Above all the suggestion is no longer a suggestion when it's implemented.... shouldn't there be an option to accept or ignore...and delete?E.G. someone would like to add/ suggest this topic... accept/ignore the topic or be notified that someone has added this topic to your question "accept topic or delete"what's your take..? ;-D Asked by CALIDEE_MOO!45 months ago Similar questions: TOPIC SUGGESTIONS post question add topics adds delete Amazon > Askville.
Similar questions: TOPIC SUGGESTIONS post question add topics adds delete.
I totally agree with your idea. The person who asked the question should have the ultimate control over.. the choice of topics and the right to remove rude, abusive posters on the discussion boards. What you are commenting about is the result of an unfortunate turn of events that I only learned about via a PM from Amazon’s management.
Last month, the entire management team of Askville passed away quite suddenly as a result of a freak accident involving sushi. (I’d say more but the matter is in litigation. ) Amazon is trying replace them, but it has been difficult finding replacements.So, the place is being run by a young lady from a temporary agency.
Had the Askville management team lived, I’m sure that they would have addressed our concerns previously. Sadly, we’ll have to shuffle on as best we can despite our grief at their loss. I guess that I should mention that there is a misconception going on amongst the tres sophisticated people found on both coasts.
They seem to think that sushi isn’t to be found in Texas. This is not true. This time of year, it can be found almost everywhere at specialized emporia.
Below, you will find an artistic rendering of one of those purveyors of Texas sushi:
This is what I think! First of all you can't delete added topics. The author can only edit his question before there is any answer slots taken!
I know what you are saying but I kind of disagree with you on this one. The person who writes the question should be the one who actually chooses the topic, however I can think of a few downsides of that. Adding topics will help "newbies" to learn how to add relevant topics.
If people who have been here for a long time add appropriate topics newbies will learn how to add topics. Somebody could post a question and goes away and does not come back for a day or so. If the added topic needs approval from the asker then the question will not be listed in the topic that could get viewed by a lot of people.
Hence the question loses chance of getting good answers. Now, if the asker comes back and approves, then the question will go to that topic but the problem is that, at that time it has become too late, because the question will be listed not in the front page of the topic. People who read the question may look at the topics.
Italic topics are the ones added by non-authors. If somebody wants to get the question he/she should look at those non-italic topics. Paradise.
:p .
CALIDEE_MOO! Said: 1 Rufus_Dooley, regarding your answer "I totally agree with your idea. The person who asked the question should have the ultimate control over..": that is sad... sushi.... I love sushi... so that explains our features.... didn't hear about that in the news.... is there a link?
Rufus_Dooley, regarding your answer "I totally agree with your idea. The person who asked the question should have the ultimate control over..": that is sad... sushi.... I love sushi... so that explains our features.... didn't hear about that in the news.... is there a link?
2 CALIDEE, I agree, it would be great to be able to remove or not allow topic additions that didn't fit with the intent of the question asker. I think it's sometimes intrusive to have someone second guess and add topics. The original purpose of the feature was for experienced Askvillers to help newer users learn how to pick topics.It could still be used that way, but giving the asker the option to not keep added topics that weren't in line with what s/he wanted to accomplish with the question.
Good suggestion.
CALIDEE, I agree, it would be great to be able to remove or not allow topic additions that didn't fit with the intent of the question asker. I think it's sometimes intrusive to have someone second guess and add topics. The original purpose of the feature was for experienced Askvillers to help newer users learn how to pick topics.It could still be used that way, but giving the asker the option to not keep added topics that weren't in line with what s/he wanted to accomplish with the question.
Good suggestion.
3 Oh, and I agree with you on the point of DELETING topics, but not on the approval one! .
Oh, and I agree with you on the point of DELETING topics, but not on the approval one!
Do you think Askville should allow a person asking a question to be able to "Delete" their question if they want to.
So let's discuss what Topics should be added to the ASKVILLE Topic...
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.