Why are victims blamed for being victims in this era of pop culture?

The study of victimology has gained a lot of ground in recent decades. However, some have taken it too far. Sure, the vast majority of violent encounters are initiated by the victim, for example.

Much can be learned about a crime and an offender by studying the victim. For whatever reason, many have taken that to mean that victims can be blamed for crimes. Our biggest problem with this particular issue (of sex offense) is that our nation is acting much like a Catholic school girl after graduation; free to break the chains and run rampant, with no idea of moderation and responsibility.

Sex is a taboo in America, which is why everyone is so interested in it. We will always have a huge sex crime problem so long as we think that the best way to educated children is through abstinence only programs and pretend that sex is a dirty little sin, rather than a biological neccessity. Why do you think violence feels good to watch and participate in?

Because you aren't supposed to do it. Drugs, alcohol, risky sexual activity...it's all the same.

Selfishness is at the center of a lot of these scenarios. Why are there victims of such things as pedophilia? Individuals who focus only on their needs because they lack love for others.

How sad it is that our culture is so focused on sex. In the end, our children are even effected by this sex craze society that we live in. These times we are living in have characteristics of the time Noah lived in, where there was nothing but sex and violence.

Genesis chapter six explains what Almighty God decided to do about those times by bringing on a worldwide flood. That will never happen again but you can see why God felt the need to cleanse the earth of wickedness and why he will take action again. We must be prepared for that time because it will come.

God will not allow things to continue as they are and I am thankful for his love and mercy.

It's easier for people to further marginalise a victim rather than face up to the reality of the situation. We see it all of the time and it's cowardly and sad to see.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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