shot.

Can I use an old lens from my Elan camera on a new rebel xti.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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