I'm finally starting to ease into this page management and development portion of Mahalo2.0. Here is the page I will nominate. Nashua NH Suggestions?
I am going to nominate my page for the TV show Fringe. It is my favorite TV show and I have added a lot of pictures, videos, links, information, and new sections to the page. If anyone is interested in watching FULL EPISODES, you can find them on my page.
Come and check it out, I worked hard to add the information and think everyone will really like it. I am open to any suggestions, so stop on by! mahalo.com/fringe.
I'd like to nominate my page on Mila Kunis. Not only have I made sure her hottest photos are on the page, I also added some videos, biographical info, and lots of interesting facts (like that she learned English by watching The Price is Right).
Fascism, it's a page I just started today, but believe it's worth peer review. The page is part of my series of "ism" pages I've been working on in order to distinguish the difference between these terms that are thrown around a lot. mahalo.com/fascism.
I don't know if this is appropriate for the "Archive" or not but one of the pages I've written is the How to Become a Mystery Shopper page. I think it has good reliable information that people who are interested in working as a mystery shopper might find helpful.
mahalo.com/lego I rewrote the description and added a lot of info to the guide note sections. I also added some new links and put in a bunch of inlinks for the video games. I'm trying to make an organized page that represents all that Lego is.
As a San Francisco Giants fan, I've been working on a Tim Lincecum page. I wanted to display the most pertinent information up at the top of the page, so I made a table of his current and career statistics. I added historical information, as well as past awards, and a featured item with links to Amazon for viewers to purchase the item if they're interested.
If people have additional suggestions, I'd be happy to hear what I can add.
I claimed this page ADHD (Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder) personally because I have ADHD, and I noticed facts that were wrong. Like it was posted that ADD and ADHD are the same thing but they are not. Yes they are quite close but ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) Does not have the hyper element that ADHD has.
I have added a list of symptoms and a lot of other things, please check it out. I know my page will most likely not earn anything but I don’t care, I picked it because it is personal. Anyways just check my page out.
Tell me what cha think. (^_^)V.
I post my page not to win the contest, but to get some advice on how to proceed with it. I've just scratched the surface for my infamous guide page, but am afraid the page will become extremely long. Is that a problem, should I make more sections, any other advice?
My page: mahalo.com/infamous-guide.
I will nominate my netbook page. When I took this page there is no information about netbooks including definition of product and so on. I also add some news product review videos from youtube and some beneficial new links about netbooks.
Vote for my page and netbooks:) They are the new era of the age. Link: mahalo.com/netbook.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.