Toshiba 48inch television issues. Does anyone know about why you cannot adjust the convergence on a television?

Toshiba 48inch television issues. Does anyone know about why you cannot adjust the convergence on a television? I can adjust the convergence on the left side and middle of the screen, but it will not allow me to adjust the convergence on the right side and there are shadows on the pictures and words on that side.

Anyone have any idea how this can happen and what I can do? Thanks for any help you can provide! Asked by AuntSassy 4 months ago Similar questions: Toshiba 48inch television issues adjust convergence Consumer Electronics > TV & Video.

Similar questions: Toshiba 48inch television issues adjust convergence.

How to Fix TV Convergence on a ToshibaRead more: How to Fix TV Convergence on a Toshiba | eHow. Com html.

My boyfriend is in the process of checking out the IC's as that appears to be the issue. I will let you know if it works! AuntSassy 4 months ago .

I connected my s-video/rca cable to my laptop & tv, but the picture is scrambled. Is there a setting I need to adjust?

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