I think you should have told him in the first place. My husband understands that not every woman can get off, or easily because I TOLD him so. He didn't know.
He originally thought all women orgasmed as easily as men do, because other women MISLED him into thinking so. Make him understand, if he is the man you think he is. My husband also understands, it has NOTHING to do with his Ego or his macho manliness.NOTHING.
If he is really that worried about it, use a toy, works 99% of the time :). If it hurts his Ego, that's his own doing, first of all for his ignorance in thinking that any man can man any woman orgasm the first couple of times he's with her. I noticed you said you can make yourself orgasm, because you know your body.
How should he know your body as well as you do? It's NOT possible, the first couple of times. :) The fact is men can orgasm a LOT easier, and quicker than women can.It's is something that is natural.
Women need a little encouragement, and there is no WAY a man would know what encouragment it is for any specific woman, it's different per woman. If he asks if you have been faking it, tell him the truth, while it's still early. Then tell him why you lied.
If you marry this man, you will hold on to this for your entire life. Yes he'll be hurt now, but if you decide to tell him 10 years from now, he won't like that either, and he's been thinking something different for 10 years.
Have a short talk with him and then show him what lights your candle. Show him what a slow hand can do.
I agree that you shouldn't tell him that you are faking it. I think you should help guide him to what helps you achieve orgasm. You might do it through some game play (like you tell me what to do and I'll tell you).
This way, it's done in a positive environment rather than - you know dear - I love you but you're really bad at this sex thing. Given the fact that you are both fairly new at this with each other, it's best to encourage through positive reinforcement rather than through negative reinforcement. No one likes to be told that they are terrible at sex, whether it's true or not.So, I would tread lightly and try to find fun ways to show him what works for you rather than broach the subject, especially if you would like to keep him as a boyfriend.
Best of luck.
Don't tell your boyfriend that you are faking it. Instead, look for ways to change what he does. Since this is your first real relationship, maybe you and he should do alittle experimenting.
Here is a search result that I did for you. Go through these ideas and use them to help you come up with your own ideas. Make it exciting.
As a man, I can't stress it enough that he NEEDS to know what is happening! It's your doing that he's not pleasing you because men can't read minds. It's obvious that he wants to please you and would do anything TO please you, so fix it.1.
Sit him down and tell him you've not been honest with him about it because you're new at this too and EVERYONE TOLD YOU NOT TO MENTION IT! But now that you know better you're telling him so your love life can improve.(Distract him from asking, "why did you ask strangers if you should tell me? ") 2.
Train him. From start to multiple finishes. Every little detail, every move.
If you hold back you're just hurting yourself. He wants to do this! 3.
Ask him if there's anything YOU can do different. Because men are so "easy" to do most men don't even stop to think about what would feel better. Some men have been known to just take what we can get so we don't offend our partners and risk not getting ANYthing.My wife (prior to our getting intimate) used to complain how painful sex was and how boring and repetitive it seemed.
She just couldn't understand why people were so thrilled about having sex all the time. I made her promise (while we were just friends) that before she gave it up she'd give me a chance to show her how it should be done. She agreed.
Years later we finally decided that we should be together ourselves (long friendship) and when we finally were sexual it transformed her life forever. I'm not saying that I'm that good, but apparently I was a million times better than anyone she'd ever been with. Yet it made me think - I can't be THAT good, can I?
After talking about it we decided that something in HER had changed. She was in love for the first time.As you may have discovered (or will), if your heart isn't open (as a woman) your body isn't open either. Her falling in love (for real, you might say) opened her heart for the first time and her body relaxed, sex wasn't painful and she had her first real, deep, "oh god it won't stop" orgasm!
Which is now normal for her.So while I liked the idea that I was a sexual genius, it was really her that made the difference. Consider that your doubts about him might stem from your reluctance to be completely open therefore stunting your ability to completely open to him physically and emotionally. Not unusual these days, especially when people first do it.It's more about exploring than actual love sometimes.
You need to discover if this applies to your situation and start being honest with yourself and him. If you're not ready for this level of intimacy (which is fine) back out and start over.It's unlikely you'll ever find a man more into you or that could love you more, but if your mind and heart are filled with doubt and curiosity "could it be better with someone else" you'll never relax, enjoy and appreciate what you have now. It's time to choose what is more important.
Take responsibility for your happiness and pleasure.No one else can. You might also invest in a book called ESO. It made me the sexual genius that I am.
You've been given some really amazing advice above. Seriously - very very high quality answers. Out of all the places around the internet that you could have chosen to ask this, you've picked one of the best sites.
I think it's best to tell him, but on the other hand, I don't understand the situation the way you do. I'm not sure how he'll feel and how hurt he'll be, but that's probably something you can estimate. However, whether you tell him now or not, I definitely think you should stop faking.
He wants to make you happy, so be honest and help him do what he has to do to make it actually happen. If you choose not to tell him right away but you stop, make sure you at least tell him a couple of months down the road. If you don't stop doing this, you're going to feel worse and worse about it.
Any time you two are together, your fear/guilt/worry (insert descriptive word here) will make you more tense and only further contribute to the problem.
The fact that you are frigid is not his fault . He’s getting along just fine it seems . The fact that you are faking “it: makes me think you are not genuine from the start .
End this encounter now and seek some counseling.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.