Ok..dumb question probably. How to tell an "uncooked" ham from a "cooked" ham? Aren't they ALL "cured"...?

Cooked and cured are two different things. The football skin ham use to be the typical ham. It was probably dry cured that turns a pig thigh into a ham as apposed to pork.

The curing process dries it out. It is also loaded with salt. Cooking a dry cured ham use to mean soaking it in water to leach out the salt and then you baked it.

You cut the skin a diamond pattern to expose some of the fat so it would render out and bast the ham at the same time sometimes they put pineapple and or cloves on the outside too. It is usually slow baked Today you can buy ham the old fashion way or in steaks or water cured or cured and precooked and sliced. The presliced ham is has been cured and cooked Note: If it is HAM it is cured in some fashion or another.

That is what makes it Ham. Same with bacon if it says bacon it is cured pork belly.

Boneless hams are generally processed from ham that is chipped off the boned variety and shaped into a loaf shape. The best tasting hams are the bone in ones. You bake it as directed, then remove it from the bone.

Freeze the bone for making soup later. (it's awesome) You can make many meals off the bone in ham. Try a half ham spiral sliced.

Also, the pigskin on the ham is pretty good for flavor. Just peel it off after cooking. (now you know why a football is sometimes called a pigskin) You just can't go wrong with a bone in ham.

No, not all hams are cured. And, no, curing a ham does not necessarily cook it, it flavors it mostly. Read the package carefully , they usually say "bone-in" or "semi-boneless" or "boneless" on it.

And a way to tell the fattiness of the ham when it is fully covered in skin is to squeeze it with your fingertips, firmness means meaty, sinking in or softness means fatty. Good luck on your future ham purchases.

I believe the color has something to do with the location of the meat, hindquarters, side, top, etc. One thing is certain though, your making me hungry. Yummy!

An uncooked ham is really no different than any other raw pork roast. Hams are usually smoked. That's what give the ham the taste and texture they are known for.

Honey cured spiral cut hams by Smithfield are good.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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