This or That!? Survey!Survey!Survey!Survey!Su... Number 11 (:?

Catogory: Food 1. Whats your favorite food(s)? mum used to make it and has always been fav!

2. Whats your favorite restaurant? Prob a little turkish restaurant I have been to recently 3.

What food (s) do you dislike? I like all foods, I don't like being picky so if I don't like something I will keep eating till I do! I don't like processed foods!

Catagory:Relationships 1. When was your last breakup? December 2.

Was it over cheating, arguement ect.? he was a heavy drinker and a bit possessive 3. Did you ever see them again? He has tried, but it has all been a bit abusive!

Im best friends with my previous partner before him though. Catogory: Zodiac 1. Whats your favorite zodiac sign?

Taurus, thats my sign! 2. Whats the sign you best get along with?

I get on with all signs, Capricorn is a very good one cos we balance well! 3. Whats the sign you least get along with?

Im not sure!

Hell, I like surveys so I'll answer all the categories. I'm bored. Catogory: Food 1.

Whats your favorite food(s)? Pizza and Mediterranean food 2. Whats your favorite restaurant?

Saca's Mediterranean grill in Claremont, CA 3. What food (s) do you dislike? Cucumbers, rhubarb, canned beets Catagory:Relationships 1.

When was your last breakup? Over 6 years ago 2. Was it over cheating, arguement ect.? it just wasn't working out - the love was gone 3.

Did you ever see them again? Yes, I have bumped into him from time to time Catogory: Zodiac 1. Whats your favorite zodiac sign?

My own- Gemini 2. Whats the sign you best get along with? Scorpio 3.

Whats the sign you least get along with? Taurus.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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