Rocketeer Question--Hey you Guys! Happy Holidays----Do you have a Happy Holidays saying that you usually use?

Here's the Rocketeer's wish to you all---Wishing you a Merry Yuletide and a Happy Turning of the Calendar! So? Whats be yours?

/// Asked by TheRocketeer™ 25 months ago Similar questions: Rocketeer Question Guys Happy Holidays Do Holidays Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: Rocketeer Question Guys Happy Holidays Do Holidays.

Hope you had a nice day yesterday Rocketeer..... Here are a few I like...heheheh! Saying No 1: May s love light your way and surround you with peace and joy on this Holy Day and always Saying No 2: God Bless your family and America this Holiday Season Saying No 3: May the meaning of the season be deeper, its friendships stronger and it's hopes brighter Saying No 4: Wishing you the blessings of warmth and good cheer this Holiday Season Saying No 5: HO...HO...HO...Merry Christmas Saying No 6: Happy Holidays (top) Like ornaments, thoughts of special people brighten the season and warm our hearts Saying No 7: Seasons Greetings! (top) May your heart be lifted in joy at the true meaning of this wondrous season Saying No 8: Merry Christmas (top) Love, Hope & Joy to you always Saying No 9: Merry Christmas (top) We have been blessed with a glorious gift from God...(followed by baby's birth information) Saying No 10: May the Glory of Christ's birth bring you joy and hope at Christmas time and always Saying No 11: Our Newest Blessing (front) - Saying No 12: We are proud to announce the birth of our beautiful baby girl/boy (followed by baby's birth information) - Saying No 13: May the blessings of Christmas be yours now and throughout the New Year (inside) Saying No 14: Happy Holidays!(Top) God Bless You, (Closing Names) Saying No 15: Be filled with the wonder, Be touched by the peace .. .

Believe in the miracle. Merry Christmas (Closing Names) Saying No 16: We believe in Miracles...(Baby’s Name, Birth Date, Time, Weight, Length) Happiest of Holidays! (Parents Names) Saying No 17: Peace on earth will come to stay when we live Christmas everyday (Closing Names) Saying No 18: Merry Christmas (Top) Saying a little prayer...That your holiday holds one special blessing after another.(Closing Names) Saying No 19: To a joyful present and a well remembered past.

Best wishes for happy holidays and a magnificent New Year. Love, (Closing Names) Saying No 20: "Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men" (Luke 2:14) God Bless You, (Closing Names) Saying No 21: One of the special joys of December is telling others we care and remember Love, (Closing Names) Saying No 22: The most beautiful gift in all this world becomes dim in our sight when placed beside the gift of love God gave us on Christmas night..

1 Yeah, none of this generic Happy Holidays crap. And when I'm wished a Happy Holidays in the store, I always make it a point to wish the person a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah.

Yeah, none of this generic Happy Holidays crap. And when I'm wished a Happy Holidays in the store, I always make it a point to wish the person a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah.

3 I happen to be fond of the "generic happy holidays crap" Well I type it anyway, I don't believe I've actually said it to someone. Hmmm that's odd. I could always quote my loveable father during the holidays "yea yea yea send cash not love" He says this to random people in the store when they give him the ye olde generic holiday greetings.

He's real fun to be around in public. :/ .

I happen to be fond of the "generic happy holidays crap" Well I type it anyway, I don't believe I've actually said it to someone. Hmmm that's odd. I could always quote my loveable father during the holidays "yea yea yea send cash not love" He says this to random people in the store when they give him the ye olde generic holiday greetings.

He's real fun to be around in public.

4 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I'm traditional and that's good enough for me.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I'm traditional and that's good enough for me.

Rocketeer Question- guys and gals---what is the C for in the name Oliver C Hardy- the answer will be in the DB" "Rocketeer Bonus Question - Askville---Remember the Stooges! How are you celebrating this great comic Trio! " "Happy Holidays (Sorry Billo)" "Rocketeer Question-- Guys---NEED YOUR ADVICE!

Read on! Oh yea there is a question? " "Rocketeer Question-Besides the usual Holidays off from work-Does your job give you any "special" days off each year?" "Rocketeer Question- you Askville Guys & Gals-anyone interested in starting our Own Three Stooges Fan Club?

" "Rocketeer QUestion--- Askville---I forgot to tell you all something! I LOVE YOU Guys! And thats All I have to say!

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Happy Independence Day to Jay and Everyone!

Rocketeer Question- guys and gals---what is the C for in the name Oliver C Hardy- the answer will be in the DB.

Rocketeer Bonus Question - Askville---Remember the Stooges! How are you celebrating this great comic Trio!

Rocketeer Question-- Guys---NEED YOUR ADVICE! Read on! Oh yea there is a question?

Rocketeer QUestion--- Askville---I forgot to tell you all something! I LOVE YOU Guys! And thats All I have to say!

Rocketeer question-HEY YOU GUYS@! What is your LUCKY Number or Numbers?

Rocketeer Question--lets wish a Happy 4th of July- to Askville's Jay! Happy Independence Day to Jay and Everyone!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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