If you don't, then you need to establish one. That can make a big difference not only in the cost of the transactions, but in having a little help if you need it while you're away from home. When I was younger and making my first cross country trip, a friend of mine who works in another bank told me I should let my bank know that I was traveling, and if I needed to do any transfers into my account (we still wrote checks back then), etc. , to set it up so I could have whatever bank I stopped at to get cash or to move the cash call them.
And if it was after hours, she would be my reference. This was in the old days before Internet, and when banking was still kind of slow in the connections. Times have changed in many ways, but it still doesn't hurt to know someone in your bank.
Here's a link to foreign currency questions from my bank, Wells Fargo, found all over the U.S., but I happen to bank in Texas: https://wellsfargo.com/foreignexchange/ And if you decide to buy currency for any of the countries where you're traveling, try this page: https://foreignexchangeservices.com/index.html?p... https://
I'm not sure how international travel might affect this. What I'm suggesting is akin to the special arrangements you can make for Internet purchases that have one-time numbers. You can pretty well assume there will be fees, it's the nasty surprise you want to avoid, so read the small print on any of the offers you are considering.
But do think about asking the local folks if they can help. You might be pleasantly surprised, and having a face and a name if you find yourself needing help when you're traveling can be so helpful!
Tons of pages and discussion. http://www.ricksteves.com/ Poke around and see if others have already discussed this. Have a great trip, and here's hoping the only events are the adventures, not any banking disasters!
Me and my wife use Paypal. She sent one to the philipines and have used one there. Paypay is free to use and you get cash back on your purchases.It is a master card and debit card.
You add money to it and earn interest on the money as it is in the card. There are no fees and you get paid to use it. I hope this is helpful.
According to credit. Com, one of the best prepaid cards is the UPside Visa Prepaid Card. It has the following features: # Save up to $230 compared with other prepaid cards # $0 activation fee.
$0 monthly fee with total load of $400 or more # Free direct deposit from employers or load cash at 60,000 retailers # Write personal checks, best to pay rent or other bills.
The Walmart Money Card is actually one of the best re-loadable prepaid cards available. No transaction fees! It can be used wordwide, you can reload it online, by direct deposit or at a Walmart location.
There is no reload fee when done online through a bank tranfser. Plus get 1% back on fuel purchases. $3/month fee if your balance is less that $1000.
Check it out online at: walmartmoneycard.com.
I've done my research and this is what I've come up with. 1. Mango Money prepaid, used internationally with 0 activation and free unlimited/signature transactions.2. Green Dot Gold Prepaid, used internationally- 0 activation on line- no credit check 3.
Vision Premier Prepaid, used internationally-0 activation, 0 weekly fee's with direct deposit 4. Ace Visa Prepaid, used internationally- no fee, no obligation, no charge for withdrawls.
I've been seeing a lot of places recently that use payvision.com/index.htm since they have a habit of accepting international credit cards, and it's amazing to me that so many places still don't.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.