Please spare a thought to the victims of the aussie bushfires...?

I read the Newfie article first. I do not think the woman should get the dogs back. I think the dogs should be put to sleep.

As in every lawsuit the lawyers look for "deep pockets". The town can have some liability since its their park, and of course the insurance company dropped the ball by not cashing the check that had been sent in for the insurance payment. Clearly the owner of the Newfs is scuzzie, highlighted by her behavior after the attack.

She could have easily shown proof of the dogs being vaccinated for rabies or said they were not. Getting rid of two of the dogs the day of the incident of course shows how guilty she is. I can not believe in the airport incident that the person was fired.

Nor can I believe that the person who had mistreated the dog got it back. We definitely live in an alternate universe, up is down, down is up. As for the man who put all those needles in the meat.

I hope there is a special place for him in the afterlife, because you and I know he will never get the appropriate punishment. You BET the owner shares the blame. Clearly this was not a first incident.

As for the Police dog incident, my guess is the dog attacked the party who was guilty of opening the door. What were they trying to accomplish- have the dog get away and perhaps hit by a car. In any incident with a teenager involved I am going to look at the teenager as being at blame, especially todays teenagers.

She was either the person who let the dog out or was with the person who did. The car did have appropriate safety measures, who in their right mind checks every safety device in their life to see if it might have failed that day. Hindsight is always so perfect.

Windy windy windy in So Cal, no work for me on days like this.

She didn't deserve to lose her job, that is horrific. Hopefully she finds work somewhere else. What's worse is that the dog was sent right back to the person that abused him - so I guess the SPCA just doesn't care?

>Stuff like this happens frequently - to cats AND dogs. Personally, I prefer to be responsible for my animals at ALL times, regardless of if the animal in question is feline or canine - which is why I cannot understand why people would allow their dogs to free roam (I wouldn't even leave a dog in my yard alone if I lived in town) and I cannot understand why people would let their cats free roam, with all the things that can and DO happen. >Admittedly, I don't know much about police K9s, but I agree, the door should have been locked.

Also - why is the dog attacking the first person he sees? I always assumed there was some sort of *command* (again, I could be wrong). >Yes, she is at fault and she sounds pretty shady to me.

I'm sorry the man was injured and lost his dog. Who in their right mind would let a child walk a large dog like that? And clearly a large *aggressive* dog like that?

In other news, no rain here, though I love rain. It is, however, pretty cold so I have to leave soon to pick my friend up from her on-campus job, as she won't walk :).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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