PBS sold a movie - "Memories of the Camps" years ago. It was about the holocaust - how can I get a copy?

PBS sold a movie - "Memories of the Camps" years ago. It was about the holocaust - how can I get a copy? My original copy was a VHS.It's showing its age and I'd like to get an up to date copy.

DVD is preferred - but I'll settle for a VHS Asked by newuser10018637 43 months ago Similar questions: PBS sold movie Memories Camps years ago holocaust copy Society > story.

Similar questions: PBS sold movie Memories Camps years ago holocaust copy.

You can buy the DVD directly from PBS for $23.99; VHS will cost you $29.99 Go to this link: shoppbs.org/sm-pbs-frontline-memory-of-t..." rel="nofollow">shoppbs.org/sm-pbs-frontline-memory-of-t... Sources: shoppbs.org/sm-pbs-frontline-memory-of-t..." rel="nofollow">shoppbs.org/sm-pbs-frontline-memory-of-t... curious7777777's Recommendations Frontline - Memory of the Camps Amazon List Price: $29.98 Used from: $18.70 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 6 reviews) Amazon will sell you the DVD for $26.99 .

You have a choice of either one, Amazon. Com or PBS. Org ... Good news!

It’s available from two sources: A AMAZON. COM: Title is: "Frontline - Memory of the Camps (1985) on DVD - OR - B PBS Shop: See the two formats: VHS and DVD, click HERE FRONTLINE: Memory of the Camps DVD Single DVD Item No. FRL6318 List Price: $29.99 Our Price: $23.99 .

Description: Fifty years ago, film crews for the Allied Expeditionary Force entered Nazi concentration camps to find atrocities beyond their imagination. Kept in a vault at London’s Imperial War Museum since 1945, the film shows tragic images of the genocide including scenes of gas chambers, experimentation labs and the haunted, starving survivors. .

AVAILABILITY: In Stock, leaves warehouse in 1 - 2 full bus. Days --------------------- goldie080's Recommendations Frontline - Memory of the Camps Amazon List Price: $29.98 Used from: $18.70 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 6 reviews) from Amazon. Com .

I am looking for a video of Sandies Fitness Firm. She used to be on PBS 12 years ago. Can you help me find her video?" "We need help finding a movie we saw on pbs many years ago.

It was about a band in a british (at least a uk) town. The ba" "Want to buy dvd of musical PLAY ON seen on PBS channel several years ago. Contains Ellington music .

Can you help? " "How can I get a copy of my S.A.T.Scores from 8 or 9 years ago?" "I am trying to find the title of an old movie that I saw many many years ago. " "where can I get a copy of my property that was survey about 40 years ago" "VT.

PBS channel was giving away a book called "Memories of Vermont" for big $ cont. Where can I get a copy? " "i'm trying to find the title of a movie I saw years ago.

" "I am trying to find and buy a movie called Kalamazoo.It was done about two years ago. Where can I buy a copy? " "Do you know if you can get video or dvd of Sandie's fitness firm?

It was on PBS in Detroit years ago.

I am looking for a video of Sandies Fitness Firm. She used to be on PBS 12 years ago. Can you help me find her video?

We need help finding a movie we saw on pbs many years ago. It was about a band in a british (at least a uk) town. The ba.

Want to buy dvd of musical PLAY ON seen on PBS channel several years ago. Contains Ellington music . Can you help?

I am trying to find the title of an old movie that I saw many many years ago.

Where can I get a copy of my property that was survey about 40 years ago.

VT. PBS channel was giving away a book called "Memories of Vermont" for big $ cont. Where can I get a copy?

I'm trying to find the title of a movie I saw years ago.

I am trying to find and buy a movie called Kalamazoo. It was done about two years ago. Where can I buy a copy?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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