Travel Agents: When booking small island hopper flights should I use a travel agent? What are the advantages?

For one thing, I am forced to book each flight separately on line and there are so many fees and other charges that it's just ridiculous. I was thinking a travel agent may be able to group the flights into one purchase. Any thoughts?

Asked by aie 21 months ago Similar questions: Travel Agents booking small island hopper flights travel agent advantages Games & Leisure > Travel.

Similar questions: Travel Agents booking small island hopper flights travel agent advantages.

1 Yes, a travel agent might know some tricks that you don't. It might be worth any fee you might have to pay, especially if they can save you money.

Yes, a travel agent might know some tricks that you don't. It might be worth any fee you might have to pay, especially if they can save you money.

2 That's probably true, DanZee. Thanks for your input~! .

That's probably true, DanZee. Thanks for your input~!

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How much does a travel agent charge the customer as a fee for booking an international flight.

Can I travel to the US virgin island with a foreighn passport.

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