Similar questions: Rocketeer Question For Male ZOMBIES Askville How masculinity.
1 I keep mine in a zip-lock baggie. Zombies don't have to change their shorts, nothing happens down there.
I keep mine in a zip-lock baggie. Zombies don't have to change their shorts, nothing happens down there.
2 I find that not changing your clothes and basking in the BO is quite masculine... it draws the flies in for snacks until I can find a nice head to munch on. Hehehe Also, not shaving is great to, it just itches a little...If you wait for a good rainstorm it amplifies the smell... attracts all the lady zombies like "axe" or "tag".
I find that not changing your clothes and basking in the BO is quite masculine... it draws the flies in for snacks until I can find a nice head to munch on. Hehehe Also, not shaving is great to, it just itches a little...If you wait for a good rainstorm it amplifies the smell... attracts all the lady zombies like "axe" or "tag".
3 It's really just a matter of dressing well:
It's really just a matter of dressing well:
Be honest----cause today is "I LIKE YOU" Day! " "Rocketeer Question-Thank you Betty White! Nice chatting with you!
I will never tell anyone your Askville name, however! " "Rocketeer QUestion- Can you name most or even all of the "Askville Family of Performers"? " "Rocketeer Question- Who is your bestest Pal in Askville and why?
Did you meet in Askville? " "Rocketeer Question--Does what happens in Askville STAY in Askville?
Rocketeer Question- Do you equate certain Askville members to specific smells.
I have been getting answers from the bible even about Salads.
Be honest----cause today is "I LIKE YOU" Day!
Rocketeer Question-Thank you Betty White! Nice chatting with you! I will never tell anyone your Askville name, however!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.