Republicans voted 100% against both Obamas proposed budgets, and the Ryan budgets are just more rich guy tax..?

Okay, this is what I have found so far - Reform the tax code: The Ryan budget calls on Congress to complete major tax reform by 2014. Fellow Republican Dave Camp, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, in a letter last week itemized GOP priorities: simplify the tax code; reduce the number of individual income tax rates to two (10% and 25%); repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax; lower the top corporate tax rate to 25%; and change the rules for international taxation. And, Camp added, "the committee will continue to oppose any and all efforts to increase tax revenues by any means other than economic growth." Okay, this is really good. This is exactly what Ryan just did in a short version and it leaves nothing out It was just like old times. Paul Ryan got out there today and pitched a budget with a sexy-low top tax rate of 25% and then stuck up a chart showing the deficit getting mowed like a lawn.

He paid lip service to caring for the most vulnerable while privatizing Medicare and block-granting Medicaid. He put the face of reason on a head of lettuce and called it a plan to do right by our grandkids. That felt great.

We missed the House budget chair, who abandoned the nation temporarily last year when Mitt Romney forced him to run for national office. As soon as he hit the campaign trail, Ryan turned into a defender of the Medicare status quo. He ran away from his own budget plan so quickly he gave conservative true-believers like William Saletan a case of heartache.

Saletan wrote Ryan an eloquent break-up letter at the time. It's so sad to watch good love go bad: That’s where you let me down, Paul. Since Mitt Romney tapped you as his running mate, you haven’t stood for fiscal restraint.

You’ve attacked it. You warned voters in North Carolina andVirginia that cuts in the defense budget would take away their tax-supported jobs. And I cringe when I recall what I said about you and Medicare.

“Ryan destroys Romney’s ability to continue making the dishonest, anti-conservative argument that Obamacare is evil because it cuts Medicare,” I wrote. “Now Romney will have to defend the honest conservative argument, which is that Medicare spending should be controlled. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Four days after Romney put you on the ticket, you began parroting his Medicare shtick. You protested that Obama’s $700 billion savings in the future growth of Medicare payments to providers—a spending reduction that any sensible conservative president would have sought, and that you had previously included in your budget plan—would “lead to fewer services for seniors.” You depicted a horror scenario: “a $3,600 cut in benefits for current seniors.

Nearly one out of six hospitals and nursing homes are going to go out of business.” You assured seniors that the Romney-Ryan agenda for Medicare “does not affect your benefits.” And you promised future retirees “guaranteed affordability” of health care.

In short, you adopted every tactic in the liberal playbook.

Yeah, just like those Bush tax cuts! All for the rich, can you believe it? I don't remember when Obama cut taxes, but he sure fought for the little guy during the fiscal cliff.

Oh, wait. Those were the BUSH cuts he defended. Doesn't matter what income bracket you fight for, the cuts were passed by Bush.

Now, unless you've been sending that extra you get from the IRS back every year, shut your mouth.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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