Should I vaccinate my children?

Absolutely not! Vaccines are dangerous and completely useless. Doctors and government agencies downplay the risks and chances of adverse reactions.

I know first hand. My first two babies were fully vaccinated. I was adamantly pro-vax and thought that anyone who didn't vaccinate their kids was a moron.

Then I had my third baby, Tommy. When he got his four month shots, he fell asleep in less than a minute and wouldn't wake up for over a day. I couldn't even get him to nurse or take a bottle.

When he finally did wake, he was a different baby. No more smiles. No more giggles.No more babbling.

He didn't even look at me anymore. He began having these episodes where he would scream then start bashing his forehead against the nearest hard surface, ie. Coffee table edge, the floor, MY forehead.

He would scream louder and louder, and hit his head harder and harder. I had to physically restrain him from hurting himself. He would also squeal like a pig then arch his back, throw back his head, and keep his body rigid and stiff as a board.

I thought he had reflux, but I've since learned that he might have been having seizures. He would only sleep for about 20 minutes at a time then wake up squealing like a pig. He stopped growing between his four and six month check ups.

S idiot doctor said he was thinning out, but he wasn't getting taller! Tommy had food allergies. When he was seven months old and eating solids, I finally figured out what he was allergic to and removed the foods from his diet.

It just took a couple of days for that glazed look in his eyes to go away. He started looking at me and smiling for the first time in three months. A couple weeks later he started babbling again.

Then he said his first word at ten months. When he was 12 months old his doctor convinced me to continue with his shot schedule.(I refused them at his 6 month check up.) I figured that since his food allergies obviously played a role in his "troubles" and I had identified the offending foods and removed them from his diet, the shots wouldn't hurt him. I was wrong.

Within a couple of hours, one of his fat thighs was completely swollen. Not just a little swelling at the injection site, but the WHOLE front of his THIGH was red and swollen. And he stopped talking again for seven months, with the exception of the words "Dada" and "chips.

" He would only sleep for an hour at night, then wake squealing like a pig. EVERY HOUR. ALL NIGHT!

I thought I would have a nervous breakdown! Tommy seems to have recovered at 3 1/2 years of age. He still has sleep disturbances that I can't explain, but he's talking and doesn't seem to be in any pain.

I thank God that he's URL2 many other babies have died from those horrible things. My little Tommy was lucky! My younger son (20 months) has never been vaccinated.

None of my kids will ever be vaccinated again.

Yes, you must vaccinate your children - full vaccination course as recommend by doctors. It is necessary for baby's health and activeness and much effective for immunity system. Problems are not in vaccination but in places from where you go for vaccinating.Thanks.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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