Star of the vicar of dibley?

Johnny Depp Emma Watson Sean Bean Kylie Minogue Sting Richard Armitage Damian Lewis Keeley Hawes Dawn French Hugh Bonneville Rachel Hunter Dervla Kirwan Peter Capaldi Orla Brady Richard Griffiths Miranda Hart Roger Lloyd Pack Richard Ayoade Peri Gilpin Jennifer Saunders Roger Lloyd Pack Emma Chambers Liz Smith Simon McBurney James Fleet Alistair McGowan Trevor Peacock John Bluthal Gary Waldhorn Philip Whitchurch Patricia Kane.

Rachel Hunter Rachel Hunter Rachel Hunter (born September 9, 1969)is a fashion model, actress and reality TV show host website wikipedia Dervla Kirwan Dervla Kirwan Dervla Kirwan (born 24 October 1971), the Irish actress famous for roles in television shows such as Ballykissangel and Goodnight Sweetheart wikipedia Peter Capaldi Peter Capaldi Peter Capaldi (born 1958, Glasgow), the Scottish actor and Oscar winning director wikipedia Orla Brady Orla Brady Orla Brady (born March 28, 1961 in Dublin), the Irish actress who appeared in the short-lived American television series Family Law wikipedia Richard Griffiths Richard Griffiths (born 31 July, 1947), the Tony award winning English actor who has appeared on stage, film and television wikipedia Miranda Hart Miranda Hart (b. 1972 in Torquay, England), the English actress, writer and stand-up comedian website wikipedia Roger Lloyd Pack Roger Lloyd Pack (born February 8 1944), the British actor Richard Ayoade Richard Ayoade (born 1977 in Whipps Cross, London), the English stand-up comedian and actor wikipedia Peri Gilpin Peri Gilpin (born Periwinkle Kay O'Brien on May 27 1961, in Waco, Texas), the American actress best known for the role of Roz Doyle on the successful U.S. television series Frasier wikipedia Jennifer Saunders Jennifer Jane Saunders (born July 6, 1958 in Sleaford, Lincolnshire), the BAFTA and Emmy Award-winning English comedienne, writer and actress wikipedia Roger Lloyd Pack Roger Lloyd-Pack, the English actor wikipedia Emma Chambers Emma G Chambers (born March 11, 1964 or December 14, 1969), the English actress wikipedia Liz Smith Liz Smith (actress) (born 1921) wikipedia Simon McBurney Simon Montagu McBurney (born August 25 1957), the English actor and director wikipedia James Fleet James Fleet (born 1954), the Scottish-English actor wikipedia Alistair McGowan Alistair McGowan (born November 24, 1964), the British impressionist and actor website wikipedia Trevor Peacock Trevor Peacock (born 19 May 1931), the English character actor who has had roles such as Jim Trott in The Vicar of Dibley, Rouault in Madame Bovary (opposite Keith Barron) and Old Bailey in Neverwhere wikipedia John Bluthal John Bluthal (born 1929), the film and television actor, mostly in comedy wikipedia Gary Waldhorn Gary Waldhorn (born 3 July 1943 in London), the English actor best known for his role as David Horton in the sitcom The Vicar of Dibley wikipedia Philip Whitchurch Philip Whitchurch (born January 30, 1951), the British stage, film, and television actor wikipedia Patricia Kane Patricia Kane, the English actress who has appeared in a range of television roles from the 1950s through to the 2000s wikipedia.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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