Yay, Great and Mahalo - glad to see it and glad to see that it seems to be a big HIT right out of the starting blocks. For those who have yet to 'tip' outright, this is a great way to help them get their feet wet, and perhaps they will feel 'freer' with some MD when they see a comment or response that they feel is deserving of a separate tip all its own. Yes, I did have this idea a while back (I just always wanted to bump up the value of great questions...) and yes others have put forward the same concept.
Congrats to Mahalo for implementing what will be one of the more powerful community tools since - well - the community was built :) mahalo.com/answers/mahalo-answers-sugges... Pump up the Volume!
I predict team tipping will lead to: a) higher tips on questions b) more community involvement c) better questions rising up the home page d) more fun! Great job to the development team for (finally) get his feature out the door. We've been dreaming about this feature since before launch and it's finally here!
I'm sooooo excited!
I gang tipped this one M$2 just so that I could say I threw down my splashy cashy. I was going to make it rain Mahalo dollars... but I figured that I'll save that for a champagne room question. :).
Wow! I feel powerful now! I can wave my bunny paw and spread the wealth around!
I am currently an active pusher of the interesting button. As you can see from the picture below. When you combine money with bunny, you get more little money bunnies!(caution: must know rudimentary origami skills).
I like how you don't have to put up a lot to vote a question interesting, but on the other hand, I think this may discourage people from using the interesting button. I actually think the interesting button was not utilized enough by people even when it was free, and this may cause less people to click it. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong as it looks like a lot of people support the idea.
Sorry, I'm cheap, but that's just my opinion on it. Not that I do, but just out of curiosity, what happens if someone clicks the uninteresting button?
I find this is a great idea to give back to the community. Especially for one who rarely asks a question (with a tip).
I didn't see the video so not sure exactly how this works. Having the *option* to add a tip to someone else's question is great, and hopefully it should really reward good answers to guestions that are of widespread interest. But I do have a couple of questions / reservations about the way it seems to be being done.1) Does this mean you *have* to add to the tip in order to mark something interesting?
I mark things interesting as a community service not because I personally want to know the answer. A lot of things I vote up are Mahalo announcements and such.5c isn't a lot, but if you want people to mark lots of questions interesting it'll soon add up. Esp as most users don't earn much in tips to begin with.2) How does the money get distributed?
Does the asker still get to award the entirety of the money, even though they didn't put it all up? Not sure that if I offered a big tip of my own I'd want someone else choosing who deserved it the most.
Sounds like a great feature. I saw the question, and thought "M$2.10, who puts up an amount like that? " Then I saw the team tips added :) I think this might actually work, especially on the more complex, yet interesting questions.
One question: If a question has a 0.25 funded by Mahalo, will 'Team tipping' add to that 0.25, or will it replace that amount? Since that amount is only funded by Mahalo if the original questionner doesn't tip himself... After individual tipping, and now team tipping, maybe this is next?
I love this! It's the best feature addition ever!
I like this idea! It might be helpful for some of the Mahalo announcements to get auto-pinned at the top though instead of relying on tip ranking. Also, maybe the unhelpful button should also have a minimum tip?
Not sure where the money would go though, maybe to a charity system?
Wow, I love this feature! This will definitely make things even more fun around here.
I think optional would be nice. I think it will discourage some from voting interesting because they either: 1. Can't tip a lot because they don't have a lot and don't want to seem cheap next to those giving more 2.
For those who want to cash out their mahalo dollars, or need to, now they just won't vote anymore. And some people go through and use all their votes every day... that could really add up to more than some people could give. So their vote limit becomes how much they can afford instead of what they've earned by points and belt level.
I also think that showing how much people gave does two things... it makes some give more, and makes some not give at all... it can become competitive. All that being said, I do like that we can add to what the question is worth... a lot of them are worth more than the default 25 cents and it's fun to see how high they can go when people think they are interesting. =D.
Wow! When I saw you had a new feature, I thought, "Well, this probably won't affect me," but I was wrong! This idea rocks!
I've had several questions in the past that I would've gladly splashed some cash into. This is such a great idea, that I think it may be in the running for the best idea in Mahalo. Thanks, guys, for all the innovation!
Excellent! There is just one thing I might ask for to make it even better... I would like to add money...... but be able to choose for it to go to the Asker OR Answerer Sometimes questions are so well thought out and add so much to the site, it just wish there was a way to tip the ASKER, so if you could make this "interesting vote" tip money to the guy who wrote the "interesting" question that would make sense to me.
This idea is cool! Does this tipping be awarded to the questioning person or the answerer? Is there anyway to give tip to the questioner for this questions through this system?
Wow, this is really neat. You would think this wouldn't make a difference but a few cents do add up! I missed the tutorial but thanks for posting this question.
I have been seeing many .25 cent questions that were extremely interesting but received only two or three answers. I have also seen great answers, so I was wondering if you can use this same system to tip answers?
This is nice, but I think that putting a tip on marking questions as interesting should still be optional. Still, I guess I usually only mark questions as interesting if I also want to know the answer, so this is a good idea. Questions: 1.
If I put a tip on someone else's question, will answers to that question show up in my activity area? 2. Does this mean we can take tips off of a question by marking it as uninteresting?
This is a really good feature. I think it will also deter people from just clicking interesting just for the sake of clicking!
I thought this was going to be for Answers and not Questions... Interesting idea though... I'll have to see how it works...
This is an interesting concept! I found a site yesterday wishuponahero.com Wish Upon A Hero and I plan to share some of my mahalo money with other people in need. It's basically people putting out thier needs in hope someone will help them (like food money, gas money, medications etc).
Great feature, we might need to allow people to change their tip amounts, or add another tip. Also, if they accidentally press uninteresting, or change their mind to interesting, then they can change their vote. BTW, don't forget to tip the guy who coined the name for "Team Tipping" Here I am, and proof is below with the email thread.
Awesome feature! A couple of quick notes: - Usernames of those who mark an answer as 'helpful' aren't appearing.
That doesn't seem to be happening currently. Is that a bug, or just a feature that hasn't been implemented yet?
I think this will not only add money to the community, but will also help discussions to be more interesting because people will spend more time on their responses.
I'm not a Mahalo veteran, since I've only been around a few weeks, but I thought I'd look for information on Team Tipping since no one else had answered yet. In searching, I found this post: http://www.mahalo.com/answers/new-feature-team-tipping Basically, team tipping is adding a tip to a question that users think is interesting. Team Tipping was introduced on July 29, 2009, in the hopes of getting more money spread around on Mahalo.
The lowest tip option was 5 cents, but I see that the minimum tip is now only 1 penny. And people can tip as much as they want to. With this tipping feature, users can increase the amount offered as a tip for the best answer.
If, let's say, a question is asked with a 25-cent tip, but users think it's a really interesting question and/or will require a good bit of research and thought, they can vote up the question with tips and make it worth more, which will hopefully encourage more good answers. Following the above-referenced post, Mahaloian Jason Calacanis predicted that Team Tipping would result in... ---Quote a) higher tips on questions b) more community involvement c) better questions rising up the home page d) more fun! ---End quote It seems to me from my few weeks of experience here that these predictions were accurate.
I also see that the location of the feature is different now than it was when first introduced. While it was recently a "Yes" link next to, "Interesting Question?" just below the original question asked, it is now in the upper right-hand corner of each question box. You click on the up vote arrow and a box pops up asking how much you'd like to tip.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.