Should the u.s. government have a less strict immigration policy?

Well there young man here are your choices. 1) Live in your parents house and go by all of their rules. 2) Get your friends parents to adopt you so you can move in with them and live by their rules or lack there of.

3) Become a ward of the state and live in an orphanage by all of their rules. 4) Get a full time job, an apartment, pay all your own bills and do what you want. Those are your choices pick the one that works best for you.

You say you want more freedom, what are you willing to give up for that freedom? You see nothing in life is free, the way to get more freedom is to earn it. Try this ask your parents if they would let you stay out until 9:30 with your friends if you washed their cars once a week and cut the grass for your dad every week, and washed dishes for your mom every night, and tell them the first time you don't live up to your end of the bargain, they don't live up to their end, and that means you have to be home by 9:30 the absolute latest, that means at 9:31 you are late and broke your end of the agreement.

You may find they may go for that. You see your parents go to bed early because they need to get up for work and be there on time and be ready to do their job, so they can pay for their house, food, electric, heat, taxes, cars, and everything you need like clothes, insurance, education, food, and any other things that they have that they agreed to pay for.

I know that being a young teenager, it's hard to see things from your parents point of view but I'm going to ask you to try. =) I'm only about six years older than you, and my parents are ridiculously strict as well. It used to really bother me when I was younger but now that I've gotten older, I've realized how lucky I actually am.

My parents love me and that's the only reason why they're strict. If they didn't give a sh! T about me, then they would let me do whatever.

HOWEVER- there does come a time when your parents have to loosen their grip. You aren't a baby anymore and being so strict with a child could be a bad thing. I've had friends who have lied to their parents and snuck around- and then have gotten in TONS of trouble because of it pregnany, jail time- all because they felt like they couldn't come to their parents and talk to them.

So here's what I suggest you do. 1. Tell your parents that you would like to sit down with them and have a serious talk.

Keep your cool and be very polite about it. If you act like an immature child, for damn sure they will treat you like one- and rightfully so. 2.

Have everything that you want to talk about listed and written down. 3. Negotiate with them.

You aren't going to get everything that you want- you're going to have to meet them halfway, but it's fair that they too meet you halfway. Especially considering the fact that you do well in school and seem to be trustworthy. 4.

Ask them to raise curfew by a resonable amount of time (an hour). Tell them that it hurts your feelings that they don't trust you. Ask them to start coming to get you ON time and no later or sooner.

5. Ask them why they're so strict. What they say may surprise you- and suddenly, all of the rules that they enforce will seem reasonable.

Good luck. Remember to keep an open mind.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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