Send multiple messages between a native named pipe and a System.IO named pipe?

There is nothing the client can do other than to send all its "messages" in a single write to the pipe. This is because, in message mode, the messages are delimited by the completion of write calls at the sender, and your server code explicitly reads just one message (in the pipe message mode sense). See CreateNamedPipe and ReadFile API documentation.

There is nothing the client can do other than to send all its "messages" in a single write to the pipe. This is because, in message mode, the messages are delimited by the completion of write calls at the sender, and your server code explicitly reads just one message (in the pipe message mode sense). See CreateNamedPipe and ReadFile API documentation: Data is written to the pipe as a stream of messages.

The pipe treats the bytes written during each write operation as a message unit. If a named pipe is being read in message mode and the next message is longer than the nNumberOfBytesToRead parameter specifies, ReadFile returns FALSE and GetLastError returns ERROR_MORE_DATA. The remainder of the message can be read by a subsequent call to the ReadFile or PeekNamedPipefunction.

Possible approaches to work with multiple messages are: define some higher level framing protocol by which the client can tell the server how many messages to read in each message interchange. The client would then send a series of messages something like framing header:count=3message 1message 2message 3, or alternatively message 1message 2message 3framing trailer: no more messages; a multithreaded server in which there is a dedicated thread continuously reading messages from the client, other operations like writing messages back to the client being done on other threads.

Thank you, Chris, for pointing me to the documentation. I up-voted your answer since the quote you included led me to the answer I was looking for. Turns out I was just confused by the do/while loop in the server code's "Receive a request from client" section.

That is, it looked to me like it was retrieving multiple messages from the client. But in fact, it was retrieving consecutive parts of the single message. I updated that code section as follows.

// Receive a request from client. String message = string. Empty; bool finishRead = false; do { byte bRequest = new byte1024; int cbRequest = bRequest.

Length, cbRead; finishRead = NativeMethod. ReadFile( hNamedPipe, // Handle of the pipe bRequest, // Buffer to receive data cbRequest, // Size of buffer in bytes out cbRead, // Number of bytes read IntPtr. Zero // Not overlapped ); if (!finishRead && Marshal.

GetLastWin32Error()! = ERROR_MORE_DATA) { throw new Win32Exception(); } // Unicode-encode the received byte array and trim all the // '\0' characters at the end. Message += Encoding.Unicode.

GetString(bRequest). TrimEnd('\0'); } while (!finishRead); // Repeat loop if ERROR_MORE_DATA Console. WriteLine( "Message received from client: \"{0}\"", message ); As for delimiting the multiple "messages" within the client's request to the server, I'll probably just use newline characters.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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