Most of your questions are hard to follow but this one seems clear enough. 1. Mahalo doesn't encourage debate.It encourages well though out and researched answers. Certain QUESTIONS might encourage debate because of how they're worded, but it's up the the users to police themselves and stick with the suggested method of posting to avoid unnecessary controversy.
2. I avoid as many questions as I can that instruct me to DISCUSS! That has always sounded like a referee at the beginning of a fight and that's not why I'm here.
If someone has a question and I have an answer I post. If they want debate that's what forums are for. 3. Mahalo already censors questions and takes recommendations from it's users as to which questions need an authoritative hand in their removal or moderation.
Even going to the point of taking out questionable links or content to keep the non-NSFW areas PG-13. If you feel a question is inappropriate or requires moderation, report it with your suggestion. If you don't approve of a subject, avoid it.
A lack of attention makes any submission disappear. You can also vote it uninteresting, if in fact you find it that boring. But voting a question or answer uninteresting or unhelpful just because it disagrees with your point of view wouldn't be appropriate.It's only important to identify unhelpful comments when they stray from the topic or fail to address the question in any way.
Offering more money to promote your agenda is what advertising is all about. If Mahalo discouraged such practices it would be shooting themselves in the surfboard for no reason. Mahaloans have done a great job of policing the site.
If religious or political content disturbs you there are plenty of other questions you can resolve. Use the Unanswered filter or spend time voting on questions already answered. Don't let others dictate your feelings.
Enjoy your time on Mahalo, choose your battles and change the channel if you don't like what's on. Life is easy, people make it hard it seems. I prefer ease myself.
Which is why I avoid tit-for-tat and circular debates. DISCUSS!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.