Today is Columbus Day October 13th Thanksgiving Day (Canada)Skeptic's DayIndigenous People's DayNational Face Your Fear DayNavy Birthday Asked by truff 38 months ago Similar questions: Today Columbus Day October 13th Society > Holidays.
Similar questions: Today Columbus Day October 13th.
Oct 13th It's also the anniversary of my dad's death. It's been a long 9 years. My daughter and I will be taking my mom to lunch or dinner today to let her know she's not alone.
Just flew in from Washingon and will be working for a few hours but then will leave to hang out with her. Happy Columbus Day everyone...... Have a great day! .
1 I am not facing no spiders. Whether they crossed the ocean blue with Chris in 1942 or not LOL> I am skeptical about whether Indigenous people are really in the Navy or if they jusy want the cake .
I am not facing no spiders. Whether they crossed the ocean blue with Chris in 1942 or not LOL> I am skeptical about whether Indigenous people are really in the Navy or if they jusy want the cake.
2 I am very skeptical about facing ANY of my fears! However, I will happily sing Anchor's Aweigh for my Navy friends and family! .
I am very skeptical about facing ANY of my fears! However, I will happily sing Anchor's Aweigh for my Navy friends and family!
3 National Face Your Fear Day ~ I am so horribly afraid of heights. I will not today or any other day face that fear, thank you!
National Face Your Fear Day ~ I am so horribly afraid of heights. I will not today or any other day face that fear, thank you!
4 I don't believe any of you(it's skeptics day) .
I don't believe any of you(it's skeptics day).
FRIDAY THE 13TH. ARE YOU MORE CAUTIOUS TODAY? " "Day 369 and 3 (Sat Jan 3) FANOMOs new and old: the holidays are over.
COME JOIN US! Post today's results here" "are banks open on columbus day" "Since today is the 13th of is time to ask that question ...that burning question....." "Where can I get the cheapest deal on a flight from Pittsburgh, PA to Cancun, Mexico from October 7 - October 13th 2010? " "After October 13th, when will the next friday the 13th be?" "Its Friday the 13th, how is your day going?
" "october 20th; Bizarre holidays and observances" "What are you doing today to celebrate Christopher Columbus? " "Did Christopher Columbus set foot on what is today the US?
Day 369 and 3 (Sat Jan 3) FANOMOs new and old: the holidays are over. COME JOIN US! Post today's results here.
Since today is the 13th of is time to ask that question ...that burning question.....
October 20th; Bizarre holidays and observances.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.