When we moved into this house there was a horrible moldy smell in the master bedroom. After moving the dressers away from the wall we realized there was mold all along the baseboard. My landlord suggested I try Damp Rid so I did and boy was I surprised!
It pulls all the moisture out of the air! We haven't had a mold problem in almost 3 months now!
Run out and get you one right now! Don't wait.
I would say that there is no single way to detect molds. I suggest you search very thoroughly for these specially from where you are getting the smell.
I have this problem now and we have to have an environmental specialist come in and also someone from the county public health. Yes, there are serious health consequences, often disabling! You possiby have mold under your carpet and maybe going through your floor and walls.
When my condo association's property manager heard what happened to us he said we needed to take action immediately. A box of Damprid (we have them in every closet every day and have for years before our problem started in a leaky bathroom) is isufficient. Until an expert evaluates your situationand remedies it you will need an excellent dehumidifier and a top-notch air filter.
Check out Allergybuyersclub. Com - x 247 Ask for vanessa.
She'll find you something in your price range and send you materials to read by emai or post beforehand.No hard sell. I've dealt with them for years. A couple of dollars more expensive than other s but they will talk to you for 1/2 to 1 hour if tha's what it takes to find out what you need and how they cna help.
This morning Vanessa told me I ddi not nreed to buy $100+ dollars with of filters yet and to call next year or the year after aobout those. Are you an owner or renter? If your landlord doesn't call the health dept.
You can do so. Do so immediately or hire a private environmental specialist. Or talk toa realtor you know.
Message me privately anytime here on Mahao. I'll keep you posted on my progress and help you in any way. Good luck!
You possiby have mold under your carpet and maybe going through your floor and walls. When my condo association's property manager heard what happened to us he said we needed to take action immediately. A box of Damprid (we have them in every closet every day and have for years before our problem started in a leaky bathroom) is isufficient.
Until an expert evaluates your situationand remedies it you will need an excellent dehumidifier and a top-notch air filter. Check out www. Allergybuyersclub.com - x 247 Ask for vanessa.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.