Depends on what you mean by Agnostic. I know there's something out there. I've seen it.

I've felt it. Just what "it" is, I don't know. I don't want to know.

It would ruin the surprise. I don't think that one particular religion is "right," but rather all hold a little bit of the truth 4.) Do you attend church or any prayer meetings? - No.

5.) Do your parents force you to attend church or any prayer meetings? - Only on holidays 6.) Describe your religion in greater detail, if you'd like. - A hefty task.

In short, I think that there is not only God, but there are angels, demons, and spirits. They are capable of passing through the 7 planes of existence and interacting with humans, most of which who aren't able to see or recognize their presence. I do believe in a Heaven and Hell, but you ultimately choose where you go, if you want to go anywhere at all.

7.) What do you think of people who have different religious views than yours? - No problem with it I have two separate categories for you to answer, pick the category that applies to you. - 'kay.

(Just say "Christian", "Atheist", "Muslim", don't go into great detail.) No religion; Atheist. 2.) Do you believe in a god or gods? No 3.) In any way at all, do you have an Agnostic belief or are you completely sure you are right?

Yes Agnostic Atheist-I claim atheist because it's easier to explain. 4.) Do you attend church or any prayer meetings? No.

5.) Do your parents force you to attend church or any prayer meetings? My parents are atheist, so no. 6.) Describe your religion in greater detail, if you'd like.

N/a 7.) What do you think of people who have different religious views than yours? They're fine as long as they keep their preaching in their church and don't interfere in my government. Which they do interfere in my government a lot.

So. I don't like that. But that doesn't mean I don't like my religious friends.

I have two separate categories for you to answer, pick the category that applies to you. Questions for Atheists: 1.) Why do you not believe in a god? No proof.

I'm logical. I'm a realist. I like proof and studies and statistics.

2.) Have you ever believed in a god at some time in your life? I considered the possibility for a couple years. I studied multiple religions, and went to church with my friends.

There have been days I believe that I believed, but they were few and far between. 3.) How do you think the world was formed? Big Bang.

BAM! =.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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