It's funny how people claim that children these days are "spoiled because they are not spanked" but in reality most parents do spank their children. It just proof that spanking does not work. Studies have been done that corporal punishment does more harm than good.
It can cause the child be anxious, depressed and even have anti-social tendency. However people do not want to realize that because they would rather inflict pain on their own child. It is also assault no matter how people try to justify it.
If a husband cannot hit his wife, why should a parent be able to hit their child? It does not make sense to me. Society believes a man cannot hit a woman because they're physically weaker, but it's okay for a parent (who's twice the size of their child) to hit their child.
"I was spanked and I turned out okay," that statement is nothing but a lie. If people find it acceptable to hurt their own children, then no... you did not turn out okay. Discipline is to teach, not hit.
I'm glad there are people out there who realize that children are human too and not property of their parents to be smacked around whenever they deemed "necessary." That is a disgusting thought process.
I thinks it's disgusting. It's degrading its humiliating and it's showing violence. "" Its no disgusting or degrading and its not a show of violence.
, its a very effective means of discipline that's worked for well over a hundred years. Its only when the Hippie PC parent moment started when people started to act like spanking was bad and there has been a massive increase in kids who are out of contrrol, back talking hitting and growing into ungrateful teens beocuse their panrts never spanked them I was spanked as a child and grew into a better person becouse of it. My relatives where all spanked as kids and grew into better people becouse of it and their kids are spanked too and none for them are screaming, kicking, hitting back talking heathens Every last one is far better behaved then a child who is never spanked Spanking isn't abuse.
Its discipline that works. It does not teach violence, it doenst lower IQ or any of this utter nonsense that was made up by the hippie PC parents brigade.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.