VT. PBS channel was giving away a book called "Memories of Vermont" for big $ cont. Where can I get a copy?

VT. PBS channel was giving away a book called "Memories of Vermont" for big $ cont. Where can I get a copy?

Asked by daisydoodle 49 months ago Similar questions: VT PBS channel giving book called Memories Vermont big cont copy Society > story.

Similar questions: VT PBS channel giving book called Memories Vermont big cont copy.

It appears that you may be seeking "Vermont Memories" According to the premiums person at the Vermont PBS, what they offered for a 150 donation was the following VPT Productions: Vermont Memories, Vermont Memories II, Noble Hearts: Civil War in Vermont, Barns: Legacy of Wood & Stone and In Days Gone By: Vermont Country Ways. These are videos, but there is not a printed version of the material. Vermont Memories 1, 2 and 3 was produced by Vermont PBS, and can be ordered individually here: http://www.vtlife.com/catalog/videos/v-memories.html Sources: https://secure2.convio.Net/vpt/site/Ecommerce?

VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=2982&store_id=1382&JServSessionIdr012=j7rl7wgbe1. App6b .

From the VPT website Local Productions 5 Pack Receive the following VPT Productions: Vermont Memories, Vermont Memories II Noble Hearts: Civil War in Vermont Barns: Legacy of Wood & Stone In Days Gone By: Vermont Country Ways Donation Amount: $150 The DVDs are available at the Vermont Life Magazine catalog website for $19.95 Vermont Memories I, II, III Produced by Vermont Public Television, these nostalgic looks at Vermont in times gone by are irresistible. Volume I includes many rare old photos, interviews and film clips of summer camps, grand resorts, politicians, prohibition, and the general store as the center of village life. Volume II picks up in the 1950s, detailing the coming of the automobile, television and the return of WW II veterans.

Volume III takes a fascinating look at women lumberjacks, elephants in the Connecticut River, the old Catamount speedway and more. Supergrover's Recommendations The Vermont Encyclopedia Amazon List Price: $39.95 Used from: $91.10 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 2 reviews) The Twelve Seasons of Vermont Amazon List Price: $34.95 Used from: $19.66 .

PBS sold a movie - "Memories of the Camps" years ago. It was about the holocaust - how can I get a copy?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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