THE CARD GAME BRIDGE....This subject seems tame after viewing the variety of "GAMES" some readers of interest to others?

THE CARD GAME BRIDGE....This subject seems tame after viewing the variety of "GAMES" some readers of interest to others. I am not "chatting"..not interested in B&D..D&D is so passe...I am interested in improving my Bridge game. I have taken lessons including practice for the past year.

I play duplicate and am still a C player. I enjoy the game, but have gotten to the point where I can't blame the cards for my poor/average showing. I have played in local/regional/national arenas.

I know and practice Stayman, Jacoby, Weak Two's...Have never reached a situation where Blackwood is needed. I think I am under bidding contracts; perhaps because of the fear of going down...Then , there is vulnerable; when to make a preemptive bid....I enjoy the game, the friendships I have made because of the game.....But, in duplicate scoring, I want to be above the 40th percentile. If there are any players who can offer pearls of wisdom based on their success.....Please, give me a hand!

Any suggestions/bon mots as regards the game would be GREATLY appreciated Asked by ginny824 31 months ago Similar questions: CARD GAME BRIDGE subject tame viewing variety GAMES readers interest Games & Leisure > Card Games.

Similar questions: CARD GAME BRIDGE subject tame viewing variety GAMES readers interest.

1 D&D rules! This user has been banned from Askville.

2 A friend of mine is a very good bridge player. He tells me that being good at bridge is all about math. Understanding the points, keeping track of which cards have been played where, figuring out who is holding what by their bids, and so on.

If you know the math, you've already got 80% of the game done in your head. This user has been banned from Askville.

2 A friend of mine is a very good bridge player. He tells me that being good at bridge is all about math. Understanding the points, keeping track of which cards have been played where, figuring out who is holding what by their bids, and so on.

If you know the math, you've already got 80% of the game done in your head.

A friend of mine is a very good bridge player. He tells me that being good at bridge is all about math. Understanding the points, keeping track of which cards have been played where, figuring out who is holding what by their bids, and so on.

If you know the math, you've already got 80% of the game done in your head.

3 I don't know if this would be something you are looking for, but there is a book "House of Cards" which is about the collapse of Bear Stearns written by William Cohen. In it, he reveals that the last CEO of the company was hired solely because of his prowess at bridge. This is an excerpt from an interview with the author conducted by Ray Suarez for NPR: RAY SUAREZ: It is stunning that the people at the top had to call away one of the primary personalities who built Bear Stearns over the last generation away from the card tables to talk about this.

And even then, he sort of bugged out of one conference call and went back to his bridge game. WILLIAM COHAN: Well, you know, the book is called "House of Cards" because it's a, you know, double entendre on the fact that three of the top five executives at Bear Stearns, Jimmy Cayne, who was the CEO from 1993 until January of 2008, Ace Greenberg, who was the CEO from 1978 to 1993, when Jimmy Cayne, you know, deposed him, and Warren Spector, who was the co-president for much of the last decade and had built the fixed-income business at the firm, all three of them were world-class bridge players. Jimmy Cayne was a national bridge champion.

And, in fact, he got hired at Bear Stearns by Ace Greenberg because Ace was aware of Jimmy Cayne's bridge prowess. This is a link to the full interview: .

I don't know if this would be something you are looking for, but there is a book "House of Cards" which is about the collapse of Bear Stearns written by William Cohen. In it, he reveals that the last CEO of the company was hired solely because of his prowess at bridge. This is an excerpt from an interview with the author conducted by Ray Suarez for NPR: RAY SUAREZ: It is stunning that the people at the top had to call away one of the primary personalities who built Bear Stearns over the last generation away from the card tables to talk about this.

And even then, he sort of bugged out of one conference call and went back to his bridge game. WILLIAM COHAN: Well, you know, the book is called "House of Cards" because it's a, you know, double entendre on the fact that three of the top five executives at Bear Stearns, Jimmy Cayne, who was the CEO from 1993 until January of 2008, Ace Greenberg, who was the CEO from 1978 to 1993, when Jimmy Cayne, you know, deposed him, and Warren Spector, who was the co-president for much of the last decade and had built the fixed-income business at the firm, all three of them were world-class bridge players. Jimmy Cayne was a national bridge champion.

And, in fact, he got hired at Bear Stearns by Ace Greenberg because Ace was aware of Jimmy Cayne's bridge prowess. This is a link to the full interview:

4 Great game which few appreciate, I'm sorry your clearly a much more skilled player so I can't offer any advise.

Great game which few appreciate, I'm sorry your clearly a much more skilled player so I can't offer any advise.

I didn't think card games got that exciting...

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Looking for a card game played with a michigan rummy board that has several different rounds of games to win chips.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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