Thursday 3/5/09-- *unless you are in a Time Warp* Because It's Sci/Fi --Star Trek Day?

Thursday 3/5/09-- *unless you are in a Time Warp* Because It's Sci/Fi --Star Trek Day! Have fun. Find a Mission.

Battle Aliens. (only hostile ones)Keep In mind, it's also Cheez-Doodle Day. Extra points for whomever adds Cheez-doodles (those curly orange pieces of goodness) to their creative writing.

:)Postscript: if this goes over real well, with overwelming response, we can always make it Sci/fi WEEK> Asked by truff 33 months ago Similar questions: Thursday 09 *unless Time Warp* Sci Fi Star Trek Day Entertainment > Television.

Similar questions: Thursday 09 *unless Time Warp* Sci Fi Star Trek Day.

A SHORT STORY BY JOE BARTZ THE SEARCH FOR THE LOST CHEESE DOODLES IN THE LAND OF THE MAGIC MUSHROOMS CAST OF CHARACTERS. Chimmies: The Chimmies are flying Cichlids and they got the Chimmy name from the ever so strange “Cichlid Shimmy” that they do when there is a territorial conflict. Stogons: These creatures are dragons that like to relax themselves with some natural plants and they are the creatures that stole the Cheese Doodles.

Ralph the Gnome: Ralph is the peacekeeper of the Land of the Magic Mushrooms and guards all the wonderful plants that grow so plentiful in this land. Giggawatto: He is a Gremlin and…well, we really don’t know what he does but he is always there and smiling big. He likes to hang around the Green Mushrooms.

Skinny Al: Al is a strange creatures, he looks like a bird but has human skin and no feathers. S wings are short and stocky and he has a lizard tail. He is good-natured and sides with the Chimmies.

Platnus: Platnus is another strange creature; he has a lion head, a snake body and duck hands and feet. Platnus sides with the Stogons. Fiadudes: These are fire ants that like to light things on fire especially dried out plants that reside in the Glass Towers.

Cheese Doodles: Ah yes, the Cheese Doodles. They are the favorite food of the Chimmies and the Stogons. In fact, everyone in the Land of the Magic Mushrooms has a craving for snacks especially the tasty Cheese Doodles.

Glass Towers: These “man-made” towers are a very strange creation. They are round at the bottom and are filled with water. The top of the towers is always emitting smoke.

Chapter 1 Chimmy Hollow Once upon a time there was a magical place called Chimmy Hollow. This town was just a small part of the city called Wates, which was part of the country known as Igibagar. Wates lies just outside the Forest of Smoke which is where the Land of the Magic Mushrooms is located.

Chimmy Hollow was the place that the Chimmies settled and lived. Chimmies are fish that possess the ability to fly in the air. They are simple folk that have really never ventured outside the city of Wates except for the Land of the Humans.

There are three kinds of Chimmies; they are the blue Kenyi’s, the Electric Yellows, and the Rusties. The Kenyis are bright blue with dark blue stripes and they mostly hang out with the Rusties. The Rusties are brownish with streaks of blue and black and they enjoy spending time with the Kenyis.

The Electric Yellows are bright yellow with occasional white spots. Aside from their physical differences the Chimmies are of the same intelligence and pretty much just swim around all day in the Doodle Sea and occasionally come out to eat. What they eat is something that all creatures in Igibagar love…Cheese Doodles!

Now, only Chimmies have the ability to obtain Cheese Doodles so this makes them very hard to come by for the other animals. The Chimmies get the cheese doodles because they are able to fly into the Humans houses and act like fish in their aquariums and take the doodles when they are not looking. No one is really sure how the Chimmies got introduced to Cheese Doodles.An old folktale is that a human tried some natural plants from The Land of the Magic Mushrooms.

This human became very hungry and decided to eat some Cheese Doodles. At the same time, a Chimmy was in the human’s aquarium, visiting some of his distant relatives…the Cichlids. The human decided it was feeding time for the Cichlids and went to grab the freeze-dried shrimp.

In his state of confusion, he grabbed the cheese doodles instead and fed them that. The Cichlids didn’t take to the Cheese Doodles but the Chimmy sure did and he went back to Chimmy Hollow with some samples. The whole town loved them and now it is a delicacy for all Chimmies.

One day, the evil Stogons decided that they were going to take a trip into the Land of the Magic Mushrooms. After about an hour of visiting, they became violently hungry and had a craving for just one thing…cheese doodles.So they decided to attack Chimmy Hollow. They came flying in and it was obvious that the Stogons were very, very hungry because their eyes were bloodshot and they were smoking some strange pipes.

The entire town jumped into the Doodle Sea to take cover. Surprisingly they didn’t destroy anything or hurt anyone they just stole the entire supply of Cheese Doodles. The Stogons started giggling and smiling and flew off to the Land of the Magic Mushrooms.

The Chimmies weren’t sure what to do because no one had ever attacked them before. All they knew was that they were heart broken without their Cheese Doodles. They thought about going to the humans and getting some more but it was winter in the Land of the Humans and the waterway from the Doodle Sea was frozen over.

They had two options, one was to get the doodles back and the other was to wait until summer to get some from the humans. After a brief discussion they decided that their was no way in hell they could last until summer without some Cheese Doodles especially since the Smoke, Drink, Eat, and Pass out Fest was next week. Their doodle supply was gone so it was time to take action.

The Chimmies held a town meeting that night to discuss what they were going to do. All the Chimmies from Chimmy Hollow and the surrounding towns came to this meeting. Mayor Chimmy of Chimmy Hollow said “blob, blob, blob” (which is “we are out of food” in Chimmy).

Kenyi Chimmy propped himself up and said “blob, blob, blob, blob, blob, blob, blob, blob, blob, blob, blob, blob, blob, blob, and blob”. This roughly translates to “I, Electric Yellow, and Rusty will take our fishbowl to the land of the Magic Mushrooms and get the Cheese Doodles back”! The entire Chimmy crowd jumped (swam) up and cheered the three brave Chimmies.

They cried out “BLOB, BLOB, BLOB, BLOB, and BLOB”! This means, “Go get those mean Stogons and get our Doodles back! ” So, with the entire town behind them, Kenyi, Electric Yellow, and Rusty set off to the Land of the Magic Mushrooms to reclaim the Cheese Doodles.

Chapter 2 The Land of the Magic Mushrooms So, the Chimmies take off and enter the Forest of Smoke. While passing through the Forest of Smoke, Rusty noticed a big cloud of smoke coming from the left. “That must be the Land of the Magic Mushrooms” Kenyi excitedly said.

“Head that way” said Electric Yellow and they all turned the fishbowl towards the Land of the Magic Mushrooms. Upon arriving, they became immersed in a thick cloud of smoke that smelled quite strange. The Chimmies have never smelt this smell before, in fact, they haven’t smelt anything before because they don’t have noses… The Chimmies met up with a Gnome named Ralph at the entrance gates.

Ralph said, “Welcome to the Land of the Magic Mushrooms, please feel free to smoke, snort, and absorb anything you like!” The Chimmies felt left out because they don’t have lungs and can’t smoke anything. Anyway, Ralph told them of this land and how it has been overtaken by the Stogons.

Kenyi told Ralph of their mission and Ralph excitedly said “Wonderful, take my pet Skinny Al with you! He is a strange creature but he can smell any scent from miles away and he is very loyal. He also has the ability to create incense whenever we need to cover something up.

” The Chimmies agreed and set off to find the Stogons and reclaim the Cheese Doodles. Upon entering the Land of the Magic Mushrooms, Kenyi notices a strange creature sitting on top of a large green mushroom. “ I’m Giggawattoo…I’m a Gremlin.

Hehehehehe.” “What’s so funny? ” said Kenyi. “I’m not sure; I’ve been giggling and laughing uncontrollably ever since I sat on this mushroom…hehehehehe!”

Kenyi asked the gremlin if he knew where the Stogons were located but all he could decipher between the giggles was “I have the munchies. ” After about a half an hour of getting nowhere with this bumbling idiot, they decided to leave and find the Stogons themselves. While traveling through the Land of the Magic Mushrooms, it became very clear that there was plenty of vegetation of the stimulant kind.

All kinds of mushrooms, plants, seeds, and whatever you can think of was there; in it’s natural form and all kinds of alternative forms. The Chimmies felt very lucky that they didn’t have lungs so they couldn’t inhale the toxic fumes and cloud their judgment. After meeting up with many strange and surprisingly happy creatures they came up to a mountain.

This mountain was surrounded by many mushrooms type looking things that emitted strange gaseous and colorful clouds. The Chimmies were aware of these clouds from previous history and knew that they wouldn’t be affected by this. Therefore, they marched on but suddenly they noticed that Skinny Al was loosing his conciseness.

The Chimmies tried to help Al but when they came to him all he could muster out was “I am hungry and I am going to stay here awhile…here are my incense candles. ” And with that, the Chimmies ventured onto the mountain without Al and no direction. The Chimmies knew that they were dealing with a force that was induced by the natural plants and so they came up with a plan.

The Chimmies decided that in order to understand the evil forces plight, they would need to understand the feeling that they get from the natural plants. So, with plant in hand, they engaged into a smoke, drink, eat, and pass out fest of their own kind. The following is an excerpt from situation: Kenyi: Chude, I’m feeling really weird right now.

Electric Yellow: Yeah, I know what you mean…where is Bob Ross when you need him. Rusty: Why are there spiders all over me? Kenyi: Food I need.

Electric Yellow: Yes, food is necessary. After a few hours of this madness, the Chimmies decided to collect themselves and forge on. As the Chimmies moved on, they noticed that they were incredibly hungry and a new sense of urgency to find the Cheese Doodles came over them.

They also noticed that they were being guided up the mountain by an unknown force. While flying up the mountain, they noticed several large glass towers. These towers were filled with water and emitted smoke out of the top.

Fiadudes were all over the place and they seemed to centralized at the base of the glass towers. Some were lighting plants in a tube that was protruding from the base. There was so much smoke being emitted that it formed a haze around the top of the mountain and all the animals on the mountain were all just sitting there in a daze.At this moment the Chimmies knew that they were very close to the lair of the Stogons and decided to mentally prepare for the encounter.

Chapter 3 The Stogons and the Cheese Doodles As the Chimmies reached the peak of the mountain, the smoke cleared and they could see the stash of Cheese Doodles located behind the sleeping Stogons. They figured that they could just sneak up and take back the doodles without the Stogons even noticing.As they approached the Stogons a chilling scream came from the doodle stash and out came a flying reptilian, platypus, lion looking creature. Electric Yellow said “What in the Frankenstein freak are you!?”

The creature replied “I am a Platnus and I am here to warn the Stogons of intruders. ” “I just did that with my scream and now you dudes are toast! ” Sure enough, as they looked over at the once sleeping Stogons, they saw that they indeed were awake and looked very angry.

Just then, Platnus fired up a pipe and blew the strange colored smoke at the Chimmies. As the smoke approached them, out of the blue, Skinny Al jumped up and intercepted the smoke with his incense. “I’ll take care of this freak, go get the Cheese Doodles back!” “BLOB” yelled out the Chimmies and they advanced towards the Stogons.

The Stogons appeared to be somewhat groggy as they had large bags underneath their eyes. They fired up their pipes to rejuvenate themselves and advanced towards the Chimmies. The Chimmies were terrified as the Stogons were 10 times the size of them.

Electric Yellow looked at Kenyi and he looked at Rusty. “I guess we really don’t have a choice, do we” said Electric Yellow. “No, I guess we need to do this for Chimmy Hollow.

” replied Kenyi. So, with that being said, the Chimmies made a move that would forever change the face of Igibar.As the Stogons flew towards them, the Chimmies flew up and hovered over them. “Let’s do it!

” they screamed out and with a quick shimmy to the right, they capsized their fishbowl. The water poured over the Stogons and melted them instantly. The Chimmies had won the battle, but with no water left, they were slowly drying out.

With not much time left, they shimmied over to the cheese doodles and they had a feast of a lifetime. Skinny Al came over and asked if he could do anything to help. Electric Yellow replied “Please tell our story to the Chimmies in Chimmy Hollow.

Tell them what we did and how we toppled the Stogons.” With a tear in his eye, Skinny Al replied “Of course I will you brave Chimmies. ” So, with fin in fin, the Chimmies cuddled together as they approached death.

Just then, Ralph the Gnome comes running in and says “hang on!” “There is water in the Glass Towers! ” So, Ralph picked up the Chimmies, one by one and put them in the fishbowl. He directed Skinny Al to break the top half of the Glass Tower and he flew off to the nearest tower.

With all of his little might, Ralph “shimmied” to the left and dumped the Chimmies into the Glass Tower. Within a matter of seconds, the energy levels of the Chimmies were back to normal. “You have saved us Ralph!” shouted out Rusty.

“And you have saved us from the Stogons! ” Ralph adamantly said.So, with the fishbowl once again filled with water, the Chimmies flew back to get the Cheese Doodles. After filling up the fishbowl they said their goodbyes and headed back toward Chimmy Hollow.

The came home to a Hero’s Return and the entire town had a feast to remember. Electric Yellow, Kenyi, and Rusty were instant icons and were forever remembered by the Chimmies of Chimmy Hollow This has nothing to do with the story, but it is a fun piece of cheese doodle art. Sources: .

1 Today is Act Goofy Day, a day to do silly things just for the fun of it. • Today is Adult Name Tag Day, a day for adults to wear name tags (Not an event for children). • Today is Crispus Attucks Day.

Attacks, possibly a runaway slave, was the first person killed during the Boston Massacre on this date in 1770. • Today is Temperance Day. On March 5, 1623, America's first temperance law was passed.In a proclamation signed by Governor Sir Francis Wyatt and thirty-two members of the Virginia colonial legislature, Virginia prohibited public intoxication under penalty of a fine.

Virginia was later joined by other colonies in taking measures to prohibit the use of alcohol. • Today is National Cheese Doodle Day.

Today is Act Goofy Day, a day to do silly things just for the fun of it. • Today is Adult Name Tag Day, a day for adults to wear name tags (Not an event for children). • Today is Crispus Attucks Day.

Attacks, possibly a runaway slave, was the first person killed during the Boston Massacre on this date in 1770. • Today is Temperance Day. On March 5, 1623, America's first temperance law was passed.In a proclamation signed by Governor Sir Francis Wyatt and thirty-two members of the Virginia colonial legislature, Virginia prohibited public intoxication under penalty of a fine.

Virginia was later joined by other colonies in taking measures to prohibit the use of alcohol. • Today is National Cheese Doodle Day.

2 1912: The Oreo cookie was born at the National Biscuit Company in New York. Since then, somebody has eaten over 62 billion of them. That’s enough to stack and reach the moon and back five times.1934: The first Mother-in-Law Day was celebrated in Amarillo, Texas, sponsored by newspaper editor Gene Howe.1955: Elvis Presley made his first-ever television appearance in Shreveport on the Louisiana Hayride.1960: Sergeant Elvis Presley was discharged honorably from the U.S.Army.1963: American country singers Patsy Cline, Cowboy Copas, and Hawkshaw Hawkins were killed when their single-engine plane crashed near Camden, Tennessee.

They were on their way from Nashville to do a benefit for the widow of deejay Cactus Jack Call, who had been killed in an auto accident.1977: Jimmy Carter became the first president to host a radio talk show when he took questions from 42 listeners in 26 states on Ask President Carter. Walter Cronkite co-hosted the program.1982: Comedian John Belushi died of a drug overdose at age 33.1984: The Los Angeles Express signed Brigham Young quarterback Steve Young for $42-million. When the USFL folded less than a year later it paid Young a guaranteed $35-million.

The resulting long-term annuity will pay Steve until 2027.1996: Township Trustees in Milan, Ohio, agreed to pay the electric bill at the Thomas Edison Museum, so the power company wouldn’t have to turn off the lights at the birthplace of the man who invented the light bulb.1997: Alabama researchers at Auburn University announced they had achieved a 90% success rate at changing newborn female crappie fish into males by feeding them male hormones. Researchers said males grow into larger fish and are better for both fishing and eating.2001: Vice President Dick Cheney underwent an angioplasty for a partially blocked artery after going to a hospital with chest pains.2003: In a warning to the U.S. And Britain, the foreign ministers of France, Germany, and Russia said they would block any attempt to get U.N.Approval for war against Iraq.2003: A 48-year-old German man has been arrested in Rome after being caught jogging naked through a park. The man said he hadn't realized it was against the law to run naked in Italy.2005: Martha Stewart was convicted in New York of obstructing justice and lying to the government about why she'd unloaded her Imclone stock just before the price plummeted.

She served a five-month prison sentence. Birthdays: comic Marsha Warfield is 55; actor Michael Warren 63; actor Kevin Connolly 35; actress Jolene Blalock 34; actress Eva Mendes 31. Singer Teena Marie 53; Red Hot Chili Peppers’ John Frusciante 39; magician Penn Jillette 54; model Niki Taylor 34; NBA forward Brian Grant 37; football's Michael Irvin 43..

1912: The Oreo cookie was born at the National Biscuit Company in New York. Since then, somebody has eaten over 62 billion of them. That’s enough to stack and reach the moon and back five times.1934: The first Mother-in-Law Day was celebrated in Amarillo, Texas, sponsored by newspaper editor Gene Howe.1955: Elvis Presley made his first-ever television appearance in Shreveport on the Louisiana Hayride.1960: Sergeant Elvis Presley was discharged honorably from the U.S.Army.1963: American country singers Patsy Cline, Cowboy Copas, and Hawkshaw Hawkins were killed when their single-engine plane crashed near Camden, Tennessee.

They were on their way from Nashville to do a benefit for the widow of deejay Cactus Jack Call, who had been killed in an auto accident.1977: Jimmy Carter became the first president to host a radio talk show when he took questions from 42 listeners in 26 states on Ask President Carter. Walter Cronkite co-hosted the program.1982: Comedian John Belushi died of a drug overdose at age 33.1984: The Los Angeles Express signed Brigham Young quarterback Steve Young for $42-million. When the USFL folded less than a year later it paid Young a guaranteed $35-million.

The resulting long-term annuity will pay Steve until 2027.1996: Township Trustees in Milan, Ohio, agreed to pay the electric bill at the Thomas Edison Museum, so the power company wouldn’t have to turn off the lights at the birthplace of the man who invented the light bulb.1997: Alabama researchers at Auburn University announced they had achieved a 90% success rate at changing newborn female crappie fish into males by feeding them male hormones. Researchers said males grow into larger fish and are better for both fishing and eating.2001: Vice President Dick Cheney underwent an angioplasty for a partially blocked artery after going to a hospital with chest pains.2003: In a warning to the U.S. And Britain, the foreign ministers of France, Germany, and Russia said they would block any attempt to get U.N.Approval for war against Iraq.2003: A 48-year-old German man has been arrested in Rome after being caught jogging naked through a park. The man said he hadn't realized it was against the law to run naked in Italy.2005: Martha Stewart was convicted in New York of obstructing justice and lying to the government about why she'd unloaded her Imclone stock just before the price plummeted.

She served a five-month prison sentence. Birthdays: comic Marsha Warfield is 55; actor Michael Warren 63; actor Kevin Connolly 35; actress Jolene Blalock 34; actress Eva Mendes 31. Singer Teena Marie 53; Red Hot Chili Peppers’ John Frusciante 39; magician Penn Jillette 54; model Niki Taylor 34; NBA forward Brian Grant 37; football's Michael Irvin 43.

3 Mornin', truff! I thought every day was "Act Goofy Day" at av. Do I have to try harder or what?

I would also like to know (since it works with crappie) how many women here are eating male hormones in order to become bigger and stronger than me? Exactly how they are eating them is another question...this is my mission then, to boldly ask what no man has ever asked before! Are women turning into men by ingesting our hormones and is this a plot to rid the universe of men, once and for all?

Mornin', truff! I thought every day was "Act Goofy Day" at av. Do I have to try harder or what?

I would also like to know (since it works with crappie) how many women here are eating male hormones in order to become bigger and stronger than me? Exactly how they are eating them is another question...this is my mission then, to boldly ask what no man has ever asked before! Are women turning into men by ingesting our hormones and is this a plot to rid the universe of men, once and for all?

4 *note: present female company excluded of course...

Note: present female company excluded of course...

I think it is imagination. " "Who is the Chuck Norris of Sci-Fi?" "What are the worst sci fi movies to avoid of all time? " "Can anyone recommend a good sci-fi novel you have read?

" "Does anyone know where I can get series two of the television sci-fi The war of the worlds,starring Jared Martin." "What's your favorite Sci-Fi "Star"? " "WHERE CAN I FIND THE SCI-FI CLASSIC MOTHRA THE FIRST ONE" "I'm looking to find a book I read a long time ago in school. I believe it was a juvenile sci-fi book." "Looking for book in sci fi series.." "Classic Sci Fi fans--what do you think about the remake of THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL.

Does anyone know where I can get series two of the television sci-fi The war of the worlds,starring Jared Martin.

Where can I find the sci-fi classic mothra the first one.

I'm looking to find a book I read a long time ago in school. I believe it was a juvenile sci-fi book.

Classic Sci Fi fans--what do you think about the remake of THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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