I used to want invisibility but I created a superpower for a story once and I liked that better. It's called Momentia. (Previous Q&A's on Mahalo about superpowers are linked below.) The power is listed in stages.
As the power gets used and the user grows in power the uses of the power become more evident and varied. I've removed genre specific terminology (game mechanics). I've also removed explanations on how others may perceive the power when it is used in front of them.
Basic Momentia Step Allows full (remaining) movement to occur in one step, line of sight only, normal pathing. The condition for use is the hero must concentrate and otherwise be able to traverse the distance unimpeded under normal circumstances. Use of this power ends movement for the round.
Once activated this power remains active until concentration is lost. Attempting this power to gain an advantage in combat may not be possible unless the hero is a trained combatant and is able to fight without losing concentration. Pass As the power grows within the hero it becomes possible for the hero to cover distance beyond line of sight if the destination has been traversed by the by the hero before but only up to the point where the known (remembered) path is unchanged and within normal movement range with each “Step�.
Additionally, locked doors/gates may be bypassed in a single effort if opening the locked barrier only requires doing something the hero has already done there once before. Example: Our hero, Silverhammer, is brought into the hotel room and locked inside the bedroom suite. He remembers walking down the hall from the elevator and being pushed into the room and even further into the bedroom before being left alone.
He thinks carefully what he plans to do which is to go back to the elevator and retrace his steps. This takes a few moments of concentration for him to put it all together and in one step, Silverhammer appears in front of the elevator. Silverhammer looks into the security camera and says, “Do you know who you're messing with here?
€? And even though people are scrambling like mad to get there before Silverhammer gets away, Silverhammer takes another step and finds himself on the street and catches a bus. Intermediate Momentia Intermediate and Advanced Momentia powers are only available to heroes that aren't limited by their imagination.
They seem to develop a sixth sense about paths and how to get around. The growing power comes with what might be a weakness. The deeper the hero looks into the intricacies of a structure or passages, the more likely they will become entranced by what they see and not move at all.
Jump Now the distance the hero covers each Step is x3 (as though they were running instead of walking as per the Step ability) but without the risk of tripping or falling. Line of sight destination or known path, even with locks barriers or obstacles (changes to known route) as long as the hero would have been able to get there normally. Meaning if the end location has changed so dramatically that it ceases to exist then the movement would fall just shy of the furthest point in their Jump.
Peek While lost in thought, entranced by the endless possibilities, the hero can now gain an intuitive sense of what lies on the other side of unfamiliar barriers (potentially revealing hidden or alternative passages). Successful use of this power now makes these previously untraversed areas available to Momentia powers. The hero must pause and concentrate for a moment for each such barrier.
If interrupted prematurely or used to explore new areas, the time spent concentrating is doubled. To STOP this imaginary journey and actually MOVE, our hero must be able to succeed rouse themselves from this self-hypnotic state. Portal Once our hero has mastered the ability to concentrate sufficiently and rouse themselves from a self-hypnotic state, our hero can now use portals as Stepping points within the same building or general area irrespective to normal movement range.
The effect of this is the hero will enter one door and exit another entirely. Walk into the corner store and he’ll find himself back on the street a block down instead. Controlling where the hero ends up requires great effort.
Failure to retain his focus makes him have to start over. Ending up where he started instead. Other Momentia powers can be used to make it easier, but failing multiple times causes the hero to become too mentally exhausted to try again for a while and he must rest before trying again.
Advanced Momentia Gate At this level, the user of Momentia is no longer hindered by complicated locks, security or even the need for the portal to be real.
And is not entirely under the control of the hero. €œAs Silverhammer wandered into the tapestry of the Unicorn he felt bad that his approach startled the Unicorn and it ran away leaving him to wander the meadow alone for a long time – ruining the tapestry forever and making the museum curator wonder why vandals would go to so much trouble as to pull out the Unicorns threads and embroider small footprints that wandered off the edge of the tapestry into nowhere. €?
Expert Momentia Only the most experienced and mentally strong heroes could ever develop this level of Momentia so I've only included basic descriptions. Escher’s Stairway At this level, the user of Momentia is no longer hindered the mundane interpretations of “up� And “down�.
Perspective is relative, as is gravity. Hold the Door Momentia powers can now be “opened� For others to pass through first.
The hero initiating the ability “closes� The passage once he enters it himself. Don’t Look Down Walking on air or water is no different than land.
At this level, distance and direction becomes much less of a factor than ever before. Never get lost in thought about what it might be like to walk on the moon with this power – the man on the moon may turn out to be someone you knew…
Momentia Incarnate The ultimate mastery of the Momentia power.1999 Time and realities are now available as portals too. Where will our hero go next?
I want to fly! ^^ Most people who knows me well are aware that I always wanted to be a pilot... Since I can't be a pilot now, then if I'd have a super powers, I wish I could fly! It would be great cause I can explore and appreciate the nature more.
The view from up above is really breath-taking. I'd take lots of pictures from above and show them to everyone! I guess that way, people could appreciate the nature too and will take care of it.
Flying will also save me money cause I don't have to commute to work or anywhere else! ^^ Aside from flying, the second super power I want to have will be invisibility. :) Although I don't care what other people thinks of me, I still want to know what they're saying if I'm away.
That way, I'd know who my real friends are.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.