NOT taking Barack Obama and George W. Bush into account, who was the worst US president in history?

Well, people who voted for obama are clearly blinded by the enemy. I believe as you that obama is a horrible president, the worst, yes, I agree he is trying to destroy our country and doing an outstanding job of it, yes he is a puppet of the higher ups, the so-called illuminati, yes we are speeding toward the one world government, yes, obama is satan's child, possibly the antichrist, certainly an antichrist, and yes! JESUS IS COMING SOON!

People, get ready! To live through the great tribulation would be the worst nightmare any could ever imagine, and that is what awaits those who are "left behind." are you ready to meet the Lord? Turn to Him today, people.

Time is truly running out. Do not let the future catch you unaware... if you are one who has no idea what is coming, I encourage you to study God's word and do research on line about the rapture and tribulation. You need to be informed so you can turn to Jesus and be saved from the horrors to come.

There will be hundred pound hailstones falling from the skies, one third of the earth's population will be killed by famine and disease, another third by the sword, there will be no water, giant demonic insects coming out of the earth will sting people until they wished they could die, but the Bible says they will not be able to... life on earth will be unbearable. God doesn't want us to be here for that! It is only for the wicked!

Do you want to be wicked? Of course not! So turn from this sinful world and turn toward Jesus, that is what repentance is, turning away from sin and embracing God.

He has made a way for us to avoid the evils that are coming. God bless you with understanding, friends.

Gold prices nearing 1700 from when they were 730 when he started his 1st term as president." I stopped reading right there. You obviously don't understand the world and the way it works if you think that's a bad thing.

I can't take your question seriously or read the rest after that because it's obvious what type of person we're dealing with here.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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