Rocketeer QUestion---Hey Askville---I forgot to tell you all something! I LOVE YOU Guys! and thats All I have to say?

Rocketeer QUestion--- Askville---I forgot to tell you all something! I LOVE YOU Guys! And thats All I have to say!

Asked by TheRocketeerâ„¢ 17 months ago Similar questions: Rocketeer QUestion Askville I forgot LOVE Guys Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: Rocketeer QUestion Askville I forgot LOVE Guys.

Awww how sweet of you :) Love you too TheRocketeer :) and yes.....the Captain and Tenille said it best :) "Love will keep us together" " Captain and Tenille" Sources: A. K's opinion... Video .

Well all I have to say to that Rocketeer is... we love you too~ Bratlady's Recommendations Love You Heart Shaped Amazon List Price: $24.99 .

Let me be the first to bring the news - that without you we would all have the blues! .

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..Have you NO fear...for today is the birthday of our own ROCKETEER!

Rocketeer QUestion-- Guys---I have a big Problem---I don't know what to say---maybe you can give some advise --but.

Well tomorrow is Rocketeer Day! How will we be celebrating.

I asked a question in Askville a month or two ago, and then forgot about it; is there a way to find it in the system?...

" "Rocketeer Question-Love All you Guys & Gals---We are a Family---We make Askville a Family! Are you here to stay? " "Rocketeer Question-WOuld you rather find Money, Love or Answers on the 2010 Askville-the land of Ask!

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How are you celebrating this great comic Trio! " "Rocketeer Question- Who is your bestest Pal in Askville and why? Did you meet in Askville?" "Rocketeer Question- Guys I just received a gift from Askville?

Did you get one too from Askville? I am OFF TOPIC!

Rocketeer Question-Love All you Guys & Gals---We are a Family---We make Askville a Family! Are you here to stay?

Rocketeer Question-WOuld you rather find Money, Love or Answers on the 2010 Askville-the land of Ask!

Rocketeer Bonus Question - Askville---Remember the Stooges! How are you celebrating this great comic Trio!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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