Python server for hardware control (possibly with Twisted?)?

You can start the reactor in a dedicated thread, and then issue calls to it with blockingCallFromThread from your existing "sequential" code Also, I'd recommend AMP for the protocol rather than PB, since AMP is more amenable to heterogeneous environments ( see amp-protocol. Net for independent protocol information ), and it sounds like you have a substantial amount of other technology you might want to integrate with this system.

You can start the reactor in a dedicated thread, and then issue calls to it with blockingCallFromThread from your existing "sequential" code. Also, I'd recommend AMP for the protocol rather than PB, since AMP is more amenable to heterogeneous environments (see amp-protocol. Net for independent protocol information), and it sounds like you have a substantial amount of other technology you might want to integrate with this system.

I've now had some time to look at AMP, and I believe your right, it's very suited for this project. I managed to get a server and client running, so now I'll see if I can get the blockingCall working as you suggested. Thanks a lot for your help!

– Greg May 5 at 14:35.

I'm currently in the process of programming a server which can let clients interact with a piece of hardware. For the interested readers it's a device which monitors the wavelength of a set of lasers concurrently (and controls the lasers). The server should be able to broadcast the wavelengths (a list of floats) on a regular basis and let the clients change the settings of the device through dll calls.

My initial idea was to write a custom protocol to handle the communication, but after thinking about how to handle TCP fragmentation and data encoding I bumped into Twisted, and it looks like most of the work is already done if I use perspective broker to share the data and call server methods directly from the clients. This solution might be a bit overkill, but for me it appeared obvious, what do you think? My main concern arrose when I thought about the clients.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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