Please help. I don't know if im starting to have strep throat yet?

Oh yea you got it call your doctor and if you don't have one call walmart and tell them and they will patch you to the doctor and they can tell you what to get when you go in there.

If you had strep you should know that your throat will get inflamed and it will be difficult to swallow. Don't ask on yahoo answers. Ask a doctor for a strep test.

Also strep can lead to OCD. I recomend if you have reoccuring patterns you look it up and try to diagnose it early.

Even though white patches or dots on in the throat are a symptom of strep you can also have them from a sore throat. But if you've had strep in the past there is a greater chance of it reoccurring. The only way to know if you have strep is to get a throat culture from your doctor.

Other symptoms of strep are fever, sore throat and fatigue. If you believe that this may be strep the only way to cure it is antibiotics. So even if you don't have the other symptoms you may possibly have strep.

Seeing a doctor is the only way to be sure.

You should use penicillin_v_phenoxymethyl_penicillin, it is the best about it you can get information from here

I have a sore throat on the right near my tonsil, it doesn't feel majorly painful, but its making my ear ache. Its worse if I have a dry throat, then it hurts to swallow, but bearable if I drink a lot. I had a cold about 2 weeks ago and I don't have the other cold symptoms anymore.

I did have a look down my throat with a torch and its not red, but iv got tiny white bumps around my right tonsil (not on it) and a few yellowy ones to the back of my throat, and annoyingly, smelly breath :( what could this be? Just a throat infection that will go away on its own? Strep has a distinct smell, when I swab people's throats for it and smell that strep smell I'm better than 90% correct when I believe they've got it.

Sometimes when strep goes untreated it can cause damage to your heart. I would go to the doctor, if it's not strep, I find honey to be soothing when I put it in some tea. My name is gabby and in 12 years old and my throat is hurting me even when I swallow.

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Need your expert opinion. I have irritated throat and dry mouth for about three weeks now, absolutely no pain, fever, or any headache. No swollen or painful lymph nodes.

My left tonsil seems to be very slighly swollen. Did strep test which came negative. Doctor mentioned I could have had some viral infection that's lingering but nothing to be concerned about.

It started in Jan, dry winter, and in the midst of a hectic week at work. It feels better when I eat or drink. Now doc recommended increased intake of fluids at work and home, installing a humidifier and allowing some rest.

I don't feel otherwise unhealthy but was wondering if this is really a sign of some dehydration, an environmental cause or anything else. I am a bit baffled as I never experienced irritated throat/dry mouth for so long in the past. Thanks for your opinion!

Do you feel better now? I have same problem for about 3 months. I tried different medication.

None of them works. Large quantities at very affordable prices. Place your order and contact now.

Phosphate 10 mg. 16 oz, 32oz,4oz. Delivery & quality Guaranteed 100%.

Express Delivery Available with UPS,FedEx,EMS. Tracking numbers available with references. Shipping secure and discreet ,Delivery time.

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Skype : scott. We are only interested in bulk buyers. Buy Mephedrone, MDPV and other research chemicals Flephedrone(4-FMC, 4-Fluoromethcathinone) Methedrone (BK-PMMA, Methoxyphedrine) 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (4-FMA) Methylone (BK-MDMA) A-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone (a-PPP).

We do supply other medicine upon request. We ship discreet contact us at bruxelles. Was the Preliminary accurate?

I went to the hospital and had a preliminary test done for strep. The doctor said it was negative. However, it hurts to swallow, I have some white, I have what looks to be an egg sack on the inside of my throat just to the left side.

Everything is rather swollen and red, and my temperature is bipolar. Do I trust what that test said? And we also have strep circulating through the town.

Large quantities at very affordable prices. Place your order and contact now. Phosphate 10 mg.

16 oz, 32oz,4oz. Delivery & quality Guaranteed 100%. Express Delivery Available with UPS,FedEx,EMS.

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* Note that our customers privacy is our main concern. We do safe,secure and discreet package. Skype : scott.

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We ship discreet contact us at bruxelles. So I have been diagnosed with strep. It was about a week ago and my tonsils were speckled with white spots and now they seem to have become coated.

Is this a good sign? Or is there any thing that I can do to get rid of strep faster? Large quantities at very affordable prices.

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We do safe,secure and discreet package. Skype : scott. We are only interested in bulk buyers.

Buy Mephedrone, MDPV and other research chemicals Flephedrone(4-FMC, 4-Fluoromethcathinone) Methedrone (BK-PMMA, Methoxyphedrine) 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (4-FMA) Methylone (BK-MDMA) A-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone (a-PPP). We do supply other medicine upon request. We ship discreet contact us at bruxelles.

I do not know what I have. I have had severe pain in my throat for 2 days now. It is to the point to where I can hardly swallow and when I do, I want to cry.

I have not been able to eat or drink anything either. I have major pressure in my ears as well. I do not know if I need to go to the doctor, Or just wait it out.

Large quantities at very affordable prices. Place your order and contact now. Phosphate 10 mg.

16 oz, 32oz,4oz. Delivery & quality Guaranteed 100%. Express Delivery Available with UPS,FedEx,EMS.

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* Note that our customers privacy is our main concern. We do safe,secure and discreet package. Skype : scott.

We are only interested in bulk buyers. Buy Mephedrone, MDPV and other research chemicals Flephedrone(4-FMC, 4-Fluoromethcathinone) Methedrone (BK-PMMA, Methoxyphedrine) 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (4-FMA) Methylone (BK-MDMA) A-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone (a-PPP). We do supply other medicine upon request.

We ship discreet contact us at bruxelles. Why does it hurt about two inches under my collarbone, near my chest, every time I swallow? Sometimes it hurts even if I don't.

Large quantities at very affordable prices. Place your order and contact now. Phosphate 10 mg.

16 oz, 32oz,4oz. Delivery & quality Guaranteed 100%. Express Delivery Available with UPS,FedEx,EMS.

Tracking numbers available with references. Shipping secure and discreet ,Delivery time. We need the above information for easy communication.

* Note that our customers privacy is our main concern. We do safe,secure and discreet package. Skype : scott.

We are only interested in bulk buyers. Buy Mephedrone, MDPV and other research chemicals Flephedrone(4-FMC, 4-Fluoromethcathinone) Methedrone (BK-PMMA, Methoxyphedrine) 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (4-FMA) Methylone (BK-MDMA) A-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone (a-PPP). We do supply other medicine upon request.

We ship discreet contact us at bruxelles. How long on meds before the white spots go away? My husband is on day 7 of a 10day course with Penicillin 250mg TID for strep throat.

The doctor didn't even do a rapid strep test on him, just looked in his throat and goes "ohyeah! My question is, he doesn't have any pain swallowing any more or anything like that but his throat STILL looks icky, not nearly as bad as it was originally but there are still white little white patches on his tonsils, is this normal to be this far in on the antibiotics or should we be concerned? He doesn't normally get sick, has a really strong immune system and not sure where/how he got strep in the first place.

Large quantities at very affordable prices. Place your order and contact now. Phosphate 10 mg.

16 oz, 32oz,4oz. Delivery & quality Guaranteed 100%. Express Delivery Available with UPS,FedEx,EMS.

Tracking numbers available with references. Shipping secure and discreet ,Delivery time. We need the above information for easy communication.

* Note that our customers privacy is our main concern. We do safe,secure and discreet package. Skype : bruxelles.

We are only interested in bulk buyers. Buy Mephedrone, MDPV and other research chemicals Flephedrone(4-FMC, 4-Fluoromethcathinone) Methedrone (BK-PMMA, Methoxyphedrine) 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (4-FMA) Methylone (BK-MDMA) A-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone (a-PPP). We do supply other medicine upon request.

We ship discreet contact us at bruxelles. Large quantities at very affordable prices. Place your order and contact now.

Phosphate 10 mg. 16 oz, 32oz,4oz. Delivery & quality Guaranteed 100%.

Express Delivery Available with UPS,FedEx,EMS. Tracking numbers available with references. Shipping secure and discreet ,Delivery time.

We need the above information for easy communication. * Note that our customers privacy is our main concern. We do safe,secure and discreet package.

Skype : bruxelles. We are only interested in bulk buyers. Buy Mephedrone, MDPV and other research chemicals Flephedrone(4-FMC, 4-Fluoromethcathinone) Methedrone (BK-PMMA, Methoxyphedrine) 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (4-FMA) Methylone (BK-MDMA) A-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone (a-PPP).

We do supply other medicine upon request. We ship discreet contact us at bruxelles. How many days is it reasonable to stay out of work when diagnosed with strep throat and given antibiotics & steroids?

My symptoms started Friday morning 06/02/093 I went to work as usual. Sat morn 06/02/094 I woke up @ 2am and felt HORRIBLE! I called out of work and went to an immediate care place.

The docter did a strep test and it came back positive. He gave me a steroid shot in the office and prescribed me Azithromycin 250mg Dose Pack and Methylprednisolone 4mg dose pack. I started both medications as soon as I got home from the pharmacy.

I called my boss and told him what the docter said and that unfortunatly I would definitly be out of work the next day (Sun 06/02/096) but I planned on returning Mon 06/02/090. I have a docters note excusing my absence Sat 06/02/094 and Sun 06/02/096. I work as a waitress in the food service industry.

I thought I would be feeling good enough to go back to work on Monday plus I really can't miss anymore work for several different reasons but I still have a bad headache a stomach ache, lower stomach, almost like cramps, I'm still weak, dizzy achy all over and so tired with no energy what so ever and its Sunday 06/02/096 @ 4pm. At what point is it safe for me to go back to work without me overdoing and end up getting worse and when I am also no longer contagious? If I should stay out of work Monday as well how do I go about getting an excused absence to give to me boss for Mon?

Please help me. I have read all of your answers to everyones questions and I know you will give me the best most honest advice. Large quantities at very affordable prices.

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We do safe,secure and discreet package. Skype : bruxelles. We are only interested in bulk buyers.

Buy Mephedrone, MDPV and other research chemicals Flephedrone(4-FMC, 4-Fluoromethcathinone) Methedrone (BK-PMMA, Methoxyphedrine) 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (4-FMA) Methylone (BK-MDMA) A-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone (a-PPP). We do supply other medicine upon request. We ship discreet contact us at bruxelles.

Okay so I went to the doctor on tuesday, it is now Saturday. The doctor took a strep test with a swab and said I had strep. So she gave me a shot of penicillin, but my throat still hurts when I swallow, talk and breath.

And my nose is stuffed. Shouldn't these symptoms be going away? Shouldn't my throat feel better by now?

I want to feel better already. What should I do? Large quantities at very affordable prices.

Place your order and contact now. Phosphate 10 mg. 16 oz, 32oz,4oz.

Delivery & quality Guaranteed 100%. Express Delivery Available with UPS,FedEx,EMS. Tracking numbers available with references.

Shipping secure and discreet ,Delivery time. We need the above information for easy communication. * Note that our customers privacy is our main concern.

We do safe,secure and discreet package. Skype : bruxelles. We are only interested in bulk buyers.

Buy Mephedrone, MDPV and other research chemicals Flephedrone(4-FMC, 4-Fluoromethcathinone) Methedrone (BK-PMMA, Methoxyphedrine) 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (4-FMA) Methylone (BK-MDMA) A-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone (a-PPP). We do supply other medicine upon request. We ship discreet contact us at bruxelles.

Took the steroid and pencillin shot was getting better now back to the same. I started developing the virus on Sunday. I was trying home remedies just because I thought it was a sore throat but I went to the doctor on Tuesday and it ended up being strep.

She did not to a strep test, just simply diagnosed me with it. I received the steroid shot and pencillin shot and things seemed like the were getting better on Wednesday. But by 1 o'clock or so my throat started progressively getting worse again.

I've tried taking ibuprofen for the pain but it hasn't really helped at all. It hurts to swallow anything again and I'm back in the same situation I was a few days ago. Is there anything I can do for this.

The pain is simply unbearable anymore, is it possible for me to get another shot or prescription. Or do I have to continue to suffer until it is done? Also I was wondering if brushing the infection off the tonsils gentley would make it worse or better.

Any information would help, I've read all of these reviews but I can't really find a specific answer. Large quantities at very affordable prices. Place your order and contact now.

Phosphate 10 mg. 16 oz, 32oz,4oz. Delivery & quality Guaranteed 100%.

Express Delivery Available with UPS,FedEx,EMS. Tracking numbers available with references. Shipping secure and discreet ,Delivery time.

We need the above information for easy communication. * Note that our customers privacy is our main concern. We do safe,secure and discreet package.

Skype : scott. We are only interested in bulk buyers. Buy Mephedrone, MDPV and other research chemicals Flephedrone(4-FMC, 4-Fluoromethcathinone) Methedrone (BK-PMMA, Methoxyphedrine) 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (4-FMA) Methylone (BK-MDMA) A-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone (a-PPP).

We do supply other medicine upon request. We ship discreet contact us at bruxelles. The past few days my throat has been hurting.

It hurts to swallow, and eat. Yesterday I threw up all morning. Everything I ate or drank I threw up.

Today my throat feels a little better but the soreness is in a different place it seems to have spread to the left side instead of the right. The pain goes away for a few minutes, and then hurts again. Could it just have been the stomach flue?

Or could it be that my ear was draining. Should I go to the doctors just to be safe? Large quantities at very affordable prices.

Place your order and contact now. Phosphate 10 mg. 16 oz, 32oz,4oz.

Delivery & quality Guaranteed 100%. Express Delivery Available with UPS,FedEx,EMS. Tracking numbers available with references.

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We do safe,secure and discreet package. Skype : bruxelles. We are only interested in bulk buyers.

Buy Mephedrone, MDPV and other research chemicals Flephedrone(4-FMC, 4-Fluoromethcathinone) Methedrone (BK-PMMA, Methoxyphedrine) 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (4-FMA) Methylone (BK-MDMA) A-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone (a-PPP). We do supply other medicine upon request. We ship discreet contact us at bruxelles.

My right swollen tonsil . Ive had my right tonsil swollen for about 6 months it does not hurt only if I get sick and at times when I eat bread the next I get this yellowy bump and I get a q-tip and push it out and seems like its food I am really scared if I might have strep thoat do I? Large quantities at very affordable prices.

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We do safe,secure and discreet package. Skype : scott. We are only interested in bulk buyers.

Buy Mephedrone, MDPV and other research chemicals Flephedrone(4-FMC, 4-Fluoromethcathinone) Methedrone (BK-PMMA, Methoxyphedrine) 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (4-FMA) Methylone (BK-MDMA) A-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone (a-PPP). We do supply other medicine upon request. We ship discreet contact us at bruxelles.

Loestrin 24 FE ( bruxelles. Large quantities at very affordable prices. Place your order and contact now.

Phosphate 10 mg. 16 oz, 32oz,4oz. Delivery & quality Guaranteed 100%.

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We need the above information for easy communication. * Note that our customers privacy is our main concern. We do safe,secure and discreet package.

Skype : scott. We are only interested in bulk buyers. Buy Mephedrone, MDPV and other research chemicals Flephedrone(4-FMC, 4-Fluoromethcathinone) Methedrone (BK-PMMA, Methoxyphedrine) 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (4-FMA) Methylone (BK-MDMA) A-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone (a-PPP).

We do supply other medicine upon request. We ship discreet contact us at bruxelles. Loestrin 24 FE ( bruxelles.

How can I stop strep throat before it gets worst? I think I have strep throat. This morning after I drank some tez my throat started to become dry and now im starting to feel the signs of strep throat as the hours go by.

Ive had strep throat before and if was really painful but I never went to the doctors. Can anyone tell me how to stop the infection from getting worst using home remedies? Viral throat infections can hurt just as bad or worse than strep throat infections.

You need to get a strep test done to determine which kind you have because untreated strep can damage the valves in your heart and needs to be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics do not work for viral throat infections. Both should be treated with regular dosing of either tylenol or motrin, warm salt water gargles, increased fluid intake - cold often feels best, and rest.

You need to see your doctor and get a throat culture done. How can I stop strep throat before it gets worst? I think I have strep throat.

This morning after I drank some tez my throat started to become dry and now im starting to feel the signs of strep throat as the hours go by. Ive had strep throat before and if was really painful but I never went to the doctors. Can anyone tell me how to stop the infection from getting worst using home remedies?

Viral throat infections can hurt just as bad or worse than strep throat infections. You need to get a strep test done to determine which kind you have because untreated strep can damage the valves in your heart and needs to be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics do not work for viral throat infections.

Both should be treated with regular dosing of either tylenol or motrin, warm salt water gargles, increased fluid intake - cold often feels best, and rest. You need to see your doctor and get a throat culture done. How do you know when strep throat is healing?

Today I saw the lymph nodes start turning yellow , they were previously white because I have strep throat. Does it mean my strep throat symptons are healing because I have had really bad swallowing pains. To answer, when the sore throat improves.

Large quantities at very affordable prices. Place your order and contact now. Phosphate 10 mg.

16 oz, 32oz,4oz. Delivery & quality Guaranteed 100%. Express Delivery Available with UPS,FedEx,EMS.

Tracking numbers available with references. Shipping secure and discreet ,Delivery time. We need the above information for easy communication.

* Note that our customers privacy is our main concern. We do safe,secure and discreet package. Skype : bruxelles.

We are only interested in bulk buyers. Buy Mephedrone, MDPV and other research chemicals Flephedrone(4-FMC, 4-Fluoromethcathinone) Methedrone (BK-PMMA, Methoxyphedrine) 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (4-FMA) Methylone (BK-MDMA) A-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone (a-PPP). We do supply other medicine upon request.

We ship discreet contact us at bruxelles. How long can a child carry strep throat without it effecting her? My sister, she woke up with a soar throat & says her eyes are heavy.

She just recently spent the night at my cousin house on sunday, and they had just got over strep throat. Is it possible she could have it. How long can a person carry strep throat without it really effecting them?

If your cousin had just been treated for it than she didn't get it from him or her. Once you've been on antibiotics for 2-3 days you are very unlikely to spread it to someone else. If she gets any more symptoms then she needs to be checked out by a doctor.

Strep has to be treated, it doesn't just go away like a cold does. Ok for the past 2 days i've had a really bad sore throat. I looked up signs for strep throat and I have several of them such as well sore throat, lower stomach pain, headaches, loss of appetite, tiredness, and difficulty swallowing.

Do you think I should go to the doctor? If so how can I get my mom to believe that I really need to? Why don't you show your mom the list of symptoms & the symptoms that you are showing & let her decide?

It's really easy to mis-diagnose yourself when you are sick, since you can read a diagnosis & suddenly start to feel random symptoms in order to make the diagnosis more likely. You've only had this for 2 days, so it's highly likely that you could just have a bad cold. The symptoms for that is basically the same.

I would take some cold medicine, get plenty of rest, & drink plenty of fluids. If you do not feel better in a few days, then I would see the doctor. In any case you should probably stay home from school for a day so you can get plenty of rest.

How does strep throat cause other parts of your body to not feel well? I've had strep throat for about 4-5 days now, and I know that it's simply a throat infection caused by bacteria. However, I am curious as to how it can cause my nose to stuff up and for me to cough and have the symptoms of a cold.

What you describe (nasal congestion and cough along with the pharyngitis) sounds more like a viral infection rather than streptococcal sore throat. Has a physician definitely diagnosed strep throat, or are you simply assuming that is the condition? If it is in fact a streptococcal infection, you should be receiving treatment with a penicillin.

Why was I prescribed Septra for strep throat? As I understand it, Septra is primarily used for urinary tract infections and (rarely) for strep throat when the patient has a penicillin allergy. I specifically told my doctor today that I am not allergic to penicillin and that I was prescribed penicillin the last time I had strep throat (~ 1 year ago).

Is there something I'm missing? You're right, it is usually prescribed for UTI's, however this article lists other infections it can be used for. My daughter was prescribed a sulpha drug one time for an infection she got after knee surgery.

Turns out she is allergic to sulpha drugs. When I took her to our family Dr he kinds just shook his head about the sulpha prescribed. Cefzil for strep?

The doctor perscribed my cefzil 250mg tablets twice a day for 10 days for strep throat. Ive had three doses (last night, this morning, and tonight) and it has had no effect except take away the fever. I still have a sore throat....was this the right medicine to perscribe?

Anybody take this before and had same effects? Another doctor gave me amoxicillin when I had strep before and I felt better after one dose...why? It's a different medication.

It is an antibiotic, that's why you take it for 10 days. I don't think it's as aggressive as amoxil is, but it should still work. Just keep taking it and if it hasn't helped in a few days, call your doctor back and tell them.

You may need a tougher antibiotic. Which antibiotic is stronger omnicef or amoxicillin? I currently have strep throat and have been given two types by different dr's and was wondering which was the best to take..I am being treated for strep throat thats is the condition and was woering which was best?

Why did you see two doctors and get two prescriptions for the same condition? If you went for a second opinion, did you disclose what the first doctor prescribed? If so, then why don't you trust the second doctor's rationale?

Did s/he for instance give you omnicef because you are allergic to penicillin (amoxicillin is a penicillin-type antibiotic). And do you have an actual strep diagnosis? These are either a 24 hour culture of a sample they swabbed from your throat or a rapid-step test (they wiped your throat with a swab while you were at the doctor and then told you it was a positive strep test).

Many providers, especially when confronted by anxious patients, are too quick to prescribe antibiotics for sore throats that are very often viral, and this has lead to an increase in bacterial resistance to antibiotics, and many unnecessary gastro-intestinal problems for patients - not to mention the added expense of buying a useless medicine. But assuming you do actually have a positive step test and to actually answer your question, antibiotics target specific types bacteria, and streptococcus are a family of bacteria that can be killed by penicillins (like amoxicillin) AND cephalosporins (like Omnicef). So, assuming you are not allergic to either one, I would recommend that one that is most affordable for you, and which you are most likely to follow the prescription for - meaning if one is 1 pill twice daily for 7 days and the other is 1 pill four times daily for 10 days (this is hypothetical) - I'd suggest the former since you are more likely to follow those instructions, which means you are more likely to avoid complications from strep.

Note that you are probably NOT going to feel better any faster with the antibiotics. For that, you'll have to take tylenol or ibuprofen to keep your fever down, do whatever you do to reduce the pain (suck on ice, a lozenge, etc,) and try to avoid much contact with others until you've been on the antibiotics for a couple of days so you don't spread the infection. On average, it takes just as long to get over strep throat with or without antibiotics.

However, the federal recommendation to providers and patients is to still treat it with antibiotics because of rare complications that can happen from untreated strep with kidney and the heart. Can I take macrobid and and amoxicillin at the same time? My doctor has given me macrobid for a urinary tract infection.

One day later, and I have strep throat. I have some amoxicillin in the house that my brother took a week ago for his strep throat. I can't afford more office visits.

I read macrobid will only work for UTI and not strep also. Can I take both antibiotics simultaneously? There is no interaction between the 2 medications so it should be no problem.

Amoxicillin could also potentially cure the UTI if the bacteria causing it was sensitive, but I wouldn't stop the Macrobid. I heard you shouldnt eat when taking penicillin...? One of the questions here asked how long before you can eat non astronaut food basically. Now either they meant because of the strep throat discomfort or because penicillin can only work on an empty stomach?

Sorry for sounding stupid but this is my first time having strep throat. I think its gotten a little better. This is day 3 of taking penicillin (2 pills, 3 times a day, 3 days, then 2 pills a day, twice for 7 days)it still hurts alot to swallow when am I gonna see results?

When you are sick is when you need the most nutritious food, so you definitely eat when taking penicillin. I know you probably don't have much appetite, and it probably still hurts to swallow, but you need to try all you can to eat real, nutritious food. Warm soup is good and so it hot tea; both are soothing.

But you need real, solid food as well. The penicillin treats the infection, so by eliminating the infection, you will eventually begin to feel better, but in the meantime, you also need symptom relief in order to feel better now. Someone mentioned Tylenol or ibuprofen.

Use either/or, but not both. Warm fluids are soothing, as we said, rest if helpful and drink a lot of water. OJ is good too.

I've known people who put a sprinkle of cinnamon on top of OJ and warm it up in the microwave, just because warm fluids are soothing....I don't know if it's good, but you might want to try it--you might like it..Hope you feel better soon. I think I might have strep throat but, I don't really know all the symptoms... I have a horible sore throat that hurts when I swallow, a cough, lots-o-headaches. I had strep recently.

If you have a fever of about 101 you probably have it. Check this out. You need to go to the doctor for antibiotics... Strep can develop into rheumatic fever without treatment.

Why is my throat still sore after being on Omnicef for 6 days? I was diagnosed with an upper respiratory tract infection, and bronchitis about a week and a half ago.... my throat has not stopped being sore for that whole time..............and I had a strep test.........but it came back omnicef is suppose to be able to clear up why are my glands still swollen and my throat killing me?! What is the difference between strep throat and losing your voice?

I have a really bad sore throat and when I stand up I feel dizzy. And I don't really have a runny nose but just a little. So do I have strep throat or am I losing my voice?

Strep throat is caused by a viral infection, and it is fairly specific. Your symptoms can be for a lot of things, i.e. Swollen glands, flu, etc. Losing your voice is caused by abusing it or it may be a symptom.

Hope you feel better, be sure to see a doctor! I am pretty sure I have strep throat. I have a lump the size of a watermelon in my lymph nodes and I keep running a fever.

I sleep an obscene amount and feel like total crap. Any suggestions on what I can do to feel better? If you do have strep, you really need to see a doctor to get started on an antibiotic.

If you don't get it taken care of with medicine, it will only get worse. Left untreated, it can lead to kidney damage among other things. We have had alot of strep in our family this year resulting in 2 tonsillectomies.

Please see a doctor so you can feel better. Usually, people feel better after on 24 hours of an antibiotic. Feel better soon.

Can I drink alcohol with Penicillin VK? I've been on penicillin vk for a week now to cure strep throat. My throat has not exhibited any symptoms of strep for three days.

I intend to finish the full 10-day prescription. I do, however, wish to drink with my friends tonight. Is that something that I can do safely?

I would ask a pharmacist. They will tell you. Is 6 ml 3 times a day of eryped 200 too much for a child weighing 33 lbs for strep throat?

My daughter was prescribed eryped 200 for strep throat. She is supposed to take 6 ml 3 times a day for 10 days. She is 4 years old and only weighs 33 lbs.

I think it may be too much. Please let me know. You really should contact your child's pediatrician about her medication.

And,if you feel the dose is too high...again this is a question that you need to bring to your child's pediatricians attention. You need to speak with the pediatrician about your concerns regarding your child's medication,and the dose. I wouldn't lower or increase her medication without first speaking with her pediatrician.

I'm sure her pediatrician gave your child this specific dose for a good reason...maybe your daughter has a serious strain of strep throat,and requires this dose of medication. But again...I strongly advise you to speak with her pediatrician in regards to your concerns. I hope everything works out,and your daughters starts feeling better soon.

Hi I just went to the doctor yesterday and found out I have strep throat. Im on antibiotics , but the pain is unbearable. They offered me a steroid shot in the office, but Im broke and don't have insurance, soo I passed on that.

Does anyone know any home remedies or anything that will take the edge off this pain? Im making some hot tea right now. It just really hurts to swallow soo I don't like to eat or drink.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Try soup or broth and don't make it really hot ... strep throat is when you have an infection in your throat and normally there are blister back there so you could be irritating them buy drinking hot things... lemons are great for strep throat you can squeeze the juice in your tea or in some water and it helps.. that's what singer do when they have sore throats and also cough drops are great I only use Fruit Blasters they have no menthol so your nose doesn't run and they taste like candy .. the best thing for you to do is get so sleep and take all of your medication cause it can come back if you don't ... Good Luck! What are the reasons for a tonsillectomy due to repeated strep throat?

They want to take my tonsils out, I thought that was just for kids. If anyone knows anything about the reasons for a tonsillectomy due to strep throat please answer. There is controversy as to whether a Tonsillectomy will stop chronic tonsillitis(which includes strep throat).

Basically, tonsillectomy = less cases of tonsillitis. If you don't have the tonsils, then you can't get the virus/infection on them. I had 4 cases of strep in a matter of 3 months, and had horrible bouts of tonsillitis when I was younger, so my tonsils were taken out last year.

Funny thing is, I am currently suffering from "tonsillitis". My doctor told me that no matter what is there, that area in general is the perfect place for bacteria to set up shop. The pain from tonsillitis/strep is also less when you don't have tonsils anymore, since the inflammation isn't as great, and there are less chances of your breathing becoming impaired.

If I am taking Cephalexin for strep throat, will it also take care of a urinary tract infection? I was recently given Cephalexin for strep throat. I'm sure that I have a urinary tract infection (I get them so often that I always recognize the symptoms) but wasn't sure if I should say anything since I was getting antibiotics anyway.

I've been taking them for two days now though, and while my throat already feels much better, I'm not sure if my uti symptoms are improving. Of course I plan on taking all of the medicine like you're supposed to, but perhaps I have just not given it enough time. Will the Cephalexin treat both or should I see about getting a second antibiotic for the uti?

Strep throat is a bacterial infection of the tissues in the back of the throat and the tonsils. The tissues become irritated and inflamed, causing a sudden, severe sore throat. It is caused by streptococcal (strep) bacteria.

The most common symptoms of strep throat are a sudden, severe sore throat; pain or difficulty swallowing; fever over 101° (38.3°); swollen tonsils and lymph nodes; and white or yellow spots on the back of a bright red throat. Strep infection may also cause a headache and abdominal pain. Less commonly, strep throat can cause a red skin rash, vomiting, loss of appetite, and a general feeling of discomfort or illness.

Strep throat will go away in 3 to 7 days with or without treatment. However, strep throat is still treated with antibiotics even if they do not speed recovery. Antibiotics kill the strep bacteria, shorten the time you are contagious, and reduce the risk of complications, such as the infection spreading to other parts of your body.

Antibiotics are effective in relieving symptoms of strep throat only if they are given within 48 to 72 hours after symptoms begin. Can I take codeine promethazine with a fever? I have strep throat and its extremely painful?

Thank youI know it is strep because I went to the hospital and I was so sick they had to give me an IV and pump me full of antibiotics. I don't have any cough syrup but I was going to call my doctor and ask for some. You didn't even answer the question....Thank you!

Medical help question? Since Friday, I had developed a strep throat. I went to the doctor and she gave me two things: Xylocaine Viscous (to numb it) and Clarithromycin, because I am allergic to Penicillin.

This morning I woke up entirely swollen with hives and rashes all over my body. My face is blown up and it hurts to even open my eyes (on top of the strep throat, too). I think I'm allergic to Carithromycin.

What would you recommend I do? Thanks so much for any help!p.s. ; to make it all worse, I have a long-anticipated school trip on Wednesday through Friday, which is once in a lifetime and non-refundable too.

(it was $ 300) Will I have to call in sick and miss this? Call your doctor ASAP. You are having an allergic reaction to the antibiotic.

Do not take more of this antibiotic! Take an antihistamine, like Benadryl, to reduce the allergic reaction and get to your doc ASAP. You should be fine by Wednesday!

Question for Doctors or anyone else about Rapid strep trest? I went to urgent care to day and the doctor did a rapid strep test on me. At least I hope she did.

She swabbed my throat came back in 2 minutes and said im positive and gave me prescription for penicillin. I read that it takes 10-15minutes for a rapid strep test to result. Did this doctor really do the test?

Our was she trying to get rid of me quickly like how some doctors are which is sad to say. ZeusMens,It is not possible to answer your question with any degree of accuracy. Suffice it to say, that a result provided in less than,say,10 minutes, might be of questionable accuracy.

The traditional test for a strep throat has, for years, been a throat culture. The major drawback of a throat culture is that the results take 2 to 3 days. The results of a rapid strep test are usually available within 10 to 15 minutes, as you are obviously aware.

The rapid strep test now in common usage is designed to ONLY detect a certain type of streptococcal bacteria known as Group A. Other bacteria which may be the cause of throat infection are not identified by this test. Most rapid strep test methods have a sensitivity of 75-80%, meaning that the test will be positive in 75-80% of people who have a Group A strep infection.

Therefore, 20-25% of people who have an infection will be missed if this is the only test done. A negative test may also be the result of antibiotic usage before taking the throat swab. Group A strep frequently disappears rapidly from the throat with the use of a variety of antibiotics.

ALL ANSWERS SHOULD BE THOROUGHLY RESEARCHED, IN ANY FORUM AND ESPECIALLY IN THIS ONE. - MANY ANSWERS ARE FLAWED. The information provided here should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition.

A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. I add a link with probably more detail that you require analytes/strep/test. Why would a doctor give dexamethasone for a sore throat?

My husband took our 14 year old daughter to the ER Friday night because of a sore throat. It was red, tonsils slightly swollen and a 102 fever. She was given dexamethasone, a prescription for antibiotics and a throat culture (neg.

I was home with our other kids or I would have questioned the steroid. Is this a normal thing to give a kid for a sore throat with no asthma or difficulty breathing? Steroids are usually given for inflammation... I don't believe its routine, but whatever he saw from the physical examination probably influenced his decision to give steroids for your daughter.

Does Bactrim work for strep throat and or sinus infections? Does anyone know if Bactrim works for strep throat and or sinus infections? Bactrim is a broad based spectrum antibiotic.

It can be used to treat various infections. Including strep throat and sinus infections. But may not clear them up as effectively as an antibiotic designed specifically for the type of infection you have would.

I do care! If my strep is resistant to ceftin and keflex, would another cephalesporin work for me? I took Ceftin and Keflex and my strep throat still came back.

I am allergic to bactrim, biaxin, penicillin, amoxicillin. Can't take a z -pack or erythromycin because it hurts my stomach.My question is, if ceftin and keflex weren't effective in treating my strep (maybe resistant) could another cephalesporin work? Your strep are adapting and are getting resistant no matter what.

Because your overall immune system is really weak. Getting stronger antibiotic may make them even more resistant and you may end up in troubles. So the idea around that is to treat that with no selective antibiotic.

Go buy a LOT of fresh(ORGANIC) lemon. Juice the lemon and swallow but keep in your mouth for 3 minutes. Repeat that every 2 H for several days until your infection is over.

Lemon is a STRONG antiseptic and will do the trick. Biaxin xl and nyquil? I am taking biaxin xl for strep throat.

I am unable to sleep at night due to the pain of the strep...could I take nyquil to help with that? What is the difference between amoxicillin and azithromycin? I caught strep throat about 2 weeks ago, and I was prescribed amoxicillin.

I went back for a checkup on Wednesday because even though I was done with my medication, I still felt sick. I had some blood drawn and the clinic called and said I had gotten strep again. The new prescription I got is azithromycin.

What is the difference between these two medications? You probably never got over the first bout of strep and the amoxicillian is a derivative of penicillin, zithromycin is a different antibiotic, some people have had the penicillin too many times and it doesn't work anymore. Zithromycin is one that is taken for 1 time and stays in the system until 5 days on its own.

Anyone taken Biaxin XL Filmtab? I had strep throat a week ago and took Biaxin for it. My throat is better, but for several days I have been nauseous constantly, have a mild headache, dark urine, fatigue, and a little itchy on my legs and sides.

Has any one had these sde effects? Are they serious? What do I do, besides go to the doctor ( I would prefer to avoid that because I don't have insurance )?

Call the doctor who prescribed it for you and tell him. Very rarely, this drug can cause liver damage. When it does, it is serious.

I am including a link to a description of drug-induced liver disease for you. When you call the doctor, be sure to tell him about the dark urine. That is a red flag.

I've had a severe sore throat for three days. I cant remember ever having had one this bad (im not a complainer) it's like strep throat but I also have a cough, difficulty swallowing, very slight runny/stuffy nose, and my saliva is really thick and I spit up hunks of green mucus. (gross) I have absolutely no fever (97.2 at the moment) but had bad diarrhea yesterday....what do I do?!

It doesn't seem bad enough to go to student health but im downing halls, life savers, water, and juice and my throat is still burning.....ANY advice would be appreciated...sorry I sound so complainy lol THANKSfor the record, im a virgin that doesn't do blow jobs so you jerks can stop telling me I have an std......but thanks to the real answers! Go to the nurse. That's what she's there for.

You probably have strep throat which you can only treat with antibiotics. If I have strep throat, will Duricef take care of this? If you have strep, a culture needs to be taken to determine the most effective antibiotic to deal with your particular bacteria.

You should never just take an antibiotic to try to self medicate because you will build up a tolerance to that particular antibiotic, also it could interact with another medication you are already taking. Someday you may contract a bacteria that you will need that med to fight, and if you are immune to the cure it will have no effect. Never take someone Else's meds, it is not only illegal, but dangerous.

Has anyone used cefuroxime axetil for strep throat? Usually something in the penicillin family is prescribed, but cefuroxime is a good choice as well to treat strep throat. It might be given in the case that a patient has a penicillin allergy.

Cefuroxime is a second generation cephalosporin. Cephalosporins will always kill Group A strep (the organism that causes "strep throat"). How many mgs of penicillin v for a 7 year old with strep throat?

Prescribing for children is always a difficult business. The BNF suggests a starting dose of 250mg qds up to 12.5mg/kg qds in severe infection. Please help..10 points best answer!

Missed antibiotics (erythromycin stearate 250mg) for tonsillitis? Hey...wondering of anyone could help me out! I've had tonsilitus for about a month and a half now and after being on penicillin for ages im now taking erythromycin stearate to try and get rid of it.

I'm meant to take 4 tablets a day but missed all todays ones(im on day 5 of 7) and am wondering wether to take more tomorrow or just leave them out? Ive had tonsilitus many times but this time it isn't going away very easily so i'm concerned this will stop the antibiotics working properly and it will get worse again..which would be horrible! Yeah the doctor did a throat swab about 3/4 weeks ago which said it was sensitive to penicillin and was strep throat...penicillin didn't work properly though and the swab was too old to see what else it was sensitive to when I went back...maybe getting another one next week though but i'd rather it just got better with these antibiotics!

Yeah the doctor did a throat swab about 3/4 weeks ago which said it was sensitive to penicillin and was strep throat...penicillin didn't work properly though and the swab was too old to see what else it was sensitive to when I went back...maybe getting another one next week though but i'd rather it just got better with these antibiotics! I would go ahead and take the antibiotics now, you don't want to double up on them tomorrow as that can be dangerous to your kidneys and because drugs don't work well if you aren't taking them as prescribed. Tonsils can be such pain because they are so envagenated, when they get infected, it can be very difficult to get them uninfected.

Penicillin is usually good for strep infections, which is mostly the kind of bacteria in your throat/mouth. Did he bother to do an upper respiratory culture on you? Usually all we look for is group a strep, but chances are if your Doctor requests to look for somehing else they would.

Anyways, good luck getting your tonsils clear. It took me 5 weeks to get rid of Strep throat because my tonsels just didn't want to clear up. Is it ok to take roxicet with a sore throat or strep throat?

I'm not trying to cure it with roxicet just want the pain to go away. I know a side effect of roxicet is sore throat, which is why i'm asking. Will cure the pain but make things worse as a result?

I am 13 years old and when I was six I got strep throat which lead to psoriasis...then summer of 2006 I got strep again and got psoriasis again...but now I had a sinus infection like a month and a half ago and was taking ammoxicillin for it and it went away soon a month and a half later i'm breaking out in what appears to be psoriasis, but on my neck &scalp only. And if it is psoriasis, how can I prevent it from spreading any further? I'm halfway through the school year and I don't want to get it any worse.

I went to the doctor & got this medicine called olux foam which clears up outbreaks really fast (not permanently, though), but what dermatologists won't tell you is that most skin disorders are actually a symptom of an imbalance of intestinal bacteria (more bad than good). Get that activa yogurt or probiotic supplements & try taking it for about a week & it should improve. But, yeah, psoriasis is very unpredictable.

It comes and goes. If you get it once, there is always a chance it will come back. Any pharmacists out there?

I have strep throat and am taking penicillin (2-3x/day) But I also have a UTI. Can I take penicillin and Sulfatrim together? Actually both have been perscribed to me...Penicillin today and Sulfatrim a couple of weeks ago...have re-occuring UTI's and my doc said to use the Sulfatrim when needed.

But when picking meds for my strp throat I forgot to ask the pharmacist. Antibiotics (Gatifloxacin) & Alcohol? I have recurrent throat infections/strep throat.

Keflex usually works but this time around it did not so my doc put me on Augmentin 625 for 10 days. That didn't do anything either so today he moved me to Gatifloxacin 400 once a day. Well, it's Saturday & there's a party around the bend.

Would it hurt if I had one or two drinks? I'm not burning up with fever or anything & have avoided all social get togethers for over 2 weks now because of the damn antibiotics. Strep throat for almost 4 months!

4 months ago I had a sore throat that was gradually increasing with redness on both sides at the back of my throat.4 weeks later I saw a doctor, he prescribed Clarithromycin 500mg twice for 7days,but since ihad a sensitive stomach I took 250mg(even half the dosage upset my stomach!)on the 7th day told him about the dosage & that I wasnt feeling much better,he told me to take the antibiotic for 3 more days. Antibiotic didn't do anything and at that time my tonsils were inflammed,2weeks after,he gave me another course of Clarithromycin but still nothing! He ordered an ASO test,results were high,said the best treatment is to remove the tonsils.

Went for a second opinion,he didn't think I needed a tonsillectomy & put me on Zinacef injections every 8hrs for 3 days & felt better. But now 3 weeks later the sore throat & tonsils r killing me,why arn't the antibiotics working? Is it cuz I waited too long?

Im misrable,feverish,been taking NSAIDs daily &my stomach is wrecked. What should I do? Thanks for the answers.

I don't smoke and I gargle with warm salt water 3+ times and take Vit C, it's not just swallowing that hurts.. even breathing burns my throat :(it gets better then worse then better fact I have some OK days but then it comes back worse. It never goes away and I lost 10 pounds in 4 months! What's the best antibiotic to get rid of this strep bacteria?

Doctors don't always know everything..or maybe they just don't care. I've seen 3 doctors so far (2 of them were specialists). Any suggestions or experiences would be appreciated.

You probably have chronic tonsillopharyngitis, and because of the wrong antibiotic usage, resistance has developed. Have a thoroat culture, and regarding to the antibiotic resistance of the bacteria formed re-establish your prescriptions. If you have stomach problems do not lessen the doses, have your doctor know it and make him prescribe antiulcer treatment.

By the time the enfection will be resolved but it may have up to 2 months to fully recover. If you give up, resistance develops more and strep bacteria may cause cross reactioning with your own immune system. So, without treatment you may have renal failure, romatoid fever, or rashes by time.

When the enfection resolves you probably have to get a surgery, tonsillectomy. NEVER GIVE UP MEDICAL CARE, FIND A BETTER SPECIALIST, FIND ANOTHER HOSPITAL, BUT YOUR SOLUTION IS ALWAYS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF MODERN MEDICINE. It would be alright for you to take petobismol.

You are not a teenager anymore. What is "post streptoccal reactive arthritis? It sounds like a reaction from the strep virus.

I am sure that it would go away with treatment, but I am no doctor. Is taking Rocephin and Keflex together OK? I have been on Keflex for 8 days for what the doctor says is strep throat (my throat has been feeling swollen).

I went back yesterday because it wasen't really better and my doctor gave me a shot of Rocephin and told me to also finish my oral antibiotic. My question is: is it normal to get a shot and take antiboitics? It just seems like it would be a lot to take at once and I don't want to overdose.

Thanks for your help! Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium for strep? I was diagnosed with strep throat last wednesday.

My doctor perscribed me with amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium tablets, which I am aware is the generic brand. Anyway, how long does it take for me to start feeling better? I took the first dose that same wednesday and then on friday, my tonsils swell bigger than what they were!

They also have a few white patches of pus. It is sunday, and I am not feeling any better. Actually, i'm feeling worse.

Do I have something else, like mono or does it just take a while for this medication to work? No, I had no fever. Not even when I was diagnosed with it.

Amoxil will work on strep. You should feel better quite quickly. It could be viral.

The majority of cases of pharyngitis are viral in nature (usually Epstein Barr). I have strep throat and I took cephalexin will that work? Cephalexin is used to treat infections caused by bacteria that are susceptible to the effects of cephalexin.

Common infections that are treated with cephalexin include infections of the middle ear, tonsils, throat, larynx laryngitis, bronchi bronchitis and pneumonia. It also is used for treating urinary tract, skin, and bone infections. Trust your doctor & trust the med.

Will strep throat medications react with ecstasy? My friend ate 3 ecstasy pills on friday for her 2nd time1st time was 2 yrs ago & she only took one and now she wants to do it again tomorrow which will be one week exactly. Her immune system is down from taking e so she caught strep throat a few days ago.....she took her parents meds..ciproflaxin 500mg to be exact (i know its illegal to take other peoples but its free) and she found out she was allergic to it.

I just took her to urgent care and they said that shes fine and just needs to take these meds: moxatag 775mg,hydroxyz hcl 25mg,& methylpred 4mg. Now like I said shes gonna do it tomorrow again and smoke some cannabis with it since shes a stoner(i know this cuz she lives with me & is my good friend). Are any of these going to react with the e?

She just took one of everything but the hydroxyz hcl 25mg because her mom is a nurse and told her that was for the allergic reaction and thats gone now. So theres no need. Also she just started that time of the month like an hour ago...i read that her estrogen levels could be very high and that its not a good idea?

Need some clarification. Please don't answer with telling me she shouldnt do it... DUH. Your not her mother and neither am i..i just need information.

Should my little girl be in the hospital? My 6-year-old went to the doctor today, because she had a 102F fever and a sore throat. In the waiting room she started scratching herself and I looked around her neck and saw a rash.

The doctor did a swab culture of her throat and verified it was strep. They also said the rash could be scarlatina or scarlet fever. They gave her a shot of Rocephin and wrote a prescription for Amoxicillin.

We came home and my daughter fell asleep for about an hour and woke up scratching The rash was a little worse, so we called the doctor again. They insisted we come back to the office. During the 2nd visit, the doctor said there must have been an allergic reaction to one of the drugs.

He then said disregard the previous orders and prescribed Zithromicin, Benadryl, and pediapred. All the pharmacies were close so we wasn't able to start these prescriptions today. Now she is in bed sleeping with a stuffy nose and the rash is present.

We suspect she might have had strep for a week because she was coughing the week before. The Doctor at the clinic was actually a nurse practitioner. She did consult a doctor by phone the second visit.

She started scratching before she stated taking anything didn't she? So it can't have been the initial drugs. She has had a positive Strep throat test, and now she is not on any medication - you need to do something.

Go back to the doctor and confirm whether you can put her back on the original medication. Don't take any chances with your little girl. I'm taking loratadine and cefprozil together- is this okay?

It's what I was prescribed for my throat (its some sort of strep he couldnt indentify :( ) but i'm generally untrusting of doctors and just wondered if this is going to make me sicker or if its okay. They are ok to take together. Generally, doctors will prescribe an antihistamine, a pain reliever, a decongestant and an antibiotic (or any combination of the 4) for throat/bronchial infections.

You have been given an antihistamine and an antibiotic. Nasal Spray Question!?!?!?!? I am getting over strep throat right now and i'm very congested, the doctor subscribed a prescription nasal spray called patanase.

Before I was subscribed this I took saline drops/spray and it ran up my nose and into the back of my throat...i hate that there a way the I can just make it not go into my mouth? Or is there a way to make it feel better? Im scared to take it...(im only 13)(girl) so yeahh please answer if you are a pro at nasal spray or know anything about it!

I use nasal spray as well called Veramyst and it works pretty good for me without the whole throat problem you're getting, but mine's not really for congestion. More like dry nose. It also helps with dry eyes.

Maybe you should ask you're doctor if you could give it a try? Hope I helped a little. How long does it usually take for amoxicillin to kick in?

I have strep throat and started taking amoxicillin for it yesterday. I am wondering when I will start to feel better. I Think you Would Feel Better In At Least 24 Hrs.

, Amoxicillin is a Beta-Lactam, I Would Expect Almost Immediate Killing (Bacteriocidal) of Bacteria. I was severely sick for 2 weeks. My throat hurt so much that anytime I'd swallow anything solid it'd feel like a shoved a golf ball down my throat.

It hurt mostly in the tonsils. On top of that my entire chest and above felt like a baseball bat was taken to them. I am uninsured so 2 weeks later I go to the intensive care unit and fork out a good sum to see a doctor that I don't wanna go back to unless I have to.

He gave me prednisone steroid and moxatag antibiotics. He said he couldn't see anything but from the symptoms it could be Mono or Tonsilitis. Not strep because I didn't show white patches or rash.

However it's been a week since I went to the doctor. The anti-biotics the doctor said would help my throat even if it was mono but not cure it completely. Well my throat still hurt but very minor.

I have a slight headache, feel a tiny bit hot, my chest area hurts and I have a minor sore throat. Well heres the question. When I fully inhale it still hurts.

What does this suggest and what do I need. This is week 3 of being sick. I work in a resturant and cannot afford to miss work another weekend cause I am sick.

Well I still have a sore throat but in inhale problem went away. It was just concerning cause the on and off symptoms of what I had and this one I hadn't experienced yet. You must keep your doctor informed of changes in your condition.

This simply sounds like normal recovery but let your doctor know about the pain. Let him/her decide if it's significant. That can usually be handled with just a phone call.

... And I've had it for more than a week now, and it hasn't improved at all. It's SERIOUSLY painful, and it is making it difficult for me to talk and to swallow. As of today that area around my jaw on that side has begun to swell noticeably, (both inside of my mouth and on the outside, like around the gland area,) and I'm worried that it may be infected or something.

Is this possible? What could be causing it? AND- what should I do to treat it?

I've been putting this stuff called "PerioGard" on it at my mother's recommendation, (it was given to her by a doctor at one point for some sort of mouth irritation, I don't know,) and it hasn't improved the situation at all, either. I've had problems with such blisters before, but they never last this long and are never this large or painful! If gory details will help at all, it was originally white and oval-shaped, but has since turned yellowish in color.

I'm only sixteen! I have NOT given anyone oral sex. It's not an STD...It's also not strep either, since I have had strep before and I know what that is like.

Could a canker sore cause that much swelling, though? My first thought it that you may have strep throat. Does it hurt when you swallow?

Are your tonsils enlarged/glands swollen? Is your throat red? If so you most likely have strep.

However, you could have a canker sore. They blister up before they pop and when they do they can have a yellowish tint. They can grow up to an inch in diameter.

After the blister popped did it still hurt? Then again...if you are sexually active and have given oral could be a STD. I can't really diagnose you but my advice would be for you to see the doctor as soon as possible.

If you have strep

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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