NEWS WAR! Who is the channel you turn to for legitimate news coverage locally and nationally/globally?

I read a lot of news, mostly online. I have a pretty varied selection International networks: National/international: Those are the main ones, plenty of others but these give a good balance.

My main source is Google news. Yes, that is a whole lot of different sources. That's the best part.

I sort out and research what I want from that. On the radio, I listen to NPR. NPR includes some local coverage and also the BBC from time to time.

That's when I'm commuting. Way too hard to surf while driving. No TV for me.

Certainly not the "news for dummies" on the main networks.

I mix it up and here is why. Whether they like to admit it or not, the news is slanted. Fox to the right, CNN to the left as to examples.

There is quality journalism out thee, but you must realize it is rarely, if ever, without bias. My feeling is that in order to get enough information about anything you care about you need to hit multiple sources. For me those sources are MSNBC and NPR News as my go to.

I enjoy the NY Times on a Sunday morning and NPR on the way to work with CNBC and the WSJ at work. The BBC is always there for quality reporting. Do yourself a favor and don't just listen to the ones who match or politics, take the time to hear the other side as well.

PBS newshour and PBS BBC world news are two programs that give it to you straight without any suspicions of bias from politics.

A television network is a terrible place to go for unbiased news coverage (it's fine for 'small stuff', though), as the corporate bias behind them is undeniable, not to mention that in the US at least, news programs are more about ratings than information. Online sources (obviously not merely the online components of these same corporate 'news' outlets) trump all in the present day.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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