I'm sure there must be a way, but it's just not obvious to me. Thanks in advance for your help. Asked by shrinkwrapped 58 months ago Similar questions: search askville question asked Amazon > Askville.
Similar questions: search askville question asked.
There is no way As of right now, the only way you can search is by topic. So if you can guess all the possible topics for your question, you can research it--and you might still ask one that's already been asked as some people don't categorize them correctly. Hopefully as Askville grows this is something that is in the plans.
Feel free to ask whatever you want, though! It won't hurt anything if a question is repeated! *Poppet*'s Recommendations Still Searching Amazon List Price: $15.98 Used from: $5.98 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 10 reviews) .
My knowledge You can go to My Account and on the right-hand side of the page is "Search Topics" - in there you can type a topic you think the question might be found under. For example, "What is the largest lake on earth? " might be found under Lake, or Record, or Earth.
Sadly, that's the only way to search Askville right now. One other thing you could try is Google, in the format words site:askville.com" rel="nofollow">askville.com For example largest lake on earth site:askville.com" rel="nofollow">askville.com Good luck! .
Not really,sort of though... Askville does not yet have a community memory. So there is no specific question search. The best that you could do is go to the Home page,go to search topics and enter the topic that you think the question may have been asked under,then search and search.
You'll have to go through questions that have answers,then those that need answers. There are two different categories. Remember that Askville is new,so the community memory is (probably) still under construction.
Here's the link to the home page,this is where you land once you .
It is actually somewhat difficult First of all the easiest way is to guess what the topics for the question would be and search that way, unfortuneately, if you and the person who originally asked the same question don’t think on the same wavelength, you might miss something. Something else you can do is to use a search engine (I typically use Google) and include Askville in the search terms. It isn't perfect but it can help out..
Not exactly! And it's the reason we've been getting a lot of the same questions over & over again...Which I tend to answer with a link to the last of the same I answered. You can search a topic, and seach through the questions that have answers.
If it's a hot topic, there'd be a ton of sifting, and a small interest topic won't have as much. This should definately be a feature Askville adds in the NEAR future as we have tens of thousands of answered questions with no good search to find them. ASKVILLE, are you reading this?
Sources: New to askville, old to many recycled questions. Spatzie~Lover's Recommendations 4-1/2" General Magnifying Glass Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) To help you read through the thousands of already answered but unsearchable questions.
" "Askville replaced my new question with the one I asked last week! Why? " "This question may already have been asked, but I am going to ask again...it's about voting on Askville..." "Does Askville have a search capability to find a previous question?
" "What do you do when you see a question on Askville that is obviously meant to be asked elsewhere-such as Amazon.com" "Who asked the first ever question on Askville?" "To all of ASKVILLE ~ "what was the very first question you asked? " I hope everyone answers. Please pass this question on" "Did you feel uncertain before you asked your first question on Askville?
I did! " "Is this the first question asked on askville (in '07)?
Askville replaced my new question with the one I asked last week! Why?
This question may already have been asked, but I am going to ask again...it's about voting on Askville...
What do you do when you see a question on Askville that is obviously meant to be asked elsewhere-such as Amazon.com.
" I hope everyone answers. Please pass this question on.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.