Study finds that people that watch Fox News are less informed than people that watch no news?

The past history of liberals having total control of the news media, is why Fox gets so much attention by liberals. Before Fox and Rush, going back to the Walter Cronkite era, liberals had nearly 100% control of the news media. Aside from Wall Street Journal and National Review, liberals had nearly 100% control of news reporting.

All those years of complete control, conditioned liberals to believe its an entitlement for the liberal point of view to have 100% control of news reporting. This means no tolerance for any view point but theirs. Once Rush and Fox finally emerged, liberals became outraged, how dare a news reporting group, deviate from what the others do?

Liberal news groups do not allow alternative opinions, their internal cultures are made up of political activists. Liberals news groups do not hire conservative employees, its not allowed. Presenting both points of view was adopted by FOX because the liberal news media has never done that, this is a large reason why FOX has become so popular and successful.

Not saying FOX is 50/50 but they do have a number of liberals on their staff, something that no liberal news group can claim. A good example of the bias is how the media saw Nixon's wrong doings, news people like Dan Rather and Sam Donaldson, literally were obsessed to bring down Nixon. Later, when the Clinton's widespread corruption was investigated, liberal news groups trivialized and stonewalled for the Clintons.

Although the Clintons had 10x the amount of criminal activity and abuse of power as Nixon, the only thing liberals see the Clintons guilty of was his BJ from Monica. If you have the ability to be objective, you can't be a liberal, liberalism is an emotionally based ideology that is mutually exclusive with objectivity and reality.

It's common sense, the media is biased to everyone. Fox News to conservatives. MSNBC, CNN, NBC AND ABC to liberals.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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