Should I read The Vampire Diaries books?

I love the TV series so much like I have posters and have backgrounds buy all songs on episodes like Die-hard fan! I really want to read the books but I heard Elena isn't as sweet as she is in the show. I heard she throws herself at people and acts like a B***.

I Don't want to disapointed and I already bought the books will I be disapointed and give up? I feel like your not a fan unless you read the books. Asked by AndyGlez98 6 months ago Similar questions: read Vampire Diaries books Entertainment > Television.

Similar questions: read Vampire Diaries books.

Seriously- you bought the books already, and you love the series...Sounds like a no-brainer to me....

Your kinda right. AndyGlez98 6 months ago .

If you love the show, you should definitely read the books. After I watched the first Twilight movie, I went out and bought the Twilight series and I loved them.

I think I will thx! AndyGlez98 6 months ago .

One would argue that you should've gone straight to the reading part and never minded any of the TV watching.

I know but the director of the show said if you read the books that you won't find any spoilers because they are completely different. Some characters are not even in the books. AndyGlez98 6 months ago .

It's about the diaries a young North Vietnamese doctor. Loved it! " "Should I read books that are beneficial or those that are interesting?" "has anyone read any good books lately" "what is the song in the preview for the vampire diaries season 1 episode 6 "lost girls"" "What are your top five must-read non-fiction books?

" "Read any good books lately? What books have you started but they didn't keep your interest?

It's about the diaries a young North Vietnamese doctor. Loved it!

What is the song in the preview for the vampire diaries season 1 episode 6 "lost girls.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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