LOL I said the same damned thing today Twinkle! That just shows you how messed up these people really are --- and that is kind of sad In the 90's there was a horrible famine in North Korea -- people were literally boiling grass and eating it to survive Jung il refused to acknowledge it to the world for food assistance ---- instead he let one million of his people drop dead from starvation He was a horrible little man that has spread some horrible lies to his people -- they don't know any better Very sad business But he IS dead No doubt about it He had a major stroke not long ago Quite recently he has been promoting his son, Kim Jong-un and giving him crazy official titles, pumping him up --- he was preparing him to take over fairly soon s son is probably a lot more scary than he was ---- know to be quiet and odd, was educated in an English speaking Swiss school, there are only a couple of photos of him in existence Another homegrown crackpot He is only like 26-27 yrs old and he is a 4 Star General.
The reason the Korean citizens are crying like we see on the videos is because they are being paid to do so. That is what most governments have done for thousands of years. Not only governments, but individuals, in the middle ages, for example, would hire people to come to their family members funeral and display grief and mourning by crying and wailing, and the "gnashing of teeth and tearing of clothes".
So, the display of grief and mourning is used strictly for propaganda purposes only. The Korean government wants the world to think that their leader was loved and was right in his policies. Make no mistake, Kim il Jung had to die sometime and the time was now.
The real question is will his death ignite a "Tianamen Square" like demonstration.
Those "losers" have spent their entire lives being brainwashed into believing Kim Jong Il was as close to a god as they'll ever get. You obviously don't understand what a massive propaganda machine the North Korean government ran. You were also watching clips of party faithful.
The average citizen is scrapping a living (and starving to death) away from the cameras. Kim was ill. He had a severe stroke years ago and there were signs he was preparing for his successor over the last 2 or 3 years.
The signs were there. People like Kim Jong Il never want to leave the lime light. They thrive on it.
What good would it do to pretend he had died. If anything, secretive and paranoid gov like that one hide it when their leaders are ill or on death door.
Exactly. I think it's fake. If he's no longer in power, I would think the north koreans would be dancing in joy.
I think they're crying because they know it's one big cruel joke. And kim jung-il says they must cry so they cry.
They've all been brainwashed into believing problems in N Korea are the fault of the US they don't think like we do.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.